Philadelphia Athletics - The Turn of the Century (1901-1909)  

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          Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L                
          1901 4 74 62   1904 5 81 70   1907 2 88 57             1900  
          1902 1 83 53   1905 1 92 56   1908 6 68 85             Decade  
          1903 2 76 60   1906 4 78 67   1909 2 95 58             Click  
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  Titles:  Top Athletics Players of the Turn of the Century  
  1902 AL Champs (No World Series)    
  1905 AL Champs (Lost World Series to Giants) Pitchers:  
    Eddie Plank (56.88) -   119  
  BallPark:   Rube Waddell  (46.53) -   85  
  Columbia Park (1901-1909) Chief Bender (21.41) -   62  
  Shibe Park (1909) Jimmy Dygert (8.52) -   29  
  Weldon Henley (4.09) -   16  
  Team Name: Andy Coakley (4.26) -   15  
  Athletics Rube Vickers (4.87) -   13  
    Jack Coombs (8.18) -   12  
  Owner  Chick Fraser (2.78) -   12  
  Ben Shibe Harry Krause (5.95) -  11  
    Cy Morgan (5.65) -  10  
  General Manager:    
  Connie Mack Catchers:  
    Ossie Schreckengost (10.2) -   44  
  Manager  Doc Powers (3.16) -   27  
  Connie Mack    
    First Basemen:  
  No Hitters: Harry Davis (33.85) -   101  
  Weldon Henley (1905)    
    Second Basemen:  
  Hall of Famers: Eddie Collins (11.1) -   25  
  Chief Bender Nap Lajoie (8.39) -   15  
  Eddie Collins    
  Elmer Flick ShortStop:  
  Nap Lajoie Monte Cross (8.27) -   27  
  Connie Mack Simon Nicholls (3.12) -   10  
  Eddie Plank    
  Rube Waddell Third Base:  
  Jimmy Collins Lave Cross (16.61) -   32  
    Home Run Baker (6.04) -  11  
  Notable Events: Jimmy Collins (2.25) -   7  
  1901 -  The A's are formed. The owners are Connie Mack, local  Outfield:  
  Sporting Goods producers the Shibe family, and a couple of local Socks Seybold (24.69) -   72  
   sports writers. Mack had been manager of the Milwaukee Brewers of  Topsey Hartsell (24.27) -   60  
  the minor league American Association the previous four years. Danny Murphy (25.36) -   60  
   As such, he was familiar with several excellent minor league  Dave Fultz (2.82) -   21  
  players who for one reason or another had fallen thru the cracks Rube Oldring (2.53) -   19  
  with all of the turmoil and player movement that was going on. Ollie Pickering (1.97) -   17  
  The Shibe's have controlling financial interest in the club at this point. Shoeless Joe Jackson (0) -   0  
  1901 - Twenty five year old righty Eddie Plank had been knocking Notable Events:  
  around in the minors, Mack signed him and he went on to a     
  Hall of Fame career 1902 - The A's win the pennant. There is no World Series yet  
  1901 - Twenty five year old lefty Rube Waddell, who had played 1903 - Future Hall of Famer, nineteen year old Chief Bender is a rookie  
  for Mack in 1900 in Milwaukee was pitching in the NL in 1901. and wins 17 games. He was signed as a free agent by the A's  
   Mack coveted him and Waddell wanted to come to Philly.    
   It happened in 1902 and Rube went on to a Hall of Fame career.  1905 - The A's win their second pennant. However, they lose their first  
  World Series to the Giants and the hated John McGraw  
  1901 - Hard hitting twenty seven year old first baseman Harry  It's the last title of the decade for Philadelphia, altho' they do finish second  
  Davis had been playing for minor league Providence. Mack  a couple of times.  
  grabbed him.and he became a star for the A's in the Oughts    
    1906 - Nineteen year old future Hall of Fame Second Baseman Eddie   
  1901 - Good hitting thirty year old outfielder Socks Seybold failed  Collins is signed by Mack and makes his first big league appearance.  
  in an earlier trial with Cincinnati and was in the minors. Mack  He comes up for good the following season  
  picked him up and he became a mainstay for the A's until age 38.    
    1906 -Twenty Two year outfielder Rube Oldring joins the club. He was  
  1901 - Mack signs three stars from the Phillies. They were Hall of Fame spirited from the New York Highlanders in the Rule V draft. Rube will be  
  second baseman Nap Lajoie and pitchers Chick Fraser and a starting outfielder for the A's for the next decade.   
  Bill Bernhard. After the season, Philiies owner John Rogers gets    
  the Pennsylvania supreme court to issue an injunction banning 1906 - Twenty Three year old righthander Jack Coombs joins the A's.  
  the three from playing for anybody but the Phillies. The ruling He was signed by Philly as a free agent the previous year. It takes a little  
  stands only for the state of Pennsylvania however. To get around while, but Jack turns into one of the top pitchers in baseball for a couple  
  the ruling, Lajoie and Bernhard are sent to Cleveland where they of seasons in the next decade.  
  can play everywhere except in Pennsylvania for the Bronchos team.    
  Fraser goes back to play with the Phillies.  1908 - Third Baseman Home Run Baker, 22, joins the club. He will go on to   
    have a Hall of Fame career, much of it with the A's. He was acquired  
  1901 - Thirty five year old third baseman Lave Cross jumps from in a trade with minor league club Reading.    
  the Brooklyn Superbas    
    1908 - Nineteen year old outfielder Amos Strunk joins Philly. He was  
  1902 - After more raids of the NL, with Connie Mack leading the way, signed by Mack earlier in the previous season. Amos goes on to have a  
  the American and National Leagues merge in 1902 - agreeing to successful seventeen year career, mostly with the A's  
  honor each other's contracts and to conduct a World Series       
  between the two leagues. 1908 - Nineteen year old outfielder Shoeless Joe Jackson is purchased  
    from Greenville and comes up to the A's. He's dealt to Cleveland in 1910  
  In the AL-NL feud, John McGraw calls the A's White Elephants and for outfielder Bris Lord in a horrendous trade. Mack, unwilling to admit a   
  the A's adopt the White Elephant as their logo.  mistake, later says he knew Jackson would be great but traded him   
    because he felt that Joe, a courntry boy, would never fit in in Philly  
  1902 - Cleveland releases twenty seven year old catcher Ossie    
  Schreckengost over to the A's. He is the A's  starting catcher 1909 - Shibe Park opens on April 12. It was the first concrete and steel  
   along with Doc Powers thru the end of the decade.  ballpark. This would set the standard for a spate of new parks in that  
    era. As baseball had become more popular, old wooden ballparks were  
  1902 - Twenty Eight year old outfielder Topsy Hartsell jumps from the  unsafe for the larger crowds. The economy was in the midst of an upturn  
  Chicago NL club to the A's. He is a starting outfielder for the A's for the which also led to more fans and a greater ability to invest in a stadium.  
  next decade.    
    1909 - First Baseman Stuffy McInnis, 19, joins the A's. He was signed  
  1902 - Second Baseman Danny Murphy is picked up as a free agent. by Mack a year earlier. He would go on to have a successful 19 year   
  The twenty five year old had been released a year earlier by the Giants. big league career, the first half of which was spent with the A's  
  He goes on to be a fixture in the A's lineup for over a decade both as a    
  second baseman and as an outfielder 1909 - Twenty One year old shortstop Jack Barry joins the club. He was  
    signed by Mack the previous season. Jack goes on to be one of the top  
  1902 - Shortstop Monte Cross, 32, jumps from the Phillies. shortstops in the game thru the next decade