St. Louis Browns - The Depression Era (1930-1939)  
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               Decade  
        1930 6 64 90   1933 8 55 96   1937 8 46 108               Click  
        1931 5 63 91   1934 6 67 85   1938 7 55 97               on Logo  
        1932 6 63 91   1935 7 65 87   1939 8 43 111                  
                  1936 7 57 95                            
  Titles: Top Browns Players of the Thirties  
  BallPark:  George Blaeholder (15.83) -   40  
  Sportsman's Park  Lefty Stewart (14.84) -   34  
    Bobo Newsom (12.24) -   23  
  Team Name:  Bump Hadley (12.77) -   22  
  St. Louis Browns   Jack Knott (6.39) -   17  
    Dick Coffman (8.07) -   16  
  Owner: Sam Gray (4.4) -   13  
  Phillip D Ball (1930-1933) Ivy Andrews (13.23) -   12  
  Louis B Von Weise (1934-1936) Rip Collins (5.35) -  7  
  Donald F Barnes (1937-1939) Oral Hildebrand (4.9) -  5  
    Ed Wells (5.12) -  3  
  General Managers:    
  None Catchers:  
    Rollie Hemsley (2.32) -   32  
  Managers: Rick Ferrell (7.36) -   26  
  Bill Killefer (1930-1933) Billy Sullivan (1.6) -   14  
  Allan Sothoron (1933)    
  Rogers Hornsby (1933-1937) First Basemen:  
  Jim Bottomley (1937) Jack Burns (2.44) -   31  
  Gabby Street (1938) George McQuinn (5.73) -   19  
  Oscar Melillo (1938)    
  Fred Haney (1939) Second Basemen:  
    Oscar Melillo (2.76) -   25  
  No Hitters:    
  None ShortStops:  
    Lynford Lary (4.29) -   22  
  Hall of Famers: Red Kress (7.14) -   19  
  Jim Bottomley     
  Goose Goslin Third Basemen:  
  Rogers Hornsby Harlond Clift (25.6) -   59  
  Heinie Manush    
  Rick Ferrell Outfield:  
    Sam West (13.36) -   56  
  MVP:  Goose Goslin (13.75) -   36  
  None Bruce Campbell (2.51) -   19  
    Moose Solters (3.93) -   18  
  Notable Events: Beau Bell (5.32) -   17  
  Fred Schulte (4.67) -   16  
  1930 - The Browns come into the decade having finished over .500    
  the previous two seasons, altho' not contending. They would take a Notable Events:  
  severe downturn in dropping sixteen games in the standings in '30.  
   It would only get worse as their 64-90 record would be, just barely, 1934 - Phillip D Ball sells to Louis B Von Weise. Although Ball was  
  their third best record of this most woeful decade in Browns history.  incompetent, in a baseball sense, at least he made some sort of  
  It was the pitching that did it. St. Louis added a couple of Hall of   an effort - or at least he thought he did. Von Weise didn't.  
  Famers to the lineup in '30 in catcher Rick Ferrell and outfielder    
  Goose Goslin and the offense actually scored more runs in '30 than  1935 - The Browns draw 81,000 fans for the season. You could   
  in '29. However, the pitching gave up a whopping 173 more runs   blame the Depression only so far for this one.  
  in '30 than in '29. The chief culprits were Sam Gray and General     
  Crowder who combined for a 35-30 mark in '29 while falling to a 1937 - Donald F Barnes buys the club. He will end up being the  
  combined 7-22 record in '30. The pitching will stay bad moving forward. owner who presided over the Browns only pennant.   
    Barnes bought the club because he thought he could move it to  
  1933 - The Browns play a game in front of thirty three fans Los Angeles, but the luck of the Browns will foil him  
    1939 - St. Louis compiles a team 6.01 ERA and finishes 64 games  
    out of first.