Boston Red Sox - The First World War Era (1910-1919)  

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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1910  
        1910 4 81 72   1913 4 79 71   1917 2 90 62               Decade  
        1911 5 78 75   1914 2 91 62   1918 1 75 51               Click  
        1912 1 105 47   1915 1 101 50   1919 5 66 71               on Logo  
                  1916 1 91 63                            
  Titles: Top Red Sox Players of the Teens  
  1912 - World Champs (Beat Giants) Pitchers:  
  1915 - World Champs (Beat Phillies) Smokey Joe Wood (26.77) -    60  
  1916 - World Champs (Beat Brooklyn) Dutch Leonard (27.8) -    59  
  1918 - World Champs (Beat Cubs) Babe Ruth (20.67) -   57  
    Ray Collins (23.66) -    51  
  BallPark:  Carl Mays (16.55) -    45  
  Huntington Avenue Grounds (1910-1911) Ernie Shore (12.7) -    34  
  Fenway Park (1912-1919) Rube Foster (11.35) -    30  
    Hugh Bedient (6.87) -    27  
  Team Name:  Sam Jones (1.6) -    20  
  Red Sox Charlie Hall (5.14) -   19   
    Eddie Cicotte (3.4) -    18  
  Owner:  Herb Pennock (1.93) -   14  
  John I. Taylor (1910-1911) Buck O'Brien (8.2) -   13  
  James R. McAleer (1912-1913) Bullett Joe Bush (3.49) -    12  
  Joseph J. Lannin (1913-1916)    
  Harry Frazee (1917-1919) Catchers:  
    Wally Schang (5.6) -    18  
  General Managers: Bill Carrigan (9.31) -    16  
  None Pinch Thomas (4.45) -   9  
  Managers: First Basemen:  
  Patsy Donovan (1910-1911) Dick Hoblitzel (8.38) -    25  
  Jake Stahl (1912-1913) Jake Stahl (5.55) -    17  
  Bill Carrigan (1913-1916) Clyde Engle (5.81) -    15  
  Jack Barry (1917) Stuffy McInnis (4.07) -    13  
  Ed Barrow (1918-1919) Del Gainer (5.41) -   5  
  No Hitters: Second Basemen:  
  Smokey Joe Wood (1911) Heinie Wagner (8.61) -    25  
  Rube Foster (1916) Steve Yerkes (3.9) -    12  
  Hub Leonard (1916)    
  Babe Ruth / Ernie Shore (1917) ShortStop:  
  Hub Leonard (1918) Everett Scott (11.27) -    26  
  Hall of Famers: Third Base:  
  Waite Hoyt Larry Gardner (30.33) -    68  
  Herb Pennock    
  Babe Ruth  Outfield:  
  Tris Speaker   Tris Speaker (49.49) -    126  
  Harry Hooper Harry Hooper (32.71) -    105  
    Duffy Lewis (22.67) -    69  
  MVP:  Babe Ruth (19.27) -    35  
  Tris Speaker (1912) Tilly Walker (3.38) -    17  
    Hal Janvrin (1.23) -    13  
  Notable Events: Amos Strunk (2.28) -    10  
    Smokey Joe Wood (4.01) -    0  
  1910 - Coming into the decade, the team owner John Taylor     
  had started building was now starting to come into it's own. Notable Events:  
  The Sox are young and talented. Catcher Bill Carrigan    
  infielder Larry Gardner and outfielders Tris Speaker, Duffy 1915 - The Red Sox win 101 games and the World Series by  
  Lewis and Harry Hooper were position players that became by beating the Phillies.  
  fixtures during the Teens. What really made the Sox great    
  during the decade was their pitching. Those guys weren't  1916 - Superstar outfielder Tris Speaker is traded to Cleveland  
  here yet in 1910. for righthander Sad Sam Jones, 23, who will end up with 229  
    wins in his big league career, plus a large sum of cash (in those  
  1912 - Fenway Park opens. It is one of the many concrete and steel  days) of $55K. This trade was the culmination of a salary   
   parks being built in the era and one of only two that lasts to this day. dispute between Speaker and owner Joe Lannin. Lannin never  
  forgot that Speaker had extracted a big payday from Boston  
  1912 - John Taylor sells the club to James R.McAleer, but back in 1914 when Brooklyn of the newly formed rival Federal  
  retains ownership of Fenway Park which he leases to the  League offered Speaker big bucks which Lannin was forced   
  new owners. Taylor needed the money from the sale in order to counter. Now that there was no more Federal League,   
  to complete building the park. Fenway being the more  Lannin, obviously one to hold a grudge, wanted to cut Speaker's  
  valuable asset, in Taylor's mind, than the Red Sox team salary in half. When Speaker balked, he was traded.   
  1912 -The Sox win the World Series, going 105-47 in the 1916 - The Red Sox win the pennant and the World Series again  
  regular season. That's a monumental 27 game improvement this time beating the Dodgers in the World Series. The loss of  
  from the previous season. Twenty two year old Smokey Joe Speaker was mitigated by the great pitching  
  Wood is the dominant figure on a talented team, going 34-5.    
  He hurts his arm the following year and is never quite the same.  1917 - Harry Frazee buys the Red Sox. This is the beginning of  
  Two other pitchers are big factors in the huge improvement,  armegeddon for Boston. The Sox finish second.  
  Charlie O'Brien and Hugh Bedient. Both win twenty. O'Brien, 30,    
  wins only thirteen games the rest of his career. For Bedient, 22,  1918 - Ed Barrow is hired as Sox Manager. Barrow's got   
  1912 is a career season and he is out of the majors by the time game and it doesn't take him long to bring the Sox back to the top  
  he is twenty six    
    1918 - Over in Philadelphia, Connie Mack is completing the fire  
  1913 - Joseph Lannin buys the club. Bill Carrigan becomes sale that gutted his championship club. Boston had purchased  
  manager. Both continue leading the club on a steady course. second baseman Jack Barry in 1915. Now they get the last  
     remnants of the great A's clubs picking up outfielder Amos Strunk,  
  1913 - Twenty One year old Dutch Leonard is purchased from  catcher Wally Schang and ace righty Bullet Joe Bush for $60K   
  Denver and spends six years as a big part of the rotation. and three lesser lights. In a separate deal, the Sox pick up twenty  
    seven year old star first baseman Stuffy McInnis in a deal for  
  1914 - Ray Collins, 27, wins twenty. This is the best, and last,   expendable Larry Gardner and Tilly Walker  
  of his five seasons as a solid member of Boston's rotation. He    
  hurts his arm the following season and is gone from the big 1918 - The Sox sport one of the great young pitching rotations in   
  leagues after that baseball history: Babe Ruth, 23; Sad Sam Jones, 25;  
     Bullet Joe Bush, 25; Carl Mays, 26; and Dutch Leonard, 26.  
  1914 - Babe Ruth's contract is purchased from the minor league  
  Baltimore Orioles. Babe is the greatest talent the game has 1918 - Bolstered by their acquisitions from the A's,   
  ever known. He debuts at nineteen years old and develops into the Red Sox win their fourth World title in seven years,   
     a great left handed pitcher. . this time it’s the Cubs who are their post season victims  
  1914 - Pitchers Rube Foster, 26, and Ernie Shore, 23, also debut 1919 - The talented pitching just keeps rolling in. Nineteen year  
   in the starting rotation. Each will put in four solid years as Red old righthander and future Hall of Famer Waite Hoyt is picked  
  Sox starters. Foster had been purchased from Houston in '13 up after the Giants dropped him. Herb Pennock, acquired   
  Shore had been purchased along with Ruth from Baltimore. a few years earlier, comes up from the minors  
  1915 - Future Hall of Fame lefthander Herb Pennock, 21, is 1919 - Frazee begins the dismantling of his great club. Dutch  
    picked up on waivers from the A's.  It will be another four years  Leonard, Ernie Shore and Duffy Lewis are dealt to the     
  before he joins Boston's starting rotation due to the logjam of Yankees for four warm bodies and $15K  
  of great Sox starters on the club.    
    1919 - Babe Ruth moves from the mound to the outfield. He  
  1915 - Righthander Carl Mays, 23, joins the club. He had been plays 130 games in the outfield and hits twenty nine home  
  let go by the Tigers earlier. Mays will go on to win 207 games runs. He also goes 9-5 in 133 innings on the mound, but the    
  in his career.   split duty definitely affects his sharpness. Babe outhomers   
    four AL teams and the rest of the Red Sox hit only four homers   
    combined. Babe is only twenty four years old.