Boston Red Sox - The Depression Era (1930-1939)
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1930  
        1930 8 52 102   1933 7 63 86   1937 5 80 72               Decade  
        1931 6 62 90   1934 4 76 76   1938 2 88 61               Click  
        1932 8 43 111   1935 4 78 75   1939 2 89 62               on Logo  
                  1936 6 74 80                            
  Titles: Top Red Sox Players of the Thirties  
  BallPark:  Lefty Grove (42.49) -    64  
  Fenway Park   Wes Ferrell (18.39) -    42  
    Black Jack Wilson (13.35) -    30  
  Team Name:  Fred Ostermueller(16.87) -    29   
  Red Sox Danny MacFayden (7.98) -    21  
    Gordon Rhodes (7.2) -    15  
  Owner:  Jack Russell (0.66) -    15  
  JA Robert Quinn (1930-1933) Jim Bagby Jr (2.2) -    10  
  Tom Yawkey (1933-1939) John Welch (6.91) -    12  
    Ed Durham (6.56) -    12  
  General Managers: Hod Lisenbee (4.58) -   12  
  Eddie Collins (1933-1939) Milt Gaston (5.84) -    12  
   Billy Evans - Farm Director (1936-1840) John Marcum (7.76) -   10  
    Bob Weiland (5.54) -    10  
  Managers: Wilcy Moore (4.4) -    9  
  Heinie Wagner (1930) Bobo Newsom (3.43) -   7  
  Shano Collins (1931-1932) Rube Walberg (8.21) -    5  
  Marty McManus (1932-1933)    
  Bucky Harris (1934) Catchers:  
  Joe Cronin (1935-1939) Rick Ferrell (11.06) -    39  
     Gene DeSautels (1.29) -    18  
  No Hitters: Moe Berg (1.18) -    2  
    First Basemen:  
  Hall of Famers: Jimmy Foxx (24.07) -    57  
  Tom Yawkey Dale Alexander (4.82) -    9  
  Bucky Harris      
  Lefty Grove Second Basemen:  
  Herb Pennock Bobby Doerr (3.19) -    17  
  Red Ruffing Eric McNair (0.23) -    9  
  Rick Ferrell    
  Jimmie Foxx ShortStop:  
  Bobby Doerr Joe Cronin (17.94) -    46  
  Joe Cronin      
  Heinie Manush Third Base:  
  Ted Williams Bill Werber (9.76) -    38  
  Bobby Doerr Pinky Higgins (2.8) -    10  
  MVP:  Outfield:  
  Jimmy Foxx (1938) Roy Johnson (9.57) -    41  
    Doc Cramer (1.32) -    29  
  Notable Events: Ben Chapman (6.04) -    25  
    Tom Oliver (2.04) -    19  
  1930 - The Red Sox come into the Thirties a pitiful team that has eleven straight Ted Williams (6.72) -    19  
  sub .500 seasons, averaging only 52 wins over the last five. Dusty Cooke (5.57) -    18  
    Earl Webb (9.1) -    13  
  1932 - Boston steals Roy Johnson from Detroit in exchange for Earl Webb Smead Jolley (3.13) -    8  
  1933 - Tom Yawkey buys the club from Bob Quinn. The Sox now have a lot of Notable Events:  
  money to play with     
    1938 - Jimmie Foxx is MVP and Boston contends for a while. The firsi   
  1933 - Eddie Collins is hired to be Red Sox GM - he's a good baseball man.  time they contend since their 1918 World Championship club twenty  
     years earlier.  
  1933 - Let the spending begin! The Sox purchase Third Baseman Billy     
  Werber and pitcher George Pipgras from the Yankees for $100,000  1939 - Ted Williams' rookie year. All he does is hit .327 with 31 homers  
     and 145 RBI. The Sox contend again, finishing second.  The twenty one  
  1934 - The Red Sox spend again! They pay Connie Mack $125,000 for Lefty Grove  year old Williams had been signed in 1936 and had been serving   
    his apprenticehsip in San Diego of the Pacific Coast League  
  1934 - Collins steals ace pitcher Wes Ferrell away from Cleveland. Ferrell had    
  one off season after several brilliant ones and was promptly dealt away by the 1939 - The Sox sign twenty year old shortstop Johnny Pesky who will be   
  Indians. This scenario would be repeated four years later by the Sox when,  a starter for the Red Sox for ten years thru 1951 (minus the war). He was    
  after three brilliant seasons in Boston, he was shipped off to Washington after a lifetime .307 hitter but his loss of three prime years during the war cost  
  one bad year in 1937. Anyway, the Sox suddenly now had a great top of the   him as a possible Hall of Fame candidate. Pesky was another shortstop  
  rotation featuring Grove and Ferrell, two of the best  with good leadership qualities as he managed the Red Sox after his  
     playing days were over  
  1935 - Boston picks up Joe Cronin from the Senators after a bit of family     
  intrigue in Washington as the twenty eight year old Cronin was suddenly dumped 1939 - Boston purchases twenty two year old centerfielder Dominic   
   despite (or because of) being Washington owner Clark Griffith's son in law.   DiMaggio from San Francisco of the Pacific Coast League. He was an   
  Cronin is an outstanding player and future Hall of Farmer. Also, a natural   outstanding player, but did not get the recognition he deserved because  
  leader, Cronin takes over as Red Sox manager. Eventually he would become  he was the brother of Joe DiMaggio and the teammate of Ted Williams,   
  Commissioner of Baseball. The pricetag for Cronin was $225,000 and  . two of the greatest to play the game. The Pacific Coast League had   
  shortstop Lynford Lary been sort of Major League Light thru most of the century to this point,  
      but big bucks teams from the east like the Yankees and Red Sox were    
  1936 - The Red Sox spend again! This time they get Jimmie Foxx from  now aggressively buying up the best PCL youngsters.   
  Connie Mack's A's for $150,000    
    1939 - The culmination of six years of spending since the Sox had   
  1936 - Another $175,000 goes in the direction of the A's in exchange for Second   bottomed out at 43-111 in '32, the before year they were purchased  
  Baseman Eric McNair and Outfielder Doc Cramer  by Yawkey, was a pair of second place finishes at the end  of the   
    decade ('38 and '39) to the Yankees. They didn't really contend,  
  1937 - Nineteen year old future Hall of Fame Second Baseman Bobby Doerr  however, as they were nine and a half behind New York in '38 and  
  makes his debut. He had been purchased from Hollywood of the Pacific Coast  seventeen behind in '39.  
  League for the princely sum of $75,000    
  1938  - Twenty one year old third baseman Jim Tabor comes up to the majors.    
  He will be a solid starter for six years for the Sox. Tabor had been signed a     
  a year earlier and was brought up from Minneapolis.