Boston Red Sox - The Golden Era (1950-1959)  

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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1950  
        1950 3 94 60   1953 4 84 69   1957 3 82 72               Decade  
        1951 3 87 67   1954 4 69 85   1958 3 79 75               Click  
        1952 6 76 78   1955 4 84 70   1959 5 75 79               on Logo  
                  1956 4 84 70                            
  Titles: Top Red Sox Players of the Fifties  
  BallPark:  Frank Sullivan (22.92) -    57  
  Fenway Park Tom Brewer (11.67) -    54  
    Mel Parnell (17.08) -    50  
  Team Name:  Ellis Kinder (20.45) -    37  
  Red Sox Ike DeLock (9.25) -    34  
    Willard Nixon (6.4) -    32  
  Owner:  Mickey McDermott (10.23) -    26  
  Tom Yawkey Jerry Casale (1.66) -    10  
    Dave Sisler (-0.49) -   9  
  General Managers: Leo Kiely (6.33) -   8  
  Joe Cronin (1950-1958) Skinny Brown (0.5) -    7  
  Bucky Harris (1959) Dick Brodowski (-0.63) -    3  
    Russ Kemmerer (0.56) -    0  
  Managers: Fred Newman (0) -    0  
  Joe McCarthy (1950)       
   Steve O'Neil (1950-1951) Catchers:  
  Lou Boudreau (1952-1954) Sammy White (1.63) -    58  
  Pinky Higgins (1955-1959) Pete Daley (0.72) -   1  
  Rudy York (1959) Haywood Sullivan (-0.12) -   0  
  Billy Jurges (1959)    
    First Basemen:  
  No Hitters: Dick Gernert (6.32) -    40  
  Mel Parnell (1956) Walt Dropo (1.65) -    14  
    Mickey Vernon (3.27) -    8  
  Hall of Famers: Norm Zauchin (1.25) -    8  
  Tom Yawkey Harry Agganis (0.35) -   6  
  Joe McCarthy    
  Lou Boudreau Second Basemen:  
  Bobby Doerr Billy Goodman (19.36) -    45  
  George Kell Pete Runnels (10.7) -    19  
  Ted Williams Bobby Doerr (6.29) -    14  
    Milt Bolling (2.84) -   11  
  Rookie of the Year: Ted Lepcio (5.15) -   4  
  Walt Dropo (1950) Gene Mauch (0.03) -   0  
  MVP:  ShortStop:  
  Jackie Jensen (1958) John Pesky (6.92) -    20  
    Billy Klaus (6.14) -    17  
  Cy Young:  Don Buddin (3.29) -    16  
    Third Base:  
  Notable Events: Vern Stephens (8.04) -    25  
    Frank Malzone (8.53) -    23  
  1950 - Boston begins their descent from the top of the American George Kell (5.3) -    9  
  League. After a pennant in '46 and two close as you can get misses Pumpsie Green (0.95) -  0  
  in '48 and '49, the club falls to third in '50, altho they still win 94     
  games In '50.  In '51, Bobby Doerr hurts his back and Vern Stephens Outfield:  
   hurts his knee, the Sox still finish third, but now it’s only 87 wins. Ted Williams (47.48) -    79  
  The bottom falls out in '52, however.  Doerr retires. Ted Williams Jackie Jensen (21.77) -    73  
  goes to war for two years, Pesky and Stephens drop out of the  Jimmy Piersall (20.3) -    62  
  starting lineup. DiMaggio retires after the '52 season even tho' he's Dom DiMaggio (7.26) -    33  
  still got some tread on the tires at the age of thirty five. Playing for Clyde Vollmer (2.86) -    12  
  a crappy team and his brother retiring probably had a lot to do with  Gene Stephens (2.32) -   2  
  his decision. Anyway, the run of good teams is now over. It's unclear    
  why Tom Yawkey stopped spending to keep Boston on top. Maybe the Notable Events:  
  novelty just wore off. Tom was very young when he bought the club in the  
  Thirties and befriended many of the players. The guess is that now that he 1954 - Williams misses a month due to injury. The Sox   
  was older, he moved on in his life as his buddies aged out of the team. flounder, finishing fourth.   
  1950 - CF Jimmy Piersall, 20, is a rookie. He had been signed out of High School 1955 - Williams is injured again. The Sox finish fourth  
  by the Sox two years earlier. A great fielder, Jimmy battled psychological issues    
   during his career and a movie "Fear Strikes Out" documented his struggles. 1956 - The Sox finish fourth for the fourth straight year.   
  1951 - C Sammy White, 23, is a rookie. He had been picked up from Seattle 1957 - Ted Williams bats .388 at age thirty nine  
  in 1949. White had been an All American basketball player at Washington U.    
    1958 - RHP Bill Monbouquette, 21, is a rookie. He was signed   
  1952 - RHP Ike DeLock, 22, is a rookie. He was signed out of HS in '48. out of high school in '55.  
  1953 - Lanky six foot six righthander Frank Sullivan, 23, is a rookie. Frank had 1959 - Pumpsie Green plays for the Sox. He is their first  
  been signed out of high school by the Sox in '48. Sullivan was one of the tallest black player. Due to the severe issues the Braves had when they  
  players in the big leagues.  started playing black players earlier in the decade, it is understandable  
    that the Red Sox needed to tread lightly in this area. This really hurts  
  1953 - The Braves leave Boston for Milwaukee. With the Braves hemorraging them competitively as other AL teams are routinely now playing blacks.  
   money due to fans completely abandoning the franchise, the move by the  The common thought is that Yawkey was a racist because they were the  
  Braves from Boston was sudden and forced. The underlying reason for the  last team in baseball to integrate. Unclear what Yawkey's attitude towards  
  move was that Boston fans were turned off by both the Braves and the  blacks actually was. Also, in the mid to late fifties when other American    
   National League for playing blacks. Boston fans lived with this new paradigm League teams were starting to add black players, Boston manager at the  
   for a year or two while the Braves had been big winners. but Boston's time, Pinky Higgins, was also later accused of being a racist. These two  
   underlying deep racism bubbled to the surface before too long and the fans  men were scapegoats. The reason the Red Sox were the last team to   
  in Boston began staying away from Braves games in droves. integrate is because of what happened to the Braves. Because Boston is   
    such a racially divided city, it would have been financial suicide to introduce  
  1954 - 1B Harry Agganis, 25, an All American football player is a rookie.  blacks into the Red Sox lineup sooner and risk the fate that the Braves   
  Harry dies tragically in '55 of a pulmonary embolism had recently suffered in Boston in he early Fifties.  
    It reminds you of the age old issue of white flight when blacks move into a  
  1954 - Jackie Jensen, 27, is acquired from the hapless Senators white neighborhood. Are you a racist when you are about to lose the   
  He becomes a superstar in Boston biggest investment in your life, your house, if you don't sell and move?   
    It doesn't not make you a racist, but does it prove you are one if you sell?  
  1954 - RHP Tom Brewer, 22, is a rookie. He was signed out of HS in '51.    
  Brewer retired from the game midway thru the '61 season at the age of 29. 1959 - The Red Sox have now not developed a star player for two   
  He was still one of the better pitchers in baseball at the time, but had enough  decades since the Williams, DiMaggio, Doerr and Pesky acquisitions.  
  apparently. Boston had a lot of drama in this era between the racial stuff The only new star, Jensen, was stolen from Washington. Not a good  
  and early retirements of Brewer, Jackie Jensen and Tony Horton.and also  time to be a Red Sox fan as Yawkey appears to have abdicated his  
  Jimmy Piersall's personal struggles.  responsibility as an owner to try to field a winning team.