Boston Red Sox - The Psychedelic Era (1960-1969)
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1960  
        1960 7 65 89   1963 7 76 85   1967 1 92 70               Decade  
        1961 6 76 86   1964 8 72 90   1968 4 86 76               Click  
        1962 7 76 84   1965 9 62 100   1969 3 87 75               on Logo  
                  1966 9 72 90                            
  Titles: Top Red Sox Players of the Sixties  
  1967 A.L. Champs (Lost to Cardinals in World Series)  
  BallPark:  Bill Monbouquette (20.71) -    52  
  Fenway Park Dick "The Monster" Radatz (18.29) -    38  
    Jim Lonborg (5.51) -    28  
  Team Name:  Earl Wilson (8.48) -    22  
  Red Sox Ray Culp (5.54) -    21  
    Gene Conley (2.39) -    16  
  Owner: Gary Bell (2.42) -    14  
  Tom Yawkey Jose Santiago (5.4) -    14  
    Don Schwall (2.28) -    14  
  General Managers: Lee Stange (5.76) -    13  
  Bucky Harris (1960) Miguel Fornieles (2.19) -    11  
  Dick O'Connell (1961, 1962, 1966-1969) Dick Ellsworth (2.4) -   10  
  Pinky Higgins (1963-1965) John Wyatt (3.61) -    10  
    Sparky Lyle (5.48) -    9  
  Managers: Tracy Stallard (0.69) -   0  
  Billy Jurges (1960) Wilbur Wood (-0.37) -   0  
  Pinky Higgins (1961-1962)    
  Johnny Pesky (1963-1964) Catchers:  
  Billy Herman (1964-1966) Bob Tillman (0.43) -    13  
  Pete Runnels (1966) Jim Pagliaroni (3.6) -    11  
  Dick Williams (1967-1969) Elston Howard (-0.63) -   3  
  Eddie Popowski (1969)    
    First Basemen:  
  No Hitters: George Scott (7.28) -    29  
  Earl Wilson (1962) Pete Runnels (9.51) -    24  
  Bill Monbouquette (1962) Dick Stuart (2.3) -    16  
  Dave Morehead (1965) Vic Wertz (1.24) -    14  
    Tony Horton (-1.28) -   0  
  Hall of Famers:    
  Ted Williams Second Basemen:  
  Carl Yastrzemski Mike Andrews (9.99) -   20  
    Felix Mantilla (6.18) -    14  
  Rookie of the Year: Chuck Schilling (1.1) -    9  
  Don Schwall (1961)    
  MVP:  Rico Petrocelli (22.8) -    50  
  Carl Yastrzemski (1967) Ed Bressoud (11.91) -    29  
    Don Buddin (2.32) -    12  
  Cy Young:     
  Jim Lonborg(1967) Third Base:  
    Frank Malzone (8.4) -    24  
  Notable Events: Joe Foy (8.52) -    23  
    Dalton Jones (2.79) -    8  
  1960 - By 1960, there were three blacks on the team (Pumpsie    
  Green, Earl Wilson and Willie Tasby) with Tasby out in front starting Outfield:                                
  in Center Field. Despite the fact that the team was awful, Red Sox Carl Yastrzemski (53.25) -   97                                
  fans did not bail as they had done to the Braves less than a decade Tony Conigliaro (10.25) -    43                                
  earlier. The World had progressed a bit.  Reggie Smith (12.79) -    37                                
    Gary Geiger (7.12) -    32                                
  1960 - Ted Williams, age forty two, retires after the season.  Lu Clinton (4.57) -    16  
  He hit a home run his last time up and batted .316 his final year. Ted Williams (3.04) -    14  
  LeRoy Thomas (2.14) -    12  
  1961 - Jackie Jensen, one of the two big Sox stars of the Fifties Hawk Harrelson (4.75) -    11  
  retires at the young age of thirty four. He had retired in 1959 Bobby Thomson (0.72) -   0  
  for one year and tried a comeback. He was still a good player Dave Philley (-0.33) -    0  
  alho' '61 was not a stellar year for him. Jackie had a fear of flying    
  and official word was that he retired in 1960 because of it. Rumor Notable Events:  
   also has it that Jensen couldn't tolerate being around Ted Williams    
   and that was the real reason Jackie retired in '59. When Williams retired, 1966 - Twenty three year old Third Baseman Joe Foy joins the   
   Jensen came back for another go at it, but the year off seemed Sox as a rookie and slugs fifteen homers. He had been stolen   
   to have slowed his bat down a bit.  from the Twins in the 1962 equivalent of the Rule 5 draft. Foy,   
    at the time, looked to be as big a star as anyone on the team   
  1961 - The team of Dick O'Connell as GM and Pinky Higgins as  would be, but it didn't turn out that way for him  Talk about racism.   
  manager and later as GM joins the Sox. Two outstanding baseball Twins owner Calvin Griffith left Washington with its large black population  
  men, they build the foundation for the Boston success that starts  for relatively white Minnesota. Interesting that he didn't protect  
  later in the decade and runs thru the Seventies. O'Connell would do  two of his best prospects, Joe Foy and Reggie Smith, who are black,  
  most of the heavy lifting, however, as Higgins was let go after   and let them get spirited away by the Red Sox in the Rule 5 draft.  
  the 1965 season.    
  1967 - Twenty two year old rookie Relief Ace Sparky Lyle joins the  
  1961 - Carl Yastrzemski comes up as a rookie, replacing Ted Sox. He was picked up by Boston from Baltimore in 1964 in the    
  Williams as left fielder. This gives the Red Sox a Hall of Famer equivilant of the Rule 5 draft. That marked the third year in a row that  
  in left field from 1939 thru 1972, when Yaz moved to first base. O'Connell / Higgins stole a future star player in that draft with Joe Foy   
   (Note that Jim Rice, Hall of Famer, would be the Sox left fielder  grabbed earlier in '62 and Reggie Smith in '63, both from the Twins.  
  from '75 thru '88 thus giving Boston a HOF left fielder for 48 of the    
  50 years from '39 thru '88 - Tommy Harper was LF in '73-'74) 1967 - The Sox go from ninth place in 1966 to first in 1967  
  Yaz was only twenty one at the time and the only player on the  improving twenty games in the process. No one saw this coming this   
  latter successful Sox squads who preceded O'Connell and Higgins.  quickly as Boston's starting lineup averaged twenty four years of age.  
  at Boston. He was also the first star player that the Sox had signed    They also had a couple of top young pitchers in Lyle and Lonborg  
  and developed since the late 30's (Doerr, Pesky, DiMaggio, Williams)    
    1967 - Tony Conigliaro is blinded in his left eye after getting hit  
  1964 - Tony Conigliaro is a nineteen year old rookie and slugs by a Jack Hamilton fastball. Despite his absence over the   
  twenty four homers. He looks like a sure fire future Hall of Famer. final sixty games, the Sox take the pennant. Tony was having a   
  Tony was a local kid out of Lynn, Mass who was an amateur free monster year to that point and he was still only twenty two years old.  
  agent signing as a seventeen year outfielder old two years earlier.    
    1967- Boston picks up twenty five year old slugger Hawk Harrelson as  
  1964 - In an odd move in the One That Got Away department, the Sox sell   a free agent. Serendipidously for Boston, he had become available  
  twenty two year old lefty Wilbur Wood to the Pirates. Wood will go on to  to replace Conigliaro after being released from the A's earlier in the year  
    win 164 games in his career, mostly with the White Sox.  due to a self destructive pique by A's owner Charlie Finley.   
    Harrelson picked up much of the slack left by Conigliaro's void.  
  1965 - Twenty three year old ShortStop Rico Petrocelli comes up as    
  a rookie and slugs thirteen homers, a number most shortstops  1967 - Carl Yastrzemski leads the Sox to the pennant, winning  
  of the era couldn't dream of matching. He had been signed as an the triple crown. Just like the Sox, Yaz came out of nowhere to .    
  amateur free agent in 1961.  have a remarkable year. No one saw Yaz's huge leap in power coming.  
  as he was already twenty seven years old.   
  1965 - Jim Lonborg is a twenty three year old rookie. He had been    
  signed by the Sox as an amateur free agent 1967 - Jim Lonborg wins the Cy Young award  
  1966 - Reggie Smith is a twenty one year old rookie and a future  1968 - Things start going south from the title run pretty quickly as   
  star. He was stolen out of the Twins organization in 1963 via the  the twenty five year old Lonborg breaks his leg skiing during the  
  equivalent of the Rule 5 draft at the time. Not only could he hit, but  off season and is never the same pitcher again.   
  he could run and was an exceptional defensive center fielder.     
  1968-1982 - The Sox are now a different class of team as they are a   
  1966 - George Scott joins the Sox as a twenty two year old  well above average club for the next fifteen years, winning another  
  rookie. He was signed by Boston  as an amateur free agent in 1962 pennant in 1975. It was the amazing run of young star quality player  
  Scott slugs twenty seven home runs.  acquisitions in the early to mid Sixties that set up the core of the club.  
    1969 - Tony Conigliaro is Comeback Player of the Year  
    hitting twenty homers despite being blind in his left eye.  
    Unfortunately, his comeback is short lived and the feel good story  
  of the year ends up with an unhappy ending.