Boston Beaneaters - The Turn of the Century (1900-1909)

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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1900  
        1900 4 66 72   1903 6 58 80   1907 6 63 91             Decade  
        1901 5 69 69   1904 7 55 98   1908 8 45 108             Click  
        1902 3 73 64   1905 7 51 103   1909 8 53 100             on Logo  
                  1906 8 49 102                            
  Titles:  Top Boston Players of the Naughts  
  BallPark: Vic Willis (30.77) -   65  
  South End Grounds III Togie Pittinger (17.95) -   51  
    Irv Young  (10.25) -   28  
  Team Name: Bill Dineen (12.64) -   26  
  Beaneaters (1900-1906) Kid Nichols (10.46) -   23  
  Doves (1907-1909) Vive Lindaman (2.92) -   21  
    Gus Dorner (2.09) -   17  
  Owner:  Patsy Flaherty (1.33) -   15  
  Arthur Soden Syndicate (1900-1906) Big Jeff Pfeffer (2.33) -   9  
  George and John Dovey (1907-1909)    
  Managers: Pat Moran (4.69) -   24  
  Frank Selee (1900-1901)    
  Al Buckenberger (1902-1904) First Basemen:  
  Fred Tenney (1905-1907) Fred Tenney (25.77) -   77  
  Joe Kelley (1908)    
  Frank Bowerman (1909) Second Basemen:  
  Harry Smith (1909) Gene DeMontreville (2.38)  -   11  
    Claude Ritchey (5.58) -   11  
  Hall of Famers: Bobby Lowe (0.04) -   4  
  Frank Selee      
  Joe Kelley   ShortStop:  
  Kid Nichols Herman Long (5.19) -   26  
  Vic Willis Bill Dahlen (6.03) -   14  
  Jimmy Collins Ed Abbaticchio (2.81) -   13  
  Hugh Duffy    
  Billy Hamilton Third Base:  
    Bill Sweeney (3.02) -   14  
  No Hitters: Dave Brain (7.24) -   14  
  Big Jeff Pfeffer (1907) Ed Gremminger (5.59) -   11  
    Jimmy Collins (3.13) -   6  
  Notable Events:    
  1900 - The Beaneaters were one of the top teams in the National   Ginger Beaumont (7.33) -   27  
  League over the last decade in the nineteenth century winning five Billy Hamilton (6.66) -   26  
  titles. They were led by pitchers Kid Nichols, Vic Willis and Ted Lewis, Johnny Bates (4.42) -   26  
  infielders Fred Tenney, Bobby Lowe, Herman Long and Jimmy  Duff Cooley (5.81) -   24  
  Collins and outfielders Hugh Duffy, Chick Stahl and Billy Hamilton. Cozy Dolan (1.69) -   12  
  They also had catchers Boileryard Clark and Billy Sullivan on the squad. Jim Delahanty (2.83) -   10  
  1900 - Boston tumbles twenty nine games in the standings despite Notable Events:  
  retaining the same basic club. In fact, they added some good young    
  talent in pitcher Bill Dineen, infielder Shad Barry and outielder  1902 - Despite all of the personnel losses, the Beaneaters  
  Buck Freeman. Welcome to the Twentieth Century. finish third with a 73-64 mark. The pitching of Vic Willis and   
    Togie Pittinger, who each win 27 games is the reason for the  
  1901 - The 1900 season was not an aberration. Boston is now a poor club. resurgence. Also, the rest of the league has been weakened   
  even more than Boston due to American League raids  
  1901 - The American League opens for business and the   
  newly formed Boston Pilgrims raid the Beaneaters. Gone are 1903 - Shortstop Herman Long gets old and is gone.  
  star third baseman Jimmy Collins, outfielder Chick Stahl and      
  pitcher Ted Lewis. The Beaneater management was notorius 1903 -  The crosstown American League Pilgrims win the  
  for frugality and made no attempts at counter offers. World Series. The Beaneaters have now officially lost Boston.  
  1901 - Hugh Duffy leaves for Milwaukee of the American League 1907 - The Art Soden led syndicate of owners sells the club  
  after his playing time was drastically reduced in 1900. He got old. to bankers George and John Dovey. The team's name   
  changes to the Doves, but the team's fortunes do not change   
  1902 - Bobby Lowe and Billy Hamilton get old and leave. Ace    
  pitcher Kid Nichols is released in a cost saving move.  1909 - The decade closes with the club's fourth hundred   
    loss season in the last five years . They also topped ninety losses  
    three more times and were under .500, by a lot, eight years  
    out of the century's opening decade. Unfortunatley, this performance  
  portends the future of this franchise while it is in Boston.