Boston Braves - The Roaring Twenties (1920-1929)  

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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1920  
        1920 7 62 90   1923 7 54 100   1927 7 60 94               Decade  
        1921 4 79 74   1924 8 53 100   1928 7 50 103               Click  
        1922 8 53 100   1925 5 70 83   1929 8 56 98               on Logo  
                  1926 7 66 86                            
  Titles:  Top Boston Players of the Twenties  
  BallPark: Joe Genewich (8.25) -   39  
  Braves Field   Bob Smith (10.07) -   35  
    Joe Oeschger (6.15) -   30  
  Team Name: Jesse Barnes (10.09) -   27  
  Braves  Larry Benton (7.95) -   25  
    Dana Fillingim (3.81) -   20  
  Owner:  Johnny Cooney (9.31) -   18  
  George Washington Grant (1920-1922) Rube Marquard (2.27) -   18  
  Judge Emil Fuchs (1923-1929) Hugh McQuillan (1.45) -   17  
    Jack Scott (2.16) -   16  
  Managers: Mule Watson (1.53) -   16  
  George Stallings (1920) Ed Brandt (0.64) -   12  
  Fred Mitchell (1921-1923) Johnny Werts (7.16) -   11  
  Dave Bancroft (1924-1927) Socks Seibold (7.71) -   9  
  Jack Slattery (1928) Frank Miller (7.68) -   9  
  Rogers Hornsby (1928)    
  Judge Emil Fuchs (1929) Catchers:  
    Mickey O'Neil (1.01) -   24  
  Hall of Famers: Zack Taylor (0.53) -   14  
  George Sisler Hank Gowdy (4.11) -   6  
  Rogers Hornsby   Shanty Hogan (1.08) -   3  
  Rabbit Maranville    
  Dave Bancroft   First Basemen:  
  Billy Southworth Dick Burrus (3.22) -   12  
  Rube Marquard Stuffy McInnis (0.78) -   11  
    George Sisler (2.47) -   11  
  No Hitters:     
  None Second Basemen:  
    Hod Ford (5.04) -   12  
    MVP:  Rogers Hornsby (8.82) -   11  
  Notable Events: Dave Bancroft (10.37) -   25  
  Rabbit Maranville (5.39) -   19  
  1920 - Like the movie Awakenings, the Braves had a brief period    
   in the sun in the mid Teens. This was when owner James Gaffney Third Base:  
   was beefing up the club in order to get a good price when selling it  Tony Boeckel (6.68) -   20  
   That time was over, it was now back to eternal darkness. Andy High (3.74) -   10  
  1920 - Braves and Brooklyn Robins battle to a 26 inning 1-1 tie, the Outfield:  
  longest game in big league history. Amazingly, Joe Oeschger of Ray Powell (5.67) -   29  
   the Braves and Leon Cadore of the Robins go the entire distance Jimmy Welsh (5.84) -   22  
    Billy Southworth (7.53) -   21  
  1921 - The Braves have their fifth winning season of the century Lance Richbourg (6.41) -   20  
  finishing a distant fourth at 79-74. Eddie Brown (3.87) -   18  
    Walton Cruise (5.5) -   15  
  1922 - Owner GW Grant sells pitcher Hugh McQuillan to the  Casey Stengel (0.18) -   6  
  Giants for 100K as he cashes out before selling the Braves.  
    Notable Events:  
  1923 - Judge Emil Fuchs, a formor attorney for the Giants, buys  
  the Braves. His partner, who is to run the baseball operation is 1928 - The Braves deal a couple of good young players to the  
  former great Giant Christy Mathewson. With Mathewson at the helm,  Giants for veteran Rogers Hornsby. Hornsby is a Hall of Fame  
  there's real hope that the Braves will start turning things around. talent who leads the league in hitting that year, but has no   
    business being with a loser like the Braves. In mid season, he  
  1925 - Lung damage from poison gas breathed in during World  was named manager, but nothing could help this squad.  
  War I kills Mathewson at the age of 45. This is a major blow to the Mercifully, Judge Fuchs sells Hornsby to the Cubs after the  
  Braves, as Judge Emil Fuchs takes over running the baseball part seaon for $200K and five warm bodies.  
  of the operation - something he was never equipped to do  
    1928 - The Braves purchase Hall of Fame first baseman George  
    Sisler from the Senators for $7500. He's 35 and at the tail end  
    of his career, but still hits .340. Hornsby hit .387 and Lance  
    Richbourg hit .337 to make the Braves entertaining to watch as  
    they went down in flames to a 50-103 mark.