Boston \ Milwaukee Braves - The Psychedelic Era (1960-1969)  
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      Yr City P W L   Yr City P W L   Yr City P W L           1960  
      1960 Milwaukee 2 88 66   1963 Milwaukee 6 84 78   1967 Atlanta 7 77 85           Decade  
      1961 Milwaukee 4 83 71   1964 Milwaukee 5 88 74   1968 Atlanta 5 81 81           Click  
      1962 Milwaukee 5 86 76   1965 Milwaukee 5 86 76   1969 Atlanta 1 93 69           on Logo  
                  1966 Atlanta 5 85 77                          
  Titles:  Top Braves Players of the Sixties  
  1969 - National League West (Lost to Mets)  
  BallPark: Warren Spahn (14.46) -   62  
  Milwaukee County Stadium (1960-1965) Tony Cloninger (3.14) -   48  
  Atlanta Fulton County Stadium (1966-1969) Lew Burdette (3.78) -   33  
    Pat Jarvis (7.05) -   31  
  Team Name: Denver Lemaster (8.72) -   31  
  Braves    Phil Niekro (14.45) -   31  
    Ken Johnson (8.85) -   28  
  Owner:  Ron Reed (2.73) -   18  
  Lou Perini (1960-1962) Bob Buhl (4.12) -   16  
  Bill Bartholomay (1963-1969) Bob Shaw (7.39) -   15  
    Bob Hendley (2.61) -   14  
  General Managers: Wade Blasingame (0.8) -   11  
  John McHale (1960-1965) Cecil Upshaw (3.82) -   10  
  Paul Richards (1967-1969)    
  Managers: Joe Torre (33.22) -   73  
  Chuck Dressen (1960-1961) Del Crandall (7.63) -   20  
  Birdie Tebbetts (1961-1962)    
  Bpbbu Bragam (1963-1966) First Basemen:  
  Billy Hitchcock (1966-1967) Joe Adcock (9.11) -   24  
  Ken Silvestri (1967) Orlando Cepeda (3.22) -   9  
  Lum Harris (1968-1969)    
    Second Basemen:  
  Hall of Famers: Frank Bolling (5.86) -   13  
  Warren Spahn   Felix Millan (6.16) -   13  
  Phil Niekro    
  Joe Torre ShortStop:  
  Orlando Cepeda Dennis Menke (14.88) -   32  
  Ed Mathews Roy McMillan (7.08) -   17  
  Hank Aaron    
    Third Base:  
    MVP:  Ed Mathews (40.9) -   66  
  None Cletis Boyer (6.67) -   12  
  Cy Young Outfield:  
  None Hank Aaron (81.02) -   157  
    Felipe Alou (21.97) -   46  
  No Hitters: Rico Carty (15.84) -   36  
  Lew Burdette (1960) Mack Jones (13.43) -   30  
  Warren Spahn  (1960) Lee Maye (10.87) -   26  
  Warren Spahn  (1961) Bill Bruton (3.66) -   11  
  Rookie of the Year:  Notable Events:  
    1964- RHP Clay Carroll, 20, is a rookie. He was signed in '61  
  Notable Events:    
    1964 - RHP Pat Jarvis, 23, is acquired in a steal of a trade with  
  1960 - Milwaukee enters the decade as a powerhouse.  Detroit for Bruce Brubaker. Pat is brought up to the Braves in '66  
  The previous three seasons yielded two pennants and loss     
  of the pennant to the Dodgers in a playoff in '59. 1964 - RHP Phil Niekro, 25, is a rookie. He was signed in '58  
   However, the team was now starting to get old. The     
  mainstays who were beginning to age out: 1964 - OF Felipe Alou, 29, is acquired in a seven player trade with  
    C - Del Crandall, 30, getting up there for a catcher the Giants  
    1B - Joe Adcock, 32    
    2B - Red Schoendienst, 37 1964 - RHP Cecil Upshaw, 21, is signed. He is a rookie in '66  
    SS - Johnny Logan, 34    
    CF - Bill Bruton, 34 1965 - RHP Ron Reed, 22, is signed. He is a rookie in '66  
    RHP - Lew Burdette, 33    
    LHP - Warren Spahn, 39 1965 - In an amazing thirteen year run, the Braves never finish  
    RHP - Bob Buhl, 31  below .500 while in Milwaukee.    
  There was some young talent around to keep the Braves The run included four ninety win seasons and the worst  
  above .500 moving forward, but not enough to be a contender: season while in Milwaukee was an 84-78 record in 1963  
    C - Joe Torre, 19    
    3B - Ed Mathews, 28 1965 - Bartholomay makes a deal with Atlanta, but Milwaukee's  
    RF - Hank Aaron, 26 town fathers (Selig one of them) goes to court to block the move  
    LF - Lee Maye, 25 thus causing a lame duck 1965 with the Braves in Milwaukee.  
    RHP - Joey Jay, 24, mistakenly traded to Reds in '61  
    LHP - Juan Pizarro, 23, mistakenly traded to Reds in '61 1966 - The Braves finally move to Atlanta, Bartholomay's   
  promised land of riches. It didn't work out that way for   
  1961 - In a horrific trade, both Joey Jay and Juan Pizarro are Bartholomay - and we're all happy about that.   
  dealt to the Reds for aging shortstop Roy McMillan The club was making money in Milwaukee and had a rabid fan  
     base. This was bad. Bartholomay made the move to make    
  1961 - Warren Spahn, at 40, records his three hundredth win a quick buck. This cynical approach to managing franchises by   
  and second no hitter in two years. owners was killing the game as interest in baseball was hitting   
  new lows. You shouldn't expect loyalty when you don't give it.   
  1961 - CF Mack Jones, 22, is a rookie. He was signed in '58    
    1966 - OF Bill Robinson, 23, is a rookie. He was signed in '61  
  1961 - RHP Tony Cloninger, 20, is a rookie. He was signed in '58 Bill is dealt to the Yankees in '67 for 3B Cletis Boyer  
  1962 - LHP Denny Lemaster, 23, is a rookie. He was signed in '58 1966 - 2B Felix Millan, 22, is a rookie. He was a Rule 5 draft   
    pickup from the A's in '64  
  1962 - SS Dennis Menke, 21, is a rookie. He was signed in '58    
    1968 - OF Ralph Garr, 22, is a rookie. He was a 3rd round pick in   
  1963 - Lou Perini sells the Braves to a group headed by Bill the '67 draft  
  Bartholomay that includes team President and General Manager    
  John McHale. Bartholomay immediately wants to move the club to  1969 - 1B Orlando Cepeda, 31, is acquired from the Cards for Joe  
  Atlanta despite the tremendous fan support in Milwaukee. This all  Torre in a quality for quality deal  
  stems back to the disastrous decision of allowing the Dodgers move     
  to LA. The moves of the A's, Browns and Braves prior to Brooklyn's 1969 - The National League splits into two divisions to accomodate   
  move were easily justified because those clubs were all swimming in two new clubs, the Padres and the Expos. The Braves win the first   
  red ink in their current citieis and needed to relocate just to remain fiscally ever Western Division title and get swept by the Eastern champs, the  
  viable. The Dodgers move was completely different. It was a franchise   Mets, in the first ever NLCS. Atlanta had improved twelve games in the   
  doing very well with a robust fan base that left the city out of pure greed. standings over 1968. As late as August in '69, the Braves were well   
    The "thinking" at the time thus became that if the Dodgers can move  off the pace in fifth place while the Mets were even farther off the pace  
  out of Brooklyn, then anyone can move out of anywhere. This was a  behind the Cubs in the East with neither team's recent history giving any  
  short sighted, screw the fans approach, but became prevalent at the time.   indication that they were anything other than mediocre. You could have  
   The repercussions of this move were still being felt in 1998 when  won a fortune that year if you had bet on a Mets-Braves NLCS in  
  Commissioner Bud Selig moved the Brewers out of the American League  August of '69.   
  and into their "rightful" spot in the National League where the Braves     
  had been until 1965. 1969 - The 93 victory pennant winning season was an aberration.   
    as the Braves do not win more than 82 in any of the other seven  
  1964 - OF Rico Carty, 23, is a rookie. He was signed in '59 years surrounding '69 (1967-1973)