St. Louis Cardinals - The World War I Era (1910-1919)  
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      Yr P W L     Yr P W  L   Yr P W L               Decade  
      1910 7 63 90     1913 8 51 99   1917 3 82 70               Click  
      1911 5 75 74     1914 3 81 72   1918 8 51 78               on Logo  
      1912 6 63 90     1915 6 72 81   1919 7 54 83                  
                  1916 7 60 93                            
  Titles: Top Cardinals Players of the Teens  
  Ballpark: Bill Doak (14.05) -   60  
  Robison Field Slim Sallee (24.67) -   53  
    Bob Harmon (5.2) -   39  
  Team Name: Lee Meadows (2.68) -   33  
  Cardinals Red Ames (5.82) -   25  
    Bill Steele (-0.35) -   15  
  Owners:  Gene Packard (1.59) -   13  
  Stanley Robison (1910-1911) Pol Perritt (1.15) -   12  
  Helene Britton (1911-1918)    
  Sam Breadon (1918-1919) Catchers:  
    Frank Snyder (6.71) -   26  
  General Managers: Ivey Wingo (3.84) -   16  
  None Mike Gonzalez (5.8) -   15  
    Roger Bresnahan (6.77) -   11  
  Roger Bresnahan (1910-1912) First Basemen:  
  Miller Huggins (1913-1917) Ed Konetchy (17.4) -   46  
  Jack Hendricks (1918) Dots Miller (9.36) -   27  
  Branch Rickey (1919)    
    Second Basemen:  
  Hall of Famers: Miller Huggins (19.13) -   37  
  Miller Huggins    
  Branch Rickey   ShortStop:  
  Vic Willis Arnold Hauser (1.01) -   10  
  Roger Bresnahan     
  Bobby Wallace Third Base:  
  Rogers Hornsby Rogers Hornsby (26.51) -   43  
    Mike Mowrey (10.28) -   26  
  No Hitters: Doug Baird (5.48) -   15  
  None Milt Stock (4.84) -  6  
  MVP Outfield:  
  None Steve Evans (6.55) -   27  
    Rebel Oakes (1.43) -   27  
  Notable Events: Jack Smith (1.69) -   22  
    Tom Long (3.1) -   21  
  1911 - The Cards go 75-74, their first winning season since '01 Lee Magee (4.1) -   20  
  Cliff Heathcote (2.21) -   17  
  1911 - Owner Stanley Robison dies. He leaves the team to his niece Walton Cruise (4.18) -   15  
  Helene Britton. The Major League establishment totally does not Cozy Dolan (2.8) -   15  
  know how to deal with a woman owner. Unfortunately for the Bob Bescher (3) -  14  
  Cards, she's as penurious as her predecessors and the team Rube Ellis (1.47) -   14  
  still stinks as she is uninterested in spending to win. Chief Wilson -   12  
  1913 - Twenty Two year old righty Bill Doak is obtained from the Reds Notable Events:  
  1914 - Despite losing outfielders Oakes and Evans (Magee would 1919 - In what looked like a demotion, but really wasn't, owner Sam  
  follow in 1915) and pitcher Pol Perritt (who ends up on the Giants) Breadon takes over as team president and Branch Rickey   
  to the new Federal League, the Cards end up with a winning record becomes field manager, something he wasn't good at.   
  as the first division teams in the National League lose even more. However, Rickey was still the major "player" in the organization.  
  As manager, he merely was adding an extra hat to wear..  
  1914 - A big eight player trade was made with the Pirates prior    
  to the start of the season. Ed Konetchy and Mike Mowrey going 1919 - Branch Rickey devises a plan for the St. Louis Cardinals that  
  to the Bucs and Dots Miller and Chief Wilson coming to the Cards. will not only vault the Cards to the top of the NL heap, but also   
  revolutionize the way major league organizations will be run moving forward.  
  1915 - Rogers Hornsby is a rookie. He had been signed as an eighteen  Rickey's plan was to have owner Sam Breadon sell Robison Field  
  year old from Denison of the Western League and lease Sportsman's Park from Browns owner Phillip Ball.  
    In that way, Rickey and Breadon could use the proceeds from the  
  1916 - Helene Britton sells the club to auto dealer Sam Breadon  sale to build a farm system, something that had never been done.  
     It was quite a risk that they were taking. A risk that Phillip Ball of   
  1917 - Branch Rickey, unable to work with new Browns owner the Browns was unwilling to take.when Rickey had presented it to him.  
  Phillip Ball,  jumps to the Cardinals and takes over as team At the time, everyone wanted to own structures as they were a tangible form  
  president. THE big moment in Cardinals history. of wealth. Selling the tangible to buy the virtual was a rare concept at the time  
  Sportsman's Park was "big league" compared to Robison field. The thought  
  1918 - Lefthander Bill Sherdel is a twenty one year old rookie. He was was why spend on building a ballpark when you could spend on building  
  purchased from Milwaukee of The American Association prior to the season. a ballclub, particularly when there was already a park available.