St. Louis Cardinals - The Golden Era (1950-1959)  
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      Yr P W L     Yr P W  L   Yr P W L               Decade  
      1950 5 78 75     1953 3 83 71   1957 2 87 67               Click  
      1951 3 81 73     1954 6 72 82   1958 5 72 82               on Logo  
      1952 3 88 66     1955 7 68 86   1959 7 71 83                  
                  1956 4 76 78                            
  Titles: Top Cardinals Players of the Fifties  
  Ballpark: Gerry Staley (7.39) -   49  
  Sportsman's Park (Renamed Busch Stadium in 1953) Vinegar Bend Mizell (15.74) -   47  
    Larry Jackson (16.73) -   38  
  Team Name: Harvey Haddix (12.14) -   34  
  Cardinals Al Brazle (8.18) -   26  
    Lindy McDaniel (4.84) -   24  
  Owners:  Sam Jones (9.07) -   18  
  Fred M Saigh (1950-1952) Tom Poholsky (6.99) -   17  
  Gussie Busch (1953-1959) Max Lanier (7.81) - 16  
    Harry Brecheen (6.27) -  13  
  General Managers: Herm Wehmeier (1.53) -   13  
  William Walsingham (1950-1952) Howie Pollet (4.2) - 10  
  Dick Myer (1953-1954) Murry Dickson (4.2) -   10  
  Frank Lane (1955-1956) Willard Schmidt (4.92) -   9  
  Bing Devine (1957-1959) Brooks Lawrence (1;16) -    9  
    Luis Arroyo (1.56) -  8  
  Managers: Cloyd Boyer (2.4) -   6  
  Eddie Dyer (1950) Jim Brosnan (3.07) -    5  
  Marty Marion (1951) Stu Miller (2.01) -   3  
  Eddie Stanky (1952-1955) Vic Raschi (0.97) -   3  
  Fred Hutchinson (1955-1958) Hoyt Wilhelm (0.39) -    2  
  Stan Hack (1958) Paul LaPalme (2.34) -   1  
  Solly Hemus (1959) Billy Muffett (1.69) -   1  
    Von McDaniel (1.11) -  1  
  Hall of Famers: Chuck Stobbs (0.92) -    0  
  Stan Musial Alex Kellner (0.71) -    0  
  Red Schoendienst Morrie Martin (0.65) -    0  
  Enos Slaughter Frank Smith (0.61) -    0  
  Hoyt Wilhelm Dean Stone (0.42) -   0  
  Earl Weaver Bill Smith (0.13) -    0  
    Jim Davis (0.07) -   0  
  Rookie of the Year:  Tony Jacobs (-0.14) -   0  
  Wally Moon (1954) Marv Grissom (-0.21) -   0  
  Bill Virdon (1955) Tom Cheney (-0.22) -   0  
    Nels Chittum (-0.22) -    0  
  MVP Bob Smith (-0.55) -   0  
  None Royce Lint (-0.58) -   0  
    Howie Nunn (-0.63) -    0  
  Cy Young: Herb Moford (-0.75) -   0  
  None Jack Crimian (-1) -   0  
  No Hitters: Catchers:  
  None Del Rice (4.01) -   29  
    Bill Sarni (2.04) -   15  
  Notable Events: Hal Smith (1.73) -   14  
    Nelson Burbrink (0.21) -   0  
  1950 - The Cardinals are pretty much of a rudderless ship entering the Dick Rand  (0.08) -    0  
  Fifties. William Walsingham, the nephew of former owner Sam Breadon,    
  is the defacto General Manager, meaning no one useful is in charge. First Basemen:  
  The Cardinals are still a competitive team during the early part of the  Joe Cunningham (13.34) -   22  
  decade - a legacy of Branch Rickey. St. Louis still has some top talent Bill White (2.16) -   10  
  in Stan Musial, Red Schoendienst, Marty Marion, Enos Slaughter,  Steve Bilko (1.14) -   5  
  Howie Pollet, Max Lanier, Harry Brecheen and Gerry Staley - all Rickey  Rocky Nelson (0.25) -   1  
  signees. But very little new is coming in for support. Tom Alston (-0.11) -    1  
    Don Bollweg  (-0.22) -    0  
  1952 - Bill Veeck, owner of the Browns, was pushing hot and Tom Burgess (-0.39) -    0  
  heavy to make St. Louis a Browns town. It would never have  Whitey Lockman (-0.53) -  0    
  come to this but Fred Saigh, Cardinals owner, was in deep    
  trouble due to tax evasion charges. The Browns still owned  Second Basemen:  
  Sportsman's Park and Veeck was doing things like painting the Red Schoendienst (24.96) -   47  
  ballpark brown and, in general, being a pain to the Cardinals. Don Blasingame (12.02) -   31  
    Eddie Stanky (0.84) -   0  
  1953 - August Busch, owner of Anheuser-Busch Breweries buys Dick Cole  (0.07) -    0  
  the club. Veeck doesn't stand a chance against his deep pockets    
  and opts to leave St. Louis. However, American League owners ShortStop:  
  will only grant that request if Veeck sells, and he does. The Browns Solly Hemus (21.23) -   32  
  move to Baltimore and Veeck is out of baseball along with Saigh. Alvin Dark (5.13) -   13  
  Meanwhile, Busch attempts to revive the franchise. First he hires Dick Alex Grammas (4.94) -   12  
  Myer as General Manager. Then grabs renowned GM Frank Lane from Eddie Kasko (0.73) -   4  
  the White Sox. Lane had a great track record in Chicago, but it turns out  Billy Harrell (0) -    0  
  that he was more lucky than good and Busch moved on from him in 1957 Ruben Amaro (-0.63) -    0  
  bringing in Bing Devine. It took a little while, but Busch finally got it right    
  with Devine, a savvy baseball man.  Third Base:  
    Ken Boyer (24.63) -   53  
  1954 - The Cards renovate Sportsman's Park and rename it  Ray Jablonsky (1.89) -   8   
  Busch Stadium. Vern Benson (0.21) -   0    
    Earl Weaver  (0) -    0  
  1954 - Twenty four year old outfielder Wally Moon comes up as a rookie    
  1954 - The Cards trade aging outfielder Enos Slaughter to the Yankees Stan Musial (61.15) -   114  
  for twenty two year old centerfielder Bill Virdon. A steal for the Cards. Wally Moon (12.26) -   45  
  Virdon will be Rookie of the Year in 1955 Enos Slaughter (12.38) -   25  
    Rip Repulski (5.72) -   23  
  1955 -Third baseman Ken Boyer comes up as a twenty four year Peanuts Lowrey (1.98) -   15  
   old rookie. He will go on to be one of the top third basemen in the  Bill Virdon (1.43) -   7  
  game for a decade Chuck Diering (-0.35) -   7  
    Del Ennis  (-1.55) -    7  
  1956 - Lefthander Vinegar Bend Mizell returns from two years of military Gino Cimoli (0.25) -   4  
  service. He is twenty five years old. Mizell is a consistent double figure Hank Sauer (0.9) -    1  
  winner for the Cards from the time he came up in 1952 Wally Westlake (0.78) -   1  
    Joe Frazier (0.64) -   0  
  1956 - In a horrific trade, Frank Lane deals Bill Virdon to the Pirates for Jackie Brandt (0.16) -   0  
  journeyman lefthander Dick Littlefield and light hitting centerfielder  Jim King (-0.09) -   0  
  Bobby Del Greco Irv Noren (0) -    0  
    Eddie Miksis (-0.3) -   0  
  1957 - Stan Musial's NL record consecutive game streak ends Chuck Essegian (-0.38) -    0  
  when he gets hurt at 895. Pete Whisenant (-0.75) -   0  
    Lee Tate (-0.94) -   0  
  1958 - Stan Musial gets his 3000th hit.     
  1958 - The Cards trade Willard Schmidt to the Reds for Curt Flood.     
  A great deal for the Cards.