Chicago White Sox - The Turn of the Century (1901-1909)  
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      Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L                 1900  
      1901 1 83 53   1904 3 89 65   1907 3 87 64                 Decade  
      1902 4 74 60   1905 2 92 60   1908 3 88 64                 Click  
      1903 7 60 77   1906 1 93 58   1909 4 78 74                 on Logo  
  Titles: AL Champs 1901 (No World Series) Top White Sox Players of the first decade of the Century  
  1906 World Champs (Beat Cubs)  
  BallPark: South Side Park Doc White (26.66)  -   78  
    Ed Walsh (29.11) -    69  
  Team Name: White Stockings Frank Smith (18.79) -     63  
    Frank Owen (7.01)-     50  
  Owner: Charles Comiskey Nick Altrock (11.47) -     46  
    Roy Patterson (16.39) -     45  
  Managers: Clark Griffith (1901-1902) Clark Griffith (6.41) -     25  
  Nixey Callahan (1903-1904) Nixey Callahan (5.25) -     20  
  Fielder Jones (1904-1908)    
  Billy Sullivan (1909) Catchers:  
    Billy Sullivan (5.01) -     36  
  No Hitters:    
  Nixey Callahan (1902) First Basemen:  
  Frank Smith (1905) Jiggs Donahue (13.08) -     38  
  Frank Smith (1908)    
    Second Basemen:  
  Hall of Famers: Frank Isbell (15.57) -     57  
  Charles Comiskey    
  George Davis ShortStop:  
  Clark Griffith George Davis (33) -     69  
  Ed Walsh Freddy Parent (8.22) -     18  
  Notable Events: Third Base:  
    Lee Tannehill (16.14) -     29  
  1900 - Charles Comiskey moves the St. Paul franchise of the Sammy Strang (3.94) -     12  
  Western League to Chicago in preparation for moving the  Fred Hartman (3.77) -     10  
  franchise to the newly formed American League in 1901    
  1901 -- Comiskey, who was a former player and manager, was  Fielder Jones (31.79)  -      99  
   a huge part of the establishment of the American League as Patsy Dougherty (7.96) -     36  
   a second major league to rival the established National League.  Danny Green (13.01) -     35  
    Nixey Callahan (7.99) -     22  
  1901 - The White Stockings win the first American League title  Ed Hahn (5.3) -     21  
   continuing their dominance from their days in the Sam Mertes (5.07) -     17  
  Western League where they won in 1900. Dummy Hoy (4.22) -   15  
    Herm McFarland (6.91) -     13  
  1901 - The initial American League Chicago club contains a  Ducky Holmes (3.7) -     10  
  number of Western League stars who carry the Sox along thru Dave Altizer (2.54) -     10  
  the beginning of the decade. Notably Frank Isbell, Sam Mertes,    
  Fielder Jones, Roy Patterson and Clark Griffith Notable Events:  
  1902 - Shortstop, Jumping George Davis, jumps to Chicago from 1905 - The White Sox pitching staff has a team 1.99 ERA   
   the NL Giants at the age of thirty one. He jumps back to the  and Chicago still only finishes second thus spawning their   
  Giants in 1903 and then, back again to Chicago in 1904.  reputation as the hitless wonders.  
  He remains a top performer for the Sox thru the 1908 season    
  when he is thirty seven years old. 1906 -The Sox team ERA skyrockets to 2.13, but Chicago manages   
    to win the pennant. The Sox, as a team, slug seven home runs   
  1902 - Clark Griffith leaves Chicago as player / manager and  and bat .230. Meanwhile, across town, the Cubs are a juggernaut,  
  moves to New York in the same role at the behest of Commissioner  winning 116 games. The Cubs are prohibitive favorites to win   
   Ban Johnson. The idea is to strengthen the New York franchise  the World Series - so, of course, the White Sox become champs.  
  which would benefit the viability of the entire league    
    1907 - The Sox finish above .500 for the remainder of the decade behind  
  1903 - The Sox start rebuilding their pitching staff. Twenty four outstanding pitching and despite awful hitting. For example, in 1908,  
  year old Doc White jumps from the Phillies. Twenty six year olds the Sox bat .224 with three homers as a team.  
  Nick Altrock and Frank Owen are purchased from Boston and    
  Detroit respectively. White is a mainstay on the Chicago staff 1908 - Ed Walsh wins forty games for Chicago, one off of Jack   
  for the next ten years.  Chesbro's record of forty one wins. However, the Sox only manage   
    to finish third with eighty eight wins.   
  1904 - The White Stockings become the White Sox.    
    1909 - Twenty One year old Right Hander Jim Scott is obtained from  
  1904 - Charles Comiskey's rebuild of the pitching staff is complete Wichita of the Western League.  
  as he grabs two young pitchers in the rule 5 draft. Twenty three year    
  old future Hall of Famer Ed Walsh and twenty four year old Frank     
  Smith. The Walsh, Smith, White, Altrock, Owen, Patterson rotation    
   would be dominant thru the end of the decade