Chicago White Sox - The First World War Years (1910-1919)  
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1910  
        1910 6 68 85   1913 5 57 87   1917 1 100 54               Decade  
        1911 4 77 74   1914 6 70 84   1918 6 57 67               Click  
        1912 4 78 76   1915 3 93 61   1919 1 88 52               on Logo  
                  1916 2 89 65                            
  Titles: 1917 (World Champs Beat the Giants) Top White Sox Players of the first World War Years  
  1919 AL Champs (Lost to Cincinnati)  
  BallPark: Eddie Cicotte (44.68) -    90  
  South Side Park 1910 (thru June) Jim Scott (25.57) -    60  
  White Sox Park (July 1910 thru 1912) Ed Walsh (34.9) -    57  
  Comiskey Park (renamed from White Sox Park) (1913-1919) Reb Russell (22.69) -    51  
    Red Faber (13.29) -    48  
  Team Name: White Sox Joe Benz (19.77) -    40  
    Lefty Williams (10.45) -    34  
  Owner: Charles Comiskey Doc White (7.26) -    26  
    Frank Lange (4.01) -    16  
  Managers: Hugh Duffy (1910-1911) Dave Danforth (0.65) -    10  
  Nixey Callahan (1912-1914) Mellie Wolfgang (5.39) -   4  
  Pants Rowland (1915-1918)    
  Kid Gleason (1919) Catchers:  
    Ray Schalk (19.02) -    59  
  No Hitters:    
  Ed Walsh (1911) First Basemen:  
  Joe Benz (1914) Jack Fournier (11.79) -    33  
  Ed Cicotte (1917) Chick Gandil (4.25) -    17  
  Hall of Famers: Second Basemen:  
  Eddie Collins Eddie Collins (29.64) -    63  
  Charles Comiskey    
  Red Faber ShortStop:  
  Edd Roush Buck Weaver (17.77) -    60  
  Ray Schalk Swede Risberg (1.65) -    16  
  Ed Walsh   Lee Tannehill (4.75) -    12  
  Shoeless Joe Jackson (Pending)    
    Third Base:  
  MVP: None Harry Lord (9.53) -    16  
    Fred McMullin (3.22) -    10  
  Notable Events:    
  1910 - White Sox Park opens on July 1 to a packed house. It is Shano Collins (14) -    66  
  one of the first of the new wave of concrete stadiums built to  Happy Felsch (13.86) -    60  
  hold large crowds. The Sox play here for eighty years. Shoeless Joe Jackson (20.28) -    36  
  Ping Bodie (7.26) -    26  
  1910 - Twenty four year old outfielder Shano Collins is brought up Nemo Leibold (5.76) -    20  
  by the Sox beginning a productive career that lasts thru 1920. He had been Rollie Zeider (5.09) -    13  
  playing in the minors for Springfield, IL.     
    Notable Events:  
  1911 - RHP Joe Benz, 25, is obtained from Des Moines. Joe was a spitballer    
  and knuckleballer and was a late bloomer, first joining organized ball at age 23. 1916 - LHP Dave Danforth, 26, is obtained from Louisville of the American  
    Association. He had pitched briefly several years earlier with the A's.  
  1912 - Future HOF Catcher Ray Schalk, 19, is obtained from AAA Milwaukee    
  for players and cash. He'll play 17 years with Chicago. 1916 - The Sox pick up Lefty Williams from Detroit, who inexplicably  
    gave up on the twenty three year old ace. He comes up from the minors  
  1912 - Jack Fournier, a twenty two year old first baseman, to further boost the starting rotation as the Sox finish second. Lefty will be  
  is purchased from Boston. An excellent hitter, he couldn't an ace for the Sox until suspended in the Black Sox scandal.  
  field and the Sox finally released him after the 1916 season. He    
  became more valuable when the dead ball era ended in 1920. 1917 - It all comes together as Chicago takes the World Series.  
     Its all done with pitching as the three Sox Hall of Fame  
  1912 - Twenty one year old shortstop Buck Weaver comes up to the  callibre regulars Eddie Collins, Joe Jackson and Ray Schalk  
  Sox. He is one of the better shortstops in the game until he is  have subpar seasons. However, the pitching is brilliant with  
  suspended for the Black Sox scandal after the 1920 season. It was Ed Cicotte, Lefty Williams, Red Faber, Reb Russell, Jim Scott,  
  a sad case because Weaver shouldn't have been suspended. Joe Benz and Dave Danforth combining for a team 2.16 ERA  
  1912 - Twenty eight year old righty Eddie Cicotte is purchased from Boston. 1919 - Chicago wins the 1919 American League pennant. However,   
  He becomes a mainstay of the Chicago staff until his suspension in 1920 there is legitimate disenchantment among a number of players  
  due to the Black Sox scandal due to low pay. This, plus  the Sox had a low life named Chick Gandil  
    as their first baseman. Gandil, who had underworld connections,  
  1913 - The Sox go to Europe with the Giants playing a series of laid the groundwork for the biggest scandal in baseball history.  
   exhibition games. The (Black) Sox threw the 1919 World Series to the Cincinnati Reds.  
    Gandil was the conduit between gambler Arnold Rothstine and the  
  1913 - LHP Reb Russell, 24, is obtained from Ft. Worth of the Texas League disgruntled White Sox players. A couple of ex sports figures, Abe  
  in the Rule 5 draft. Attel and Bill Burns were also go-betweens. The Chicago players,   
    other than Gandil, who were involved were Buck Weaver, Happy   
  1914 - Future Hall of Fame pitcher Red Faber comes up to the Sox Felsch, Swede Risberg, Joe Jackson, Fred McMullin, Eddie Cicotte,  
  as a twenty five year old rookie. Faber had been with the Pirates organization and Lefty Williams.   
  earlier in his career and was sold to Des Moines from where the White Sox    
  bought him 1920 - The scandal broke during the season and by the end of the   
    season, it was apparent that eight players would face criminal   
  1915 - Chicago makes a major leap forward in the standings improving charges. The Sox came close to winning the 1920 pennant and it   
  from 70 wins to 93 wins. There are several additions responsible for would have been interesting to see what would have happened had  
  the jump. Outfielder Happy Felsch is a twenty three year old rookie they won it. The eight involved were suspended three days from the   
  who stars until 1920 when he is suspended from baseball. Future  end of the season. Chicago was close enough at that point where, if they  
  Hall of Famer Eddie Collins is purchased from Connie Mack and the swept the last three, the Sox would have tied for the pennant. As it was,  
  A's in one of Mack's two major firesales during his tenure in  without the eight suspended players, the Sox lost two of the three.   
  Philadelphia. Shoeless Joe Jackson is obtained from Cleveland    
  whose owner Charles Somers is hurting financially. Jackson, one of    
  the greatest hitters of all time spearheads the Chicago lineup until    
  his suspension after the 1920 season. Felsch had been picked up from    
  AAA Milwaukee.