Chicago White Sox - The Roaring Twenties (1920-1929)  
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               Decade  
        1920 2 96 58   1923 7 69 85   1927 5 70 83               Click  
        1921 8 62 92   1924 8 66 87   1928 5 72 82               on Logo  
        1922 5 77 77   1925 5 79 75   1929 7 59 93                  
                  1926 5 81 72                            
  Titles: None Top White Sox Players Roaring Twenties  
  BallPark: Comiskey Park Pitchers:  
    Red Faber (46.76) -    96  
  Team Name: White Sox Ted Lyons (24.39) -    70  
    Tommy Thomas (22.7) -    48  
  Owner: Charles Comiskey Ted Blankenship (12.45) -    40  
    Sloppy Thurston (7.62) -    24  
  General Manager: Harry Grabiner (1915-1945) Dickie Kerr (5.97) -    21  
    Charlie Robertson (7) -    21  
  Managers: Kid Gleason (1920-1923) Dixie Leverett (4.47) -    13  
  Johnny Evers (1924) Eddie Ciccotte (5.23) -   11  
  Ed Walsh (1924)    
  Eddie Collins (1924-1926) Catchers:  
  Ray Schalk (1927-1928) Ray Schalk (9.62) -    37  
  Lena Blackburne (1928-1929) Buck Crouse (1.34) -    14  
  No Hitters: First Basemen:  
  Charlie Robertson (1922 - Perfecto) Earl Sheely (19.86) -    31  
  Ted Lyons (1926)    
    Second Basemen:  
  Hall of Famers: Eddie Collins (37.03) -    67  
  Chief Bender Bill Hunnefield (2.18) -    17  
  Charles Comiskey    
  Ray Schalk ShortStop:  
  Eddie Collins  Bill Barrett (4.49) -    22  
  Johnny Evers   Ernie Johnson (0.53) -    16  
  Red Faber   Chalmer Cissell (1.17) -    13  
  Harry Hooper    
   Ted Lyons Third Base:  
    Willie Kamm (24.69) -    43  
  MVP: None    
  Notable Events: Johnny Mostil (24.09) -    87  
     Harry Hooper (14.67) -    42  
   1920 - The eight White sox are acquitted of criminal charges as their  Bibb Falk (18.51) -    29  
  Grand Jury  confessions turn up missing. However, all are banished  Alex Metzler (8.85) -    24  
   from baseball for life  by Commissioner Landis. Jackson's banishment Shoeless Joe Jackson (7.55) -   15  
   appears particularly harsh as he stated that he double crossed the  Happy Felsch (5.49) -    15  
  gamblers and not only did he not throw games but he had the highest Amos Strunk (2.54) -   13  
   batting average in the series and hit the only home run.     
   The eight were suspended three games before the end of the season Notable Events:  
   and cost the Sox at a shot at the 1920 pennant as they lost two of the    
    last three when they needed a sweep to tie Cleveland for first place.  1922 - 3B Willie Kamm, 22, is obtained from San Francisco of the PCL for   
    players and cash  
   1921 - The suspensions mark the beginning of the end of the White Sox    
  as a competitive team in the American League for three decades.  1922 - Rookie Charlie Robertson pitches a perfect game against the Tigers  
  Charles Comiskey did not have the stomach to compete at a high level     
   any more after this. Altho' he wasn't involved in the betting, he was  1923 - Twenty two year old future Hall of Fame pitcher Ted Lyons joins    
  a major reason that the scandal occurred. His high handed and  the club He was signed as a Free Agent directly out of Baylor U, and  
   capricious dealings with his players stemming  from the monopoly  never pitched in the minors.  
   that owners now had in the sport after the Federal League died     
  caused a severe backlash among his players. They no longer cared 1924 - The Sox finish last for the first time in their history  
    and he made them that way. And he knew it - belatedly, unfortunately.    
   Commiskey also, to add insult to injury, had overpaid and fawned over 1926 - RHP Tommy Thomas, 26, is obtained from Baltimore of the   
    his pets such as Eddie Collins and Ray Schalk while treating others,  International League where he won thirty two games in 1925.  
   who were not his favorites, like Joe Jackson, Lefty Williams and Eddie     
  Cicotte poorly and miserly. Just because you can behave in a certain way 1927 - Charles Comiskey expands the ballpark by building an outfield  
  doesn't mean you should.  And, once in a while, there are consequences.. upper deck. This accomodates an extra 23,200 fans.  
    Like many ill advised owners of the day who were former players.  
  1921 - OF Johnny Mostil, 21, is a rookie. He was a local kid out of Chicago  Comiskey thought he was building a lasting legacy for his family by   
    who had been signed out of high school. He had briefly come up to the   building up the physical plant, his ball park. The thing he and several   
  Sox three years earlier.  other owners didn't realize is that what keeps fans coming to the  
     ballpark in the long run is winning. The ballpark itself gets old and   
  1921 - OF Harry Hooper, 33, is obtained from the Red Sox for OF   quickly  loses it's luster. Winning never gets old.   
  Shano Collins and OF Nemo Leibold Luckily for the Comiskey family, the Sox were based in a large  
     city and the franchise was never forced to move (altho' it would come  
  1922 - RHP Ted Blankenship, 21, is obtained from the Class D Bonham, TX   close to happening several times). Fans in places like St. Louis,  
  club which was his hometown team. Boston, New York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia and Washington weren't  
      so fortunate. The Boston, St. Louis and Philadelphia moves were   
    forced due to failing finances. The Washington, New York and Brooklyn  
    moves were motivated by moving viable franchises financially to greener  
    pastures once the floodgates to making moves were opened.