Chicago White Sox - The Depression (1930-1939)  
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1930  
        1930 7 62 92   1933 6 67 83   1937 3 86 68               Decade  
        1931 8 56 97   1934 8 53 99   1938 6 65 83               Click  
        1932 7 49 102   1935 5 74 78   1939 4 85 69               on Logo  
                  1936 3 81 70                            
  Titles: None Top White Sox Players of the Depression Years  
  BallPark: Comiskey Park Pitchers:  
    Ted Lyons (32.17) -    80  
  Team Name: White Sox Vern Kennedy (5.95) -    31  
    John Whitehead (11.7) -    29  
  Owner: Charles Comiskey (1930-1931) Thornton Lee (13.97) -    26  
  J Louis Comiskey (1932-1939) Sad Sam Jones (8.38) -    23  
    Monty Stratton (9.95) -    20  
  General Manager: Harry Grabiner (1915-1945) Johnny Rigney (8.8) -    15  
    Milt Gaston (1.53) -    14  
  Managers: Donie Bush (1930-1931) Pat Caraway (1.4) -    12  
  Lew Fonseca (1932-1934) Red Faber (8.46) -    12  
  Jimmy Dykes (1934-1939) Clint Brown (6.16) -   9  
    Les Tietje (4,69) -   7  
  No Hitters: Jack Knott (5.18) -   6  
  Vern Kennedy (1935) Eddie Smith (4.38) -   4  
  Bill Dietrich (1937)    
  Hall of Famers: Luke Sewell (0.62) -    23  
  Charles Comiskey    
  Red Faber   First Basemen:  
   Ted Lyons Zeke Bonura (16.28) -    50  
  Luke Appling Lu Blue (5.91) -    18  
  Al Simmons Joe Kuhel (3.13) -    16  
  MVP: None Second Basemen:  
    Minter Hayes (5.97) -    18  
  Notable Events:    
  1930 - Twenty three year old future Hall of Fame Shortstop Luke Appling   Luke Appling (33.64) -    87  
  joins the club. Luke was purchase from Atlanta of the     
   Southern Association Third Base:  
    Tony Piet (4.18) -    13  
  1931 - Charles Comiskey dies and his son J Louis takes over Jimmy Dykes (6.45) -    11  
   1932 - J Louis attempts to rebuild the White Sox in his first season Outfield:  
   at the helm.  He purchases Jimmy Dykes, Al Simmons and Mule  Al Simmons (10.89) -    40  
   Haas from the A's,  but it does not work out and the team continues Mike Kreevich (11.39) -    40  
    to flounder. His father, being an ex ballplayer and manager, knew Carl Reynolds (8.04) -    24  
     what it took to build a contender. He had  done so both in the Oughts Gee Walker (2.78) -    18  
    and the Teens when he was still competing. The son didn't. Evar Swanson (4.72) -    18  
    Mule Haas (2.91) -    16  
  1933 - Comiskey Park hosts the first all star game Rip Radcliff (4.07) -    15  
    Larry Rosenthal (2.83) -    13  
   1934 - Twenty five year old slugger Zeke Bonura joins the club.  Johnny Watwood (3.78) -    11  
  Zeke was purchased from Dallas of the Texas League. Smead Jolley (2.77) -    7  
   He had previously been in the Cleveland Indians organization.  
    Notable Events:  
  1935 - Twenty seven year old centerfielder Mike Kreevich joins the  
   club. He had made a brief big league appearance four years earlier  1938 - In a very unpopular trade, Zeke Bonura is dealt to Washington  
   with the Cubs for slick fielding first baseman Joe Kuhel. It doesn't help matters that the   
    Sox proceed to drop twenty one games in the standings, as well.  
  1936 - The Sox end a string of 10 sub .500 seasons   
  J Louis Comiskey was making an effort to make the team a winner. 1939 -Chicago bounces back picking up twenty games in the standings   
   At the end of the day, J Louis was just a not savvy enough baseball and Kuhel begins his journey to being one of the more popular Sox  
    man to pull it off. Mike Kreevich playing full time and Vern Kennedy  
   having a big year were the main factors pushing the Sox into the 1939 - The first night game at Comiskey Park is played on August 14  
    winners column    
    1939 - J Louis Comiskey dies - only eight years after his father died  
    He leaves the Sox as a decent team, but not a contender.