Chicago White Sox - The Clinton Years (1990-1999)

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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L                  
        1990 2 94 68   1993 1 94 68   1997 2 80 81               1990  
        1991 2 87 75   1994 1 67 46   1998 2 80 82               Decade  
        1992 3 86 76   1995 3 68 76   1999 2 75 86               Click  
                  1996 2 85 77                         on Logo  
  Titles: 1993 Western Division Champs (Lost to Toronto) Top White Sox Players during the Nineties  
  1994 Were in First Place when season ended due to strike  
  BallPark: New Comiskey Park Jack McDowell (19.64) -    56  
    Alex Fernandez (20.42) -    51  
  Team Name: White Sox Roberto Hernandez (10.8) -    43  
    Wilson Alvarez (17.45) -    40  
  Owner: Jerry Reinsdorf / Eddie Einhorn  James Baldwin (4.78) -    30  
    Bobby Thigpen (2.7) -    28  
  General Managers: Jason Bere (1.73) -    20  
  Larry Himes (1990) Greg Hibbard (3.99) -    20  
  Ron Schueler (1990-2000) Mike Sirotka (5.94) -    17  
    Jamime Navaro (3.65) -   15  
  Managers: Kirk McCaskill (0.42) -    10  
  Jeff Torborg (1990-1991) Doug Drabek (0.44) -    8  
  Gene Lamont (1992-1995) Keith Foulke (5.88) -    4  
  Terry Bevington (1995-1997)    
  Jerry Manuel (1998-1999) Catchers:  
    Ron Karkovice (12.37) -    40  
  Hall of Famers: Carlton Fisk (6.43) -    21  
  Carlton Fisk    
  Frank Thomas First Basemen:  
  Tim Raines Frank Thomas (52.82) -    86  
  Harold Baines    
    Second Basemen:  
  No Hitters: Ray Durham (10.69) -    38  
  Wilson Alvarez (1991)    
  Rookie of the Year: Ozzie Guillen (5.83) -    33  
  None Craig Grebeck (8.81) -    12  
  MVP:  Third Base:  
  Frank Thomas (1993) Robin Ventura (39.33) -    53  
  Frank Thomas (1994)    
  Cy Young:  Lance Johnson (20.71) -    65  
  None Tim Raines (16.61) -    42  
    Albert Belle (8.59) -    23  
  Notable Events: Dave Martinez (10.05) -    18  
    Mike Cameron (5.91) -    18  
  1990 - General Manager Larry Himes and Scouting Director Al Goldis had an Dan Pasqua (4.69) -    16  
  incredible hot streak at the end of the previous decade. After Himes Magglio Ordonez (7.56) -    11  
  had been hired on as GM replacing Hawk Harrelson, who had been Harold Baines (4.03) -    10  
  broadcaster turned GM turned back to broadcaster, he proceeded to Sammy Sosa (1.13) -    9  
  draft the following in four successive first rounds of the draft (from Chris Singleton (4.79) -   10  
  87 - '90): Jack McDowell, Robin Ventura, Frank Thomas and Alex Tony Phillips (4.31) -   9  
  Fernandez. To boot, he also dealt outfielder Harold Baines to Texas Bo Jackson (0.69) -    1  
  for two brilliant young prospects: Sammy Sosa and Wilson Alvarez, Michael Jordan (0) -    0  
  He also stole outstanding young centerfielder Lance Johnson from the    
  Cards for journeyman pitcher Jose DeLeon and stole future Notable Events:  
  ace reliever Roberto Hernandez from the Angels for minor league     
  outfielder Mark Davis. All of these acquisitions turned the Sox from  1991 - Relief pitcher Roberto Hernandez, a late bloomer at twenty  
   doormats to contenders thru the first half of the Nineties. six years old comes up to the Sox as a rookie. He becomes one of  
  For his troubles, Himes (and Goldis) were fired by owner Jerry the top relievers in the game during his tenure in Chicago which  
  Reinsdorf after the 1990 season. You can't make this stuff up.  ends when he's traded away in 1997.  
  1990 - After four awful losing seasons, Chicago picks up twenty 1991 - The Sox acquire 32 year old outfielder Tim Raines in a salary  
  five games in the standings and finishes second in the West behind dump trade by the Montreal Expos. Raines goes on to have five  
  the powerful A's. The Sox will continue to be a factor in the Division productive seaons with Chicago, altho' at a level a bit lower than  
  for the next four seasons led by a group of excellent young players.  his all star days at Montreal.  
  This was the season when all of the young talent that Himes and Goldis    
  had been putting together came to fruition. 1991 - The new Comiskey Park opens in 1991 and 2.9 million fans  
      come to see it. It is the first new ballpark in Chicago in 77 years  
  1990 -Twenty Two year old First Baseman Frank Thomas is a     
  rookie. He goes on to play nineteen years and is inducted into the 1993 - Twenty two year old  righthander Jason Bere comes up and   
  Baseball Hall of Fame. The first sixteen of those seasons are with  goes 12-5, a major factor in the Sox push to a title. He follows that up  
  Chicago where he is one of the most feared sluggers in the game.   posting a 12-2 mark in the strike shortened 1994 season,  
     establishing  him as one of the top young pitchers in the game.   
  1990 -Twenty Two year old Third Baseman Robin Ventura  However, he hurt his arm in '95, underwent Tommy John surgery,  
   plays his first full season in the bigs. He'll go on to be one of the and was never the same pitcher after that.   
  top players in the game at his position for the next fourteen years,     
   many with Chicago. He is both an exceptional hitter and fielder 1993 - Chicago wins the Western Division in 1993 behind MVP Frank   
    Thomas and Cy Young Jack McDowell. They lose in the ALCS to  
  1990 -Twenty one year old Outfielder Sammy Sosa plays his Toronto.   
  first full season in the bigs. He'll go on to be one of the top sluggers    
  in the game altho' not with the Sox, who trade him away to the  1994 - The Pale Hose lead the newly formed AL Central in 1994   
   crosstown Cubs for outfielder George Bell in 1992. In Chicago's defense, when the player's strike hits. White Sox owner Jerry Reinsdorf   
   this was the pre-roid version of Sosa that they traded away along with Milwaukee Brewers owner and Commissioner Bud Selig  
      are at the forefront of the hostilities  against the players union.   
  1990 - Centerfielder Lance Johnson's first season as a starter in The Sox were 67-46 at the time of the strike.   
  the big leagues as a twenty six year old. He was obtained two     
  years earlier from the Cards. Lance would go on to have a  1995 - In thirty one more games played than the previous season,   
  fourteen year career, eight with Chicago, as a good defensive  Chicago totals only one more win. A large part of Chicago's decline    
  center fielder and one of the top base stealers in th the game  could be attributed to the toxic atmosphere that owner Jerry  
     Reinsdorf created during the strike. It's hard putting out maximum  
  1990 - Twenty four year old Jack McDowell comes back  effort for a team whose owner publicly  thinks that most of your salary  
   from missing the previous season with injury. 1990 is his first .   is money essentially stolen out of his pockets  
  big season in the bigs, winning fourteen games. He goes on to     
   a twelve year career as one of the better starters in the game.  1997 - Reinsdorf signs free agent Albert Belle. Bad move.   
  Talk about toxicity. It's almost like Reinsdorf wants to punish his   
  1990 - Twenty six year old relief ace Bobby Thigpen has a  players by putting poison in the clubhouse.  
  sensational season saving 57 games with a 1.83 ERA. Altho'    
  he pitches in the majors for nine years, this is the only season 1997 - With Chicago floundering but still close to the also floundering   
  where he is anywhere close to being a lights out closer. first place Indians,  Reinsdorf impulsively trades away Roberto   
  Hernandez, Wilson Alvarez and Danny Darwin to the Giants  
  1990 - Twenty year old righthander Alex Fernandez is a rookie.  at the trade deadline. Bad move. If the Sox had kept these guys,   
  He spends the next seven years as a mainstay of the Sox rotation. they almost certainly would have taken the division.  
  On the other hand, the deal did land them pitching prospects Bobby   
  1990 - The Pale Hose are no-hit by Andy Hawkins of the Yankees, but Howry and Keith Foulke. Reinsdorf has been behaving bizarrely  
  still win the game 4-0   since the strike ended with his side losing.   
  1990 - The Sox play their last game in original Comiskey Park 1998 - The Sox hit a team record 198 home runs  
  1991 - Twenty one year old lefty Wilson Alvarez is a rookie. He had   1999 -Chicago loses Albert Belle to injury   
  been acquired two years earlier in a trade with Texas that also     
  brought Sammy Sosa. He becomes a mainstay in the Chicago   1999 -The Sox lose Robin Ventura to free agency  
  rotation until traded in 1997