Chicago White Sox - The Bush Years (2000-2009)  
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               2000  
        2000 1 95 67   2003 2 86 76   2007 4 72 90               Decade  
        2001 3 83 79   2004 2 83 79   2008 1 89 74               Click  
        2002 2 81 81   2005 1 99 63   2009 3 79 83               on Logo  
                  2006 3 90 72                            
  Titles:  Top White Sox Players during the Oughts  
  2000 - Won Division (Lost LDS to Seattle)  
  2005 - World Champs Pitchers:  
  2008 - Won Division (Lost LDS to Tampa) Mark Buehrle (41.42) -      90  
    Jon Garland (18.47) -      53  
  BallPark: New Comiskey Park Bobby Jenks (8.43) -      34  
    Jose Contreras (10.02) -      27  
  Team Name: White Sox Keith Foulke (8.51) -      23  
    John Danks (12.57) -      21  
  Owner: Jerry Reinsdorf / Eddie Einhorn  Gavin Floyd (8.22) -      20  
    Freddy Garcia (10.41) -      20  
  General Managers: Javier Vasquez (12.07) -      20  
  Ron Schueler (2000) Esteban Loaiza (8.06) -      19  
  Kenny Williams (2001-2009) Bartolo Colon (5.28) -      10  
    Matt Thornton (8) -   1  
  Jerry Manuel (2000-2003) Catchers:  
  Ozzie Guillen (2004-2009) AJ Pierzynski (8) -      34  
  Hall of Famers: First Basemen:  
  Jim Thome Paul Konerko (19.47) -      68  
  Frank Thomas Frank Thomas (15.5) -      26  
    Jim Thome (12.06) -      24  
  No Hitters:    
  Mark Buehrle (2007) Second Basemen:  
  Mark Buehrle (2009) Ray Durham (10.69) -      29  
    Tso Iguchi (5.31) -      15  
  Rookie of the Year: Tony Graffanino (5.68) -   4  
  MVP:  Jose Valentin (16.92) -      49  
  None  Alexi Ramirez (3.92) -      11  
  Cy Young: Third Base:  
  None  Juan Uribe (7.33) -      40  
    Joe Crede (12.37) -      29  
  Notable Events:    
  2000- Chicago improves by twenty games from 1999 and wins the  Magglio Ordonez (17.66) -      45  
  Division. The team is virtually identical to the one that was twenty Carlos Lee (15.09) -      40  
  games worse the prior season with thirty year old shortstop Jermaine Dye (8.49) -      36  
  John Valentin, obtained in a deal from Milwaukee, the only  Aaron Rowand (12.74) -      31  
  significant addition from the previous year. The Sox overachieved Scott Podsednik (3.05) -      23  
  in 2000 as they settle back to being a slightly better than .500 team the Chris Singleton (3.37) -      17  
  following four seasons. They lose in the ALDS to Seattle. Carlos Quentin (4.68) -      13  
  Kenny Lofton (2.02) -      10  
  2000 - The team is hitting heavy and pitching light. They are led  
  by sluggers Frank Thomas, Magglio Ordonez, Paul Konerko Notable Events:  
  and Carlos Lee. They also have a couple of good offensive  
  middle infielders in second baseman Ray Durham and Jose  2004 - After floundering for several years following their 2000  
  Valentin who make the lineup more circular. Division title, Chicago starts seriously rebuilding. GM Williams picks  
   The Hitters: up the following significant pieces to the World Series Title puzzle:  
  □ 1B Frank Thomas, 32, 7th overall pick in '89 draft □ Shortstop Juan Uribe, 25, in a lopsided trade from Colorado  
  □ 2B Ray Durham, 28, 5th round pick in '90 draft □ DH Carl Everett, 33, in a lopsided trade with Montreal  
  □ SS Jose Valentin, 30, obtained from Brewers in 2000 in a four player deal  □ RHP Jose Contreras, 32, in a trade with the Yankees for Esteban Loaiza  
  □ OF Paul Konerko, 24, Obtained from the Reds in '99 for Mike Cameron □ RHP Freddie Garcia, 27, in a lopsieded trade with Seattle   
  □ OF Carlos Lee, 24, signed as an IFA in '94    
  □ OF Magglio Ordonez, 26, signed as an IFA in '91 2005 - The Sox finish their overhaul bringing in the following players:  
  □ Catcher AJ Pierzynski, 28, as a free agent from the Giants  
  2000 - There are only three players on the 2000 roster who are still around   2B So Iguchi, 30, as a free agent from Japan  
   to be significant contributers to the 2005 World Championship club: □ OF Jermaine Dye, 31. as a free agent from the A's  
  □ LHP Mark Buehrle, 21, rookie who will become a mainstay in the Sox  □ OF Scott Podsednik, 29, in a trade with Milwaukee for OF Carlos Lee  
  rotation for more than a decade. He was a 38th round pick in the '98 draft □ RHP El Duque Hernandez, 39, as a free agent from the Yankees  
  □ RHP Jon Garland. 20, rookie obtained in a lopsided deal with the Cubs in '98.  □ Closer Dustin Hermanson, 32, from Montreal as a free agent   
  □ 3B Joe Crede, 22,  rookie 5th round pick in '96 draft  
    2005 - Chicago wins the World Series sweeping the Astros. The rebuild of  
  2001 -  CF Aaron Rowand, 23, is a rookie. He was a 1st round pick in '98 draft the team worked for one great season as the club overachieved. They   
  gained sixteen games in the standings from 2004. They fall back nine  
  2001 - Kenny Williams, a former player with the White Sox  games back to third place in 2006 and fall much farther in 2007.  
  becomes GM. He builds the 2005 World champs. However, other Their previous World Series title was eighty eight years ago.   
  than that, his record as GM is spotty as the team is mostly   
  a few games over or under .500 thru the rest of the decade 2008 - the Pale Hose win the Division and then lose the LDS to Tampa  
    It's a weak division and all it takes is an 89-74 record to win it.  
  2004 - Ozzie Guillen, a former teammate of GM Williams in Chicago,    
   becomes manager. He's a fiery guy and an inspiratioinal leader, but 2009 - It has been a resonably successful decade for the Sox marked by  
  his act wears thin at times. Still, he's a well regarded manager who ownership and management stability, altho' the 2009 season is a dud.  
   generally gets the most out of his team.