Colorado Rockies - The Bush Years (2000-2009)

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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L             2000    
        2000 4 82 80   2003 4 74 88   2007 2 90 73             Decade    
        2001 5 73 89   2004 4 68 94   2008 3 74 88             Click    
        2002 4 73 89   2005 5 67 95   2009 2 92 70             on Logo    
                  2006 4 76 86                            
  Titles: Top Rockies Players of the Oughts  
  2007 - WC, Won LDS (Phillies), Won NLCS (Arizona), Lost WS (Boston)  
  2009 - WC - Lost LDS (Phillies) Pitchers:  
    Jeff Francis (9.13) -   32  
  BallPark: Aaron Cook (17.35) -   27  
  Coors Field Jason Jennings (10.43) -   27  
    Brian Fuentes (9.77) -   25  
  Team Name: Jose Jimenez (4.75) -   21  
  Rockies Ubaldo Jimenez (10.22) -   18  
    Pedro Astacio (4.22) -    17  
  Owner:  Shawn Chacon (3.21) -   12  
  Consortium led by Larry McMorris (2000 - 2004) Jorge De La Rosa (3.65) -   12  
  Consortium led by Dick and Charlie Monfort (2005 - 2009) Josh Fogg (1.7) -   12  
    Huston Street (1.78) -   8  
  General Managers: Jamey Wright (1.49) -   5  
  Dan O'Dowd Manny Corpas (4.26) -    5  
    Gabe white (4.21) -   4  
  Buddy Bell (200 - 2002) Catchers:  
  Clint Hurdle (2003 - 2009) Chris Iannetta (5.21) -   17  
    Charles Johnson (2.08) -   15  
  No Hitters: Brent Mayne (0.66) -   10  
  None Yorvit Torrealba (1.42) -   10  
  Hall of Famers: First Basemen:  
  Larry Walker Todd Helton (53.11) -   126  
  Rookie of the Year: Second Basemen:  
  Jason Jennings (2002) Jamey Carroll (3.47) -   10  
    Luis Gonzalez (0.34) -   10  
  Cy Young Award:    
  None ShortStop:  
    Troy Tulowitzki (13.72) -   30  
  MVP: Clint Barmes (8.22) -   23  
  None Neifi Perez (2.49) -   14  
    Juan Uribe (2.63) -   14  
  Notable Events:    
    Third Base:  
  2000 - Coming into the decade, Colorado had only contended once in the  Garrett Atkins (5.3) -   24  
  Nineties (in a strike  shortened season) and was a below .500 club again in '99. Jeff Cirillo (7.9) -   17  
   Altho' they squeak over .500 in 2000 at 82-80, it won't be until 2007 before     
  they're over .500 again. 1B Todd Helton, 26, and OF Larry Walker, 33, are   Outfield:  
  the team's two big stars. They are top of the line hitters, but playing at Coors Matt Holliday (18.49) -   47  
   half the time certainly doesn't hurt their stats. Helton will still be around as a  Larry Walker (21.75) -   44  
  starter on the 2007 squad. Brad Hawpe (5.42) -   30  
    Juan Pierre (4.06) -   23  
  2000 - Dan O'Dowd takes over as GM from Bob Gebhard.  Willy Taveras (1.12) -   20  
  No improvement in the club's performance as a result.  Jay Payton (4.47) -   13  
    Preston Wilson (0.74) -   12  
   2001 - A sign of insanity is doing the exact same thing over again thinking Tom Goodwin (1.22) -   10  
   that things will turn out differently the next time. In the case of the Rockies Seth Smith (2.21) -   9  
   and free agent pitching, they did and things didn't. Three years earlier,    
   on the heels of two slightly winning seasons, the Rockies signed ace  Notable Events:  
  righthander Darryl Kile to a big contract with the thought that he would  
    get them to the next level. It didn't. Now, in 2001, coming off a slightly  A change of ownership. Things can't get much worse  
   winning season, the Rockies, once again, feel that free agent pitching will   ownership-wise for the Rockies. And they don't get worse.  
   get them over the hump. Only now, they overspend on two guys, ace lefty  However, things don't get a whole lot better with the Monforts  
   Mike Hampton, 28,  and righty Denny Neagle, 32. Hampton gets a huge    at the helm either, altho', early on in their tenure, they  
   eight year deal. He's a sinkerballer whose sinkerball doesn't sink so good in  do make the post season twice  
   Denver. He goes 14-13 5.71 and 7-15 6.15 before being mercifully sent    
   away, ultimately to Atlanta, where he resumes his career pitching well. 2006 - RHP Ubaldo Jimenez, 22, debuts. He was an IFA in 2001.  
   Meanwhile, Neagle goes 17-19 5.32 in 2001-2002 combined, thus ending his    
  career. Neagle was a control fastball, changeup guy. This repertoire should 2007 / 2009 - Colorado begins the most successful period of it's history,  
   have served him well at Coors, but, at this stage of his career, Neagle's  topping 90 wins twice (in '07 and '09),  and making it to the wild card  
   fastball wasn't so fast no more and slight mistakes in control were next    both of those times. The Rockies had never topped the 90 win mark  
  found in the seats.   before so these were heady times for them. In 2007, Colorado  
    swept the Phillies in the NLDS and the Dbacks in the NLCS only to  
   2002 - Righty reliever Brian Fuentes, 26, is picked up in a deal with Seattle.  be swept in the World Series by Boston. In '09, they lost to the   
   He will get 'over a hundred saves with the Rockies before 'moving on as a  Phillies in the NLDS.  
   Free Agent in 2009.  Colorado did it in the old fashioned way, they bludgeoned the opposition:   
    (stats for '07 / '09)  
  2002 - Because they're a bad team, the Rockies have a lot of top ten picks  □ 1B Todd Helton 17-91-.320; 15-86-.325  
   in the amateur draft during the Twenty Oughts. A couple of them pan out:  □ Clint Barmes 23-78-.245 in '09  
  □ 2002 - Lefty Jeff Francis, 21, 9th overall pick, debuted in 2004 □ SS Troy Tulowitzki 24 99-.291 (as a rookie); 32-92-.297  
  □ 2005 - SS Troy Tulowitzki, 20, 7th overall pick,debuted in 2006 □ 3B Garrett Atkins 25-111-.301 in '07  
    □ 3B Ian Stewart 25-70-.228 in '09   
   2003 - 3B Garrett Atkins, 23, debuts. In an odd career arc, Atkins is a big  □ OF Matt holliday 36-137-.340 in '07  
  time slugger in the middle of Colorado's lineup thru 2008 and then drops off  □ Of Brad Hawpe 29-116-.291; 23-86-.285  
  the face of the earth at age 29 and is out of baseball the next season. A    
   real puzzler, no one is precisely sure what triggered the sudden massive decline.  2007 - On the mound, Jeff Francis leads the way with 17 wins   
  There were a couple of possible things, however. He had started declining a bit    
   in both 2007 and 2008 after a career year at age 26 in 2006 of 29-120.329.  2009 - The Rockies get the best starting pitching in their history:  
   A normal arc would have seen him improving. Also, he started pulling the ball  □ RHP - Ubaldo Jimenez, 25,  15-12 3.47  
  in 2007 and did it more and more after that. 'The feeling is, that despite his  He was an IFA in '01, debuted in '06   
  young age, the bat speed was declining and he was starting to over compensate □ RHP - Jason Marquis, 30, his only season in Colorado, 15-13 4.04  
   by striding earlier. He also was having some major contract negotiation issues □ LHP - Jorge De La Rosa, 28, obtained in a trade with KC in '08, 16-9 4.38  
    and was either losing his concentration or trying to jack up his numbers, or both, □ RHP - Jason Hamel, 26, obtained in a trade with TB in '09, 10-8 4.33  
    as a result. Anyway, the Rockies dealt him away in 2009 which sealed his doom  □ RHP - Aaron Cook, 30, 11-6, 4.16  
   as Garrett was definitely a Coors field baby.  □ Righty Reliever Huston Street, 25, 35 saves  
  2004 - OF Brad Hawpe, 25, debuts. He's a stud in the middle of the Rockies 2009 - There's also several younger hitters, not mentioned   
   lineup thru 2009 when he suddenly loses it in 2010 at age thirty one. above, in 2009 who have good years offensively:  
   The career arc is not quite as pronounced as for Atkins, but is very similar.   C-Chris Ianetta, 26;  ; OF Seth Smith, 26;  
   He was a 7th round pick in 2000.  OF Dexter Fowler, 23;  and OF Carlos Gonzalez, 23.   
  2004 - OF Dexter Fowler, 20, is a fourteenth round pick, he debuts in 2008 2009 - Gonzalez was obtained from the A's along with ace righty closer  
     Huston Street, 25, in exchange for slugger Matt Holliday before the  
     season. Holliday was in his walk year and the A's were going for   
    it in 2009. Turned out to be a great trade for the Rockies