Chicago Cubs - The Depression Era (1930-1939)
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1930  
        1930 2 90 64   1933 3 86 68   1937 2 93 61               Decade  
        1931 3 84 70   1934 3 86 65   1938 1 89 63               Click  
        1932 1 90 64   1935 1 100 54   1939 4 84 70               on Logo  
                  1936 2 87 67                            
  Titles: Top Cubs Players of the Thirties  
  1932 - NL Champs (Lost to Yankees)  
  1935 - NL Champs (Lost to Tigers) Pitchers:  
  1938 - NL Champs (Lost to Yankees) Bill Lee (27.33) -   80  
    Lon Warneke (26.39) -   74  
  Ballpark: Charlie Root (24.28) -   69  
  Wrigley Field Guy Bush (7.11) -   58  
    Larry French (17.83) -   55  
  Team Name: Pat Malone (10.74) -   47  
  Cubs    Tex Carleton (4.56) -   31  
    Clay Bryant (6.19) -   18  
  Owners:  Claude Passeau (5.36) -   10  
    Bud Tinning (4.48) -   9  
  William Wrigley (1930-1932) Bob Smith (4.17) -   9  
  Phillip K Wrigley (1932-1939) Dizzy Dean (4.36) -  3  
  General Managers: Catchers:  
  Bill Veeck Sr.  (Team President - 1930-1933) Gabby Hartnett (35.69) -   100  
  Charles Weber (1934-1939) Ken O'Dea (4.37) -   8  
  Managers: First Basemen:  
  Joe McCarthy (1930) Charlie Grimm (7.39) -   22  
  Rogers Hornsby (1930-1932) Ripper Collins (4.2) -   13  
  Charlie Grimm (1932-1938) Phil Cavarretta (0.7) -   12  
  Gabby Hartnett (1938-1939) Dolph Camilli (0.68) -   1  
  Hall of Famers: Second Basemen:  
  Gabby Hartnett Billy Herman (36.59) -   63  
  Dizzy Dean Rogers Hornsby (5.67) -   12  
  Billy Herman    
  Rogers Hornsby ShortStop:  
  Kiki Cuyler Billy Jurges (15.81) -   44  
  Hack Wilson Woody English (18.86) -   35  
  Chuck Klein    
    Third Base:  
  MVP Stan Hack (21.03) -   55  
  Gabby Hartnett (1935)    
  No Hitters: Kiki Cuyler (17.55) -   49  
  None Augie Galan (15.04) -   48  
    Frank Demaree (12.09) -   29  
  Notable Events: Riggs Stephenson (8.89) -   26  
    Hack Wilson (8.55) -   19  
  1930 - the Cubs were the top team in the National League coming into Chuck Klein (7.05) -   16  
  the Thirties. They were an offensive juggernaut and had good enough Babe Herman (5.83) -   15  
  pitching to make them a legitimate contender. The 1930 roster contained Hank Leiber (4.12) -   11  
  the following standouts:    
     Gabby Hartnett, 29, catcher future Hall of Fame Notable Events:  
    Charlie Grimm, 31, first base    
    Riggs Stephenson, 32, outfield  
    Kiki Cuyler, 31, outfield 1933 - William Veeck Sr dies at the age of fifty seven. Charles   
    Hack Wilson, 30, outfield Weber takes over as GM. The affect of Veeck's loss is not   
    Rogers Hornsby, 34, second base immediately noticable, but by the end of the decade it becomes  
    Pat Malone, 27, pitcher apparent that talent is no longer flowing into the system as it did  
    Guy Bush, 28, pitcher  under Veeck  
    Charlie Root, 31, pitcher    
    Lon Warneke, 21, pitcher 1933 - Another one that got away. Dolph Camilli comes up as a   
  Warneke was a rookie in 1930 who had been brought up from AA Reading. twenty six year old first baseman. The Cubs deal him to the Phillies for  
  He would average close to twenty wins for the Cubs during a five year first baseman Don Hurst. Dolph blossoms into a star slugger over  
  stretch from 1932-1936 a twelve year career with the Phillies and then the Dodgers.  
  1930 - Hack Wilson knocks in a record 191 runs. However, the 1934 - Phil Cavarretta, seventeen years old, comes up after being   
  Cubs manage to only finish second by two games. Rogers  signed as an amateur free agent. He ends up playing the next   
  Hornsby broke his ankle early in the season and was a key loss. twenty years as the Cubbies first baseman.  
  1930 - Joe McCarthy resigns as manager two days before the 1934 - Twenty two year old outfielder Augie Galan is obtained from  
  end of the season claiming lack of support by owner William San Francisco of the PCL  He goes on to play the first eight years of  
  Wrigley. He signs with the Yankees shortly thereafter and the his sixteen year big league career with the Cubs.  
  lack of support he was talking about probably was $$$$    
    1934 - Bill Lee, twenty four year old righty,  is obtained from Columbus   
  1930 - Rogers Hornsby takes over as manager of the club He goes on to a fourteen year big league career, the first ten with the  
  and immediately causes problems. He personally ruins Hack  Cubs. Bill will average close to eighteen wins in his first six years   
  Wilson who had been so skillfully handled by McCarthy. This with Chicago  
  whole sequence of events wasn't one of Bill Veeck Sr's     
  brighter moments. 1935 - Lefthander Larry French, 27, is obtained from the Pirates  
    for Guy Bush and Babe Herman. He wins seventeen games teaming  
  1931 - Centerfielder Mike Kreevich comes up to the Cubs as a  up with Lon Warneke and Bill Lee to give the Cubs an intimidating  
  twenty three year old. He is one that got away as the Cubs eventually  starting rotation to go with their big hitting lineup. French will go on to  
  release him. He resurfaces with the White Sox in 1935 and goes on average sixteen wins for the Cubs over the next five years.  
  to a productive twelve year career.     
    1935 - The Cubs ride a twenty one game winning streak to  
  1931 - Billy Jurges, twenty three year old shortstop, is obtained from the pennant, but lose to the Tigers in the World Series. They end up  
  Louisville the regular season with one hundred wins with a very young and   
    up and coming ball club  
  1931 - Twenty one year old second baseman Billy Herman is     
  purchased from Louisville. He will go on to a Hall of Fame career, 1937 - Bill Veeck Jr is hired and he plants ivy on the wall, builds  
  mostly with the Cubs new bleachers and constructs a new scoreboard - all of which  
     are big parts of the ballpark's charm and remain so to this day.   
  1932 - Third baseman Stan Hack, twenty two, is obtained from     
  Sacramento. He goes on to a sixteen year career, all with the Cubs 1938 - The Cubs win the pennant but lose the World Series to  
    the Yankees. It marks their fourth pennant in ten years, all  
  1932 -William Wrigley dies at the age of seventy one. His son,  in three year intervals and all ending with a World Series loss.  
  Phillip K Wrigley takes over ownership. Initially, throughout the  1929, 1932, 1935 and 1938.  
  decade, the change of hands in ownership does not appear to  If you were a betting man, you would bet the ranch on the Cubs  
  affect the team's performance on the field. But over the longer  winning the pennant again in three years time (1941) at this point.  
  timeframe, it becomes apparent that Phillip does not have fielding  And, you would have lost your ranch.  
  a winning Cubs team among his priorities. And what's worse,   
  Cubs fans never seem to hold him accountable for his lack 1939 - Thirty year old righthander Claude Passeau is obtained in a   
  of interest in producing a winning ballclub. trade with the Phillies. Passeau had been a very good pitcher for a  
    very bad team in a very tiny ballpark with the Phillies. He would be the  
  1932 - The Cubs fire the belligerent Hornsby and with his polar Cubs' ace during the first half ot the next decade  
  opposite, Charlie Grimm, at the helm, the Cubs rally to   
  win the pennant. Twenty three year old righty Lon Warneke has a 1939 - Swish Nicholson, a twenty four year old outfielder, is purchased  
  breakout season winning twenty two games.  from Washington. Nicholson would go on to be one of the premier  
    sluggers in the National League in the Forties. He was originally   
  1932 - In a contentious World Series, the Cubs lose to the Yanks signed by the A's and you can only think that it was old age that had  
    two great talent evaluators like Connie Mack of the A's and Clark   
    Griffith of the Senators whiff on a talent like Nicholson.