Chicago Cubs - The Bush Era (2000-2009)
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               2000  
        2000 6 65 97   2003 1 88 74   2007 1 85 77               Decade  
        2001 3 88 74   2004 3 89 73   2008 1 97 64               Click  
        2002 5 67 95   2005 4 79 83   2009 2 83 78               on Logo  
                  2006 6 66 96                            
  Titles: Top Cubs Players of the Twenty Oughts  
  2003 - Won Division, Lost NLCS to Florida  
  2007 - Won Division, Lost NLDS to Arizona Pitchers:  
  2008 - Won Division, Lost NLDS to Dodgers Carlos Zambrano (34.34) -   72  
    Kerry Wood (21.71) -   41  
  Ballpark: Ryan Dempster (12.48) -   39  
  Wrigley Field Ted Lilly (13.06) -   30  
    Jon Lieber (10.55) -   29  
  Team Name: Greg Maddux (7.39) -   27  
  Cubs    Mark Prior (15.76) -   25  
    Matt Clement (11.02) -   22  
  Owners:  Jason Marquis (3.23) -   13  
  The Tribune Company (2000-2008) Kevin Tapani (2.3) -   11  
  Thomas Ricketts (2009) Randy Wells (4.46) -   9  
    Rich Hill (4.48) -   7  
  General Managers: Rich Harden (5.06) -   6  
  Ed Lynch (2000) Carlos Marmol (6.04) -   6  
  Andy MacPhail (2000-2001)    
  Jim Hendry (2002-2009) Catchers:  
    Michael Barrett (5.98) -   25  
  Managers: Geovanny Soto (4.34) -   15  
  Don Baylor (2000-2002)    
  Rene Lachemann (2002) First Basemen:  
  Bruce Kimm (2002) Derek Lee (22.01) -   46  
  Dusty Baker (2003-2006)    
  Lou Piniella (2007-2009) Second Basemen:  
    Eric Young (4.55) -   18  
  Hall of Famers: Todd Walker (2.3) -   16  
  Greg Maddux Mark DeRosa (3.97) -   14  
  Rookie of the Year:  ShortStop:  
  Goevanny Soto (2008) Ryan Theriot (6.23) -   27  
    Alex Gonzalez (1.33) -   15  
  MVP Ricky Gutierrez (3.88) -   12  
  None Neifi Perez (4.02) -   8  
  Cy Young: Third Base:  
  None Aramis Ramirez (21.99) -   52  
  No Hitters: Outfield:  
  Carlos Zambrano (2008) Sammy Sosa (25.74) -   59  
    Corey Patterson (3.72) -   30  
  Notable Events: Alfonso Soriano (4.66) -   27  
    Moises Alou (5.29) -   19  
  2000 - Chicago enters the decade coming off of a last place Kosuke Fukudome (2.65) -   12  
  67 win season in '99. They are an aging team with seven of eight  Jacque Jones (1.57) -   12  
  starting position players, two starting pitchers and their closer all Juan Pierre (1.99) -   10  
   over thirty years old. The Cubs then proceed to win only 65 games in    
   2000. Not a very promising scenario movng forward for the Oughts for Notable Events:  
   Chicago. Players on the 2000 roster that could be considered keepers    
  (barely) moving forward: 2004 - First Baseman Derek Lee is obtained from Florida  
    Corey Patterson, 20, centerfield in exchange for first baseman Hee Seop Choi  
    Kerry Wood, 23, pitcher    
    Kyle Farnsworth, 24, relief pitcher 2004 - the Cubs gain one game on 2003 but drop to third in   
    the standings. Greg Maddux returns and Aramis Ramirez   
  2001 - Righthander Carlos Zambrano, 20, joins the club. He  and Moises Alou have big years, but an injury to Mark Prior  
  was signed as an International Free Agent from Venezuela and Joe Borowski's return to reality offset the gains.  
  as a sixteen year old in 1997. Carlos will be the Cubs ace for  
  most of the decade and will win 125 games in eleven seasons 2006 - Starlin Castro is signed as an International free agent  
  with Chicago. from the Dominican Republic at the age of 16. The second  
  baseman will join the Cubs as a twenty year old rookie in 2010  
  2002 - Twenty one year old righthander Mark Prior joins the    
  club. Similar to Kerry Wood four years earlier, Prior is a must 2007 - Outfielder Alfonso Soriano is signed from Washington  
  watch prospect with electric stuff. And, unfortunately for  as a free agent. He'll hit 215 home runs in his seven seasons   
  everybody once again, Prior will hurt his arm (in 2004) and his as a Cub. He is thirty one.  
  big league career will be over by the time he is twenty five.    
  Prior had been a first round draft pick in 2001. 2007 - Lefthander Ted Lilly is signed as a free agent from   
  Toronto. He is a key performer in Chicago's two Division title  
  2003 - Stud third baseman Aramis Ramirez, 25, is acquired  runs (2007, 2008) going 32-17. He is thirty one.  
  in a trade from the Pirates for three nobodies. A bizarre trade    
  in that it wasn't a salary dump as one might suspect at first 2007 - Lou Piniella hires on as manager  
  blush. Instead, the Pirates apparently thought that Ramirez    
  was no longer a prospect because he hadn't yet completely 2007 - After a two year lapse into the depths of the standings,  
  bounced back from a severe ankle injury the previous year. the Cubs are back, gaining nineteen games in the standings.  
    The free agent acquisitions of Soriano and Lilly are the main  
  2003 - the Cubs gain twenty one games in the standings reasons for the improvement. Plus you can never   
  and win the Division. This is becoming a bizarre habit for the overestimate Piniella's affect on the clubhouse.  
  Cubbies. Lose, lose, lose and then Boom, win the Division. The     
  mid to late Oughts break this pattern a bit as now they actually 2008 - Piniella switches Ryan Dempster's and Kerry Wood's  
  have back to back winning seasons (2003-2004) before sinking roles. The man is a savant for sure. Dempster is now a  
  back into the abyss. Anyway, it's pitching that accounts for  starter and goes 17-6, Wood saves 34 games out of the pen.  
  the difference between 2002 and 2003. Twenty two year old     
  righthanders Carlos Zambrano,13-11 and Mark Prior, 18-6  2008 - Another Division title. And since when do the Cubs win  
  have breakout seasons. As does thirty two year old journeyman titles back to back? Since 1908 (a hundred years earlier),   
   closer Joe Borowski who comes out of nowhere to register 33 saves. that's when.   
  2009 - Chicago is over .500 for the third year in a row! Since  
  when do the Cubs finish over .500 three years in a row?   
   Since 1972, that's when.