Detroit Tigers - Turn of the Century (1901-1909)  
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1900  
        1901 3 74 61   1904 7 62 90   1907 1 92 58               Decade  
        1902 7 52 83   1905 3 79 74   1908 1 90 63               Click  
        1903 5 65 71   1906 6 71 78   1909 1 98 54               on Logo  
  Titles:  Top Tigers Players of the Naughts  
  AL Champs (1907 lost to Cubs)  
  AL Champs (1908 lost to Cubs) Pitchers:  
  AL Champs (1909 lost to Pirates) George Mullin (25.65) -    102  
    Wild Bill Donovan (28.06) -    62  
  BallPark: Ed Killian (24.55) -    51  
  Bennett Park Ed Siever (18.11) -    31  
    Ed Summers (7.73) -    24  
  Team Name: Tigers Frank Kitson (2.17) -    22  
    Ed Willett (4.43) -    19  
  Owner:  Roscoe Miller (8.47) -    19  
  James D. Burns (1901) Win Mercer (6.03) -    11  
  Samuel F. Angus (1902-1903) Red Donahue (4.41) -   7  
  William H. Yawkey (1904-1907)    
  Frank J. Navin (1908-1909) Catchers:  
    Boss Schmidt (3.31) -    23  
  General Managers:    
   None First Basemen:  
    Claude Rossman (4.3) -    17  
  Managers: Charlie Carr (2.72) -    12  
   George Stallings (1901)    
  Frank Dwyer (1902) Second Basemen:  
  Ed Barrow (1903-1904) Germany Schaeffer (4.94) -    27  
  Bobby Lowe (1904) Kid Gleason (1.04) -    11  
  Bill Armour (1905-1906)    
  Hughie Jennings (1907-1909) ShortStop:  
    Kid Elberfeld (8.08) -    24  
  No Hitters:  Charley O'Leary (0.69) -    21  
    None Donie Bush (7.01) -    14  
  Hall of Famers: Third Base:  
  Hughie Jennings   Doc Casey (4.09) -    15  
  Sam Thompson Bill Coughlin (3.05) -    11  
  Ty Cobb Joe Yeager (4.07) -  0  
  Sam Crawford    
  Notable Events: Sam Crawford (33.58) -    86  
    Ty Cobb (25.57) -    74  
  1900 - Bennett Park is named after catcher Charlie Bennett, a former  Jimmy Barrett (13.8) -    49  
   Detroit player who lost both legs in a train accident six years earlier. Matt McIntyre (15.98) -    48  
  Davy Jones (5.65) -    22  
  1901 -The Tigers come into existence in the newly formed American  Ducky Holmes (2.42) -    16  
   League and will play in Bennett Park. George Stallings, who had previously Billy Lush (4.22) -   8  
   managed the Philadelphia National League franchise, initially bought the    
    Detroit franchise, but then sold it to James D Burns prior to the start of  Notable Events:  
    the 1901 season. Stallings stayed on as Detroit manager in 1901.    
    George had managed the Detroit minor league club earlier in the 1906 - Twenty four year old righty Ed Willett, 22, is purchased from Witchita  
   late Eighteen Nineties.  He will be a solid member of Detroit's rotation for six years including one  
     big season.  
  1901 - Outfielder Jimmy Barrett jumps from the Reds    
  1907 - After floundering around for the first six seasons of the decade   
  1902 - Twenty one year old righthander George Mullin is obtained from  under several managers, Detroit turns it around.   
   Ft. Wayne. Mullin will be the ace of the Tigers staff for the next decade.  They hire on thrty eight year old Hughie Jennings. Jennings was the  
     beneficiary of being hired at the right time as the Tigers were a talented  
   1903 - Sam Crawford. 23, jumps to the Tigers from the NL Reds. young team just about to blossom into a powerhouse. Jennings gets the   
   This was a major salvo in the battle between the leagues.  credit for leading Detroit to a pennant by gaining twenty one games and   
   However, Reds owner Gary Herrman did not contest the move as part   six spots in the standings, altho' he just happened to be there when   
   of an agreement between the two leagues to halt their animosities.   Detroit matured. Hughie will be Detroit's manager for the next fourteen years.  
   Herrmann was more interested in ensuring that the leagues functioned   Aside from Jennings, the improvement is due to the coming of age of  
  smoothly than he was in his own team's individual fortunes.   outfielders Cobb and Crawford who form a lethal one-two punch in the   
    His forward looking attitude was certainly in evidence in this deal as   middle of the lineup. Cobb is twenty years old. Crawford twenty seven.  
  Crawford was a future Hall of Famer. On the mound, Wild Bill Donovan and Ed Killian, who are both thirty years   
      old, go from nineteen combined wins in 1906 to fifty combined wins in 1907.  
  1903 - Righthander Wild Bill Donovan, 26, jumps from Brooklyn. He will    The 1907 pennant is the first of a run of three for the Tigers. On offense,  
  be a major part of the Tigers championship clubs later in the decade.  the combo of Cobb and Crawford is unmatched in baseball. On the mound,  
   the Tigers have a stable of good to very good starters who take turns  
  1904 - William H Yawkey, only 28 years old, heir to a lumber and  having huge years during the three year run.  
   mining fortune, buys the club and employs Frank Navin as his     
   Bookkeeper / General manager. Yawkey will own an interest in the 1908 - Frank Navin, who had been running the club since 1904,   
    club until he dies of tuberculosis in 1919.  His estate went to his  buys 50% ownership of the Tigers from William Yawkey  
  nephew, Tom, who later bought the Boston Red Sox    
    1908 - The Tigers win the pennant over Cleveland by half a game.    
  1904 - Lefthander Ed Killian, 27, is obtained in a trade from Cleveland.   They did not have to  make up a rained out game, which if they had   
  Ed will have a couple of huge seasons for the Tigers and will be a lost would have forced a tie, according to  the rules at the time.  
   solid member of the rotation for seven years.  The rule was changed that winter. to force relevent makeups.  
   1904 - Outfielder Matty McIntyre, 24, is obtained from Buffalo. A solid 1908 - Twenty three year old righty Ed Summers is obtained from  
   player, he will be part of the excellent Detroit outfield for the rest  Indianapolis. He will have a couple of big years helping the Tigers to two  
   of the decade.  titles. Unfortunatley his career is very brief as he contracts rheumatism  
      and retires at twenty '09.  
  1905 - Ty Cobb, 18, is a rookie.     
   The Georgia Peach is obtained from Augusta. 1908 - Twenty year old shortstop Donie Bush is a rookie. He will have   
    a stellar career with the Tigers  
    1909 - The Tigers win their third straight pennant and lose their  
     third straight World Series