Detroit Tigers - The Clinton Years (1990-1999)  

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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L     1990            
        1990 3 79 83   1993 4 85 77   1997 3 79 83     Decade            
        1991 2 84 78   1994 5 53 62   1998 5 65 97     Click            
        1992 6 75 87   1995 4 60 84   1999 3 69 92     on Logo            
                  1996 5 53 109                            
  Titles:  Top Tigers Players of the Nineties  
  BallPark: Bill Gullickson (4.6) -    30  
  Tiger Stadium Mike Henneman (7.18) -    28  
    Justin Thompson (13.13) -    25  
  Team Name:  Brian Moehler (8.8) -    25  
  Tigers Todd Jones (2.7) -    21  
    Frank Tanana (3.16) -    20  
  Owner:  Mike Moore (0.88) -    19  
  Tom Monahan (1990-1992) David Wells (10.29) -    16  
  Michael Ilitch (1993-1999) Jack Morris (0.72) -    12  
    Felipe Lira (6.49) -   12  
  General Managers: Doug Brocail (6.71) -   8  
  Jim Campbell (1990) Omar Olivares (5.07) -  7  
  Bo Schembechler (1990-1992)    
  Michael Ilitch (1993-1995) Catchers:  
  John McHale (1995-1999) Mickey Tettleton (14.83) -    33  
    Chad Kreuter (5.13) -    13  
  Managers: Brad Ausmus (4.23) -   10  
  Sparky Anderson (1990-1995)    
  Buddy Bell (1996-1998) First Basemen:  
  Larry Parrish (1998-1999) Cecil Fielder (16.89) -    63  
    Tony Clark (9.41) -    19  
  No Hitters:     
  None Second Basemen:  
    Lou Whitaker (23.38) -    45  
  Hall of Famers: Damion Easley (10.52) -    19  
  Jack Morris    
  Alan Trammell ShortStop:  
    Allen Trammell (15.02) -    31  
  Rookie of the Year: Deivi Cruz (3.6) -    17  
    Third Base:  
  MVP: Travis Fryman (27.48) -    58  
  Cy Young: Tony Phillips (25.29) -    48  
  None Bobby Higginson (10.76) -    35  
    Brian Hunter (3.01) -    21  
  Notable Events: Rob Deer (6.03) -    17  
    Milt Cuyler (5.24) -    14  
  1990 - Jim Campbell steps down as GM. He will continue as president and  Kirk Gibson (3.54) -    12  
   CEO until 1992 when he is fired by the new owner. In all, Campbell will have  Luis Gonzalez (2.35) -    4  
  been in charge as GM or president/CEO for thirty years. During his tenure,    
   the Tigers would finish above .500 twenty one times, finish first four times  Notable Events:  
  and win two World Series. Campbell had a unique organizational style all    
   his own. He would home grow a crop of young players and then keep them  1993 - The last Tigers winning season for another twelve years.   
  until they got old. The first crop was in the early Sixties - Freehan, Cash,   There's still plenty of  the old guard around, emphasis on the "old".   
   McAulliffe, Wert, Northrup, Stanley, Horton (plus Kaline). The second crop  Whitaker, Trammell, Phillips, Gibson and manager Sparky Anderson  
   was in the late Seventies - Parrish, Thompson, Whitaker, Trammell, Kemp,     
  Gibson, Morris, Petry, Wilcox. He did a bit more maneuvering with this group, 1995 - Sparky Anderson steps down as manager. Owner Michael Ilitch  
   but very little by most standards. He never did come up with a third group.  finally realizes that President Michael Ilitch is running the team into  oblivion  
    and hires a baseball man, John McHale, to run the operation.  
   1990 - Tom Monaghan starts acting like a pizza guy and hires Bo     
  Schembechler, football coach of Michigan, as his General Manager.  1995 - Outfielder Bobby Higginson, 24, is a rookie. He was a twelfth   
   At least he still had Campbell around as team President, but this   round pick in the 1992 draft. Higginson was the one bright spot in the  
  move did nothing to further the Tigers' cause  dark days of the Tigers ignominious run in the late nineties and  
       early 2000's  
   1992 - Michael Ilitch buys the club from Tom Monaghan. Ilitch was a former  
   minor league baseball player who had built the Little Caesar's Pizza empire.  1998 - Detroit is placed into the AL Central. They're lucky they   
   I don't know what it was about the Tigers and pizza guys. Unfortunately for  weren't placed into the International League  
  Tigers fans, Ilitch thought that his background as a minor league player and     
  pizza pie magnate somehow qualified him to run a big league baseball club.  1999 - The Tigers play their last game in Tiger Stadium. They had been  
  It actually qualified him to run a big league baseball club into the ground. playing at the corner of Michigan and Trumbull avenues the entire   
   It started out OK - he fired Bo Schembechler. Then it got scary as he also  century. First at Bennett Park, then Navin Field, then Briggs Stadium,  
   fired Jim Campbell. Then it got outright horrifying as Ilitch installed himself  then Tiger Stadium (Navin, Briggs and Tiger were all one and the same  
   as GM. Ilitch was arrogant and he was wrong. physical park which had been standing for 87 years).  
   It would be years before he would turn the Tigers fortunes around. He first    
   had to overcome the damage he himself had done in ruining the organization.   
   Then he had to turn his attentions from building a new ballpark to put a    
   winning team in it. It would take over a decade of severe losing for all    
   of this to come about. Luckily, Ilich had deep  pizza pockets to be able     
  to overcome the miserable failure the franchise had become in the long run.