Los Angeles Dodgers - The Beginning Years in LA  (1958-1969)  
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               Decade
        1958 7 71 83   1962 2 102 63   1966 1 95 67               Click  
        1959 1 88 68   1963 1 99 63   1967 8 73 89               on Logo
        1960 4 82 72   1964 7 80 82   1968 8 76 86                  
        1961 2 89 65   1965 1 97 65   1969 4 85 77                  
  Titles: Top Dodgers Players of the Early LA Years  
   World Champs 1959 (beat White Sox)   
  World Champs 1963 (beat Yankees) Pitchers:  
  World Champs 1965 (beat Twins) Don Drysdale (53.6) -   126  
  NL Champs 1966 (lost to Orioles) Sandy Koufax (51.32) -   104  
    Claude Osteen (16.15) -   53  
  BallPark:  Johnny Podres (19.01) -   51  
   The Coliseum (1958-1961) Ron Perranoski (14.91) -   36  
  Chavez Ravine (1962-1969) Bill Singer (12.21) -   30  
    Don Sutton (9.82) -   29  
  Team Name: Stan Williams (12.01) -   29  
    Dodgers Larry Sherry (6.48) -   17  
    Phil Regan (6.09) -   14  
  Owner: Jim Brewer (7.97) -   14  
    Walter O'Malley  Bob Miller (5.44) -   11  
  General Manager:  Catchers:  
   Buzzy Bavasi (1960-1968) John Roseboro (22.33) -   80  
  Fresco Thompson (1968) Tom Haller (6.84) -   15  
  Al Campanis (1969)  
    First Basemen:  
  Managers: Ron Fairly (12.94) -   34  
   Walter Alston  Wes Parker (13.4) -   31  
    Gil Hodges (3.67) -   17  
  No Hitters:  Norm Larker (4.85) -   16  
   Sandy Koufax (1962) Dick Nen (0.1) -    0  
  Sandy Koufax (1963)  
  Sandy Koufax (1964) Second Base:  
  Sandy Koufax (1965) Charlie Neal (5.76) -   22  
  Hall of Famers: ShortStop:  
  Don Sutton Maury Wills (28.79) -   103  
   Gil Hodges Don Zimmer (0.27) -   13  
  Don Drysdale    
  Sandy Koufax Third Base:  
  Pee Wee Reese Junior Gilliam (23.48) -   50  
  Duke Snider Jim Lefebvre (15.41) -   20  
  Maury Wills (Pending)    
  Rookie of the Year Willie Davis (34.57) -   107  
  Frank Howard (1960) Tommy Davis (16.19) -   52  
  Jim Lefebvre (1965) Wally Moon (12.65) -   33  
  Ted Sizemore (1969) Frank Howard (10.85) -   28  
    Duke Snider (7.79) -   23  
  MVP Lou Johnson (6.63) -   22  
  Maury Wills (1962)    
  Sandy Koufax (1963) Notable Events:  
  Cy Young 1962 - The Dodgers and Giants tie for first place. It was the Dodgers'  
  Don Drysdale (1962)  fourth playoff in eighteen years (1946, 1951, 1959, 1962).   
  Sandy Koufax (1963) The Giants win in three games. the third time that the Dodgers lose one  
  Sandy Koufax (1965) of these in that eighteen year span.  
  Sandy Koufax (1966)    
    1963 - LA wins the pennant and then sweeps the Yanks in the World Series  
  Notable Events: This obviously never would have happened if they were still in Brooklyn.  
    The stars of this team were the still young pitchers Koufax, Drysdale   
  1958 -  In Brooklyn, the club had one of the most successful runs in baseball    and Podres plus relief ace Perranoski and speedsters Wills, Willie  
  history leading up to the move to LA, having won 6 pennants and losing three   Davis and Tommy Davis This group plus Claude Osteen and Phil  
  more pennants on the last day of the season in the preceding twelve years.  Regan will be the stars of the '65 & '66 pennant winning squads.  
  1958 - The Dodgers open up their tenure in Los Angeles playing in the  1964 - Righthander Bill Singer, 20, is a rookie. He was signed three   
   Coliseum  years earlier.  
  1958 - LA brings up four youngsters who will be a big part of the club   1964 - Lefty reliever Jim Brewer, 26, is stolen from the Cubs for Dick Scott.   
  moving forward:  You would think that the Cubs would have learned something after the   
    first baseman Ron Fairly, 19, signed in 1958 Perranoski deal. The Dodgers had been fleecing the Cubs for decades.  
    outfielder Frank Howard, 21, 6 foot 7 basketball All American at Ohio State    
    righty reliever Larry Sherry, 22, signed in 1953 1965 - Lefthander Claude Osteen, 25. is obtained in a huge deal with   
    righthhander Stan Williams, 21, signed in 1954  Washington. At first, the general consensus was that the Dodgers   
     were out of  their minds to make this deal. They gave up slugger  
   1959 - Two more big time youngsters are brought up by LA, as the changing    Frank Howard (who altho' he was very talented was completely   
   of the guard from the Ebbets field sluggers to the LA speedsters gains  opposite of the type of player needed in Chavez Ravine), excellent  
   momentum:  young third baseman Ken McMullen and two top young pitching  
     Outfielder Tommy Davis, 20, signed in 1956 -  prospects in lefty Pete Richert and righthander Phil Ortega.    
  he would win two batting titles with LA It turns out that Bavasi knew exactly what he was doing as Osteen   
      shortstop Maury Wills, 26, originally signed in 1951  would be a valuable member of the Dodger rotation for years   
   with an odyssey taking him thru the Tigers and Reds organizations before to come as he turned the Dodges big two into a big three.  
   coming back to the Dodgers. Maury would revolutionize the game winning     
   six  consecutive stolen base titles including a record (since broken) 1965 - The Dodgers win the World Series beating the Twins  
    104 steals in 1962.    
    1966 - Future Hall of Fame righthander Don Sutton, 21, is a rookie.   
   1959 - Los Angeles and the Braves tie for first place.   He was signed in '64 out of USC.  
  LA then beats the Braves 2-0 in a playoff before proceeding to beat the      
  White sox in the World Series 4-2 1966 - The Tigers are fleeced for ace righty reliever Phil Regan, 29.    
   This is a very different team than the Brooklyn squad that dominated the  He is obtained for utility infielder Dick Traceowski.   
  National League in the Fifties. GM Buzzy Bavasi didn't have time to do     
  much of a re-tooling job. LA was fortunate, that at this point of time, 1966 - Righty Charlie Hough, 18, is an 8th round pick in the draft.   
   the whole league was in transition, particularly Milwaukee, and that there He comes up in '70  
    were no dominant clubs to challenge at the moment.    
   It allowed the Pirates to sneak in as champs in 1960, the Reds in 1961, 1966 - Shortstop Bill Russell, 17, is a 9th round pick in the draft.   
   and the Giants in 1962 before the Dodgers would restore order with a  He comes up in '69  
   completely re-tooled team by 1963.     
   The 1959 team had a runs scored/given up ratio that would have only 1966 - Los Angeles wins the pennant on the final day of the season,    
   predicted a mundane 80-74 mark. but then gets swept by the Orioles in the World Series.   
   Superior relief pitching from Larry Sherry, 22, Roger Craig, 29,     
    Stan Williams, 22, Clem Labine, 32 and Danny McDevitt, 26, allowed  1967 - Catcher Steve Yeager, 18, is a 4th round pick in the draft.    
  the Dodgers  to win an inordinate share of the close ones. He comes up in '72   
    The staff was led by three young and talented starters:     
  Johnny Podres, 26, Don Drysdale, 22, and Sandy Koufax, 23. 1967 - Sandy Koufax retires after the 1966 season with an arthritic elbow.   
  Craig, Labine, Podres and Drysdale had been big contributors in   His retirement instantly marks the end of the Dodgers dominance in the   
   Brooklyn, the rest were new. National League.They had won ten pennants in the previous twenty years.  
  The offense, meanwhile, was way behind where it was in Brooklyn,    Additionally, they had either lost the pennant on the last day of the  
  altho those clubs set an impossibly high bar.   season or lost a playoff after being tied for first place at the end of the   
   Jackie Robinson, Roy Campanella and Pee Wee Reese were gone. regular season on five more occasions.   
   Their  replacements, Charlie Neal, 28, John Roseboro, 26, and  That's fifteen of twenty one seasons that the Dodgers had either won  
   Don Zimmer, 28 weren't nearly as good.  the pennant or were there on the last day, By comparison, in the   
   Carl Furillo, 37, was no longer starting, replaced by Don Demeter, 24.  American League, the Yankees also were right there fifteen times during   
  1B Gil Hodges, 35, and CF Duke Snider, 32, were showing their age.   that same stretch - the difference being that the Yankees won the   
  Only LF Wally Moon, 29, was an upgrade over the Brooklyns. pennant all fifteen times that they were that close and the Yankees    
    also won ten World Series (including five of seven against the Dodgers)  
   1960 - Centerfielder Willie Davis, 20, is a rookie. A vastly underrated  while the Dodgers "only"  managed to win four World Series in that span.  
  player by everyone except the Dodgers, he was the perfect player for    
   Chavez Ravine. He could cover tons of space in centerfield, he was 1968 - GM Buzzy Bavasi leaves a parting gift for the Dodgers before   
   a force on the basepaths, altho' overshadowed by Wills' exploits,  moving on to San Diego to start up the Padres franchise.  
   and he was a decent hitter with a bit of power.  Here's some of his picks in the '68 draft:  
      #1 - first baseman Steve Garvey, 19, comes up in '69   
   1961 - The Dodgers had a succession of outstanding relievers in the Sixties.   #2 - outfielder Bill Buckner, 19, comes up in '69  
   Most of whom they stole from other clubs in lopsided deals.   #2 -  supplemental draft - second baseman Davey Lopes, 23,    
   The first was Larry Sherry, who was the only home grown one. he came up in '72   
   The next was lefthander Ron Perranoski, 25, who was pilfered from   #3 - third baseman Ron Cey, 20, comes up in '71  
   the Cubs in exchange for Don Zimmer.   #5 - lefthander Geoff Zahn, 22, comes up in '73   
    #8 - catcher Joe Ferguson, 21, comes up in '70   
  1962 - Chavez Ravine opens. It is a ballpark where pitching,    
    defense and speed rule. 1969 - Al Campanis takes over as Dodgers GM. As good as Bavasi was,  
     there is no dropoff in quality in the front office with Campanis at      
  1962 - OF Tommy Davis, 23, emerges as a star with a 27-153-.346 the helm. Owner Walter O'Malley had a great eye for management  
   line and 18 SB. He wins the batting title and repeats talent.  
    with a .326 average in '63.