New York Giants - The War Years (WW I) (1910-1919)
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1910  
        1910 2 91 63   1913 1 101 51   1917 1 98 56               Decade  
        1911 1 99 54   1914 2 84 70   1918 2 71 53               Click  
        1912 1 103 48   1915 8 69 83   1919 2 87 53               on Logo  
                  1916 4 86 66                            
  Titles:  Top Giants Players of the Teens  
  NL Champs   1911, 1912, 1913, 1917  
  Lost World Series to: A's-1911, Red Sox-1912, A's-1913, White Sox-1917 Pitchers:  
    Christy Mathewson (29.46) -   79  
  BallPark:  Jeff Tesreau (21.66) -   70  
  Polo Grounds III (1910-1911) Rube Marquard (17.13) -   52  
  Hilltop Park (1911) Pol Perritt (6.47) -   46  
  Polo Grounds IV (1911-1919) Rube Benton (4.56) -   30  
  Doc Crandall (6.58) -   23  
  Team Name:  Slim Sallee (5.25) -   21  
   Giants Jesse Barnes (4.01) -   20  
    Ferdie Schupp (4.94) -   18  
  Owner:  Al Demaree (5.02) -   17  
  John T Brush (1910-1912) Red Ames (8.87) -  15  
  Harry N Hempstead (1912-1919) Hooks Wiltse (6,59) -  14  
  Charles A Stoneham (1919) Fred Toney (5.94) -  12  
    Louis Drucke (4.36) -   5  
  General Manager:     
  None Catchers:  
    Chief Meyers (19.39) -   49  
  Managers: Bill Rariden (4.52) -  10  
   John McGraw (1910-1919) Lew McCarty (5.02) -  6  
  No Hitters:  First Basemen:  
   Jeff Tesreau (1912) Fred Merkle (15.32) -   61  
  Rube Marquard (1915)    
    Second Basemen:  
  Hall of Famers: Larry Doyle (33.77) -   59  
  John McGraw     
  Frankie Frisch ShortStop:  
  Rube Marquard Artie Fletcher (41.84) -   106  
  Christy Mathewson Al Bridwell (5.11) -   13  
  George Kelly    
  Edd Roush Third Base:  
  Ross Youngs Heinie Zimmerman (9.58) -   24  
    Buck Herzog (9.49) -   18  
  MVP Tillie Shafer (4.02) -  12  
  Larry Doyle (1912) Art Devlin (4.14) -  9  
  Notable Events: Outfield:  
  George Burns (28.79) -   91  
  1910 - New York embarks on one of the most successful decades of  Fred Snodgrass (12.99) -   58  
  any team in history. Four firsts, four seconds with two hundred win  Benny Kauff (13.46) -   41  
  seasons and three ninety win seasons.  Red Murray (6.83) -   32  
  The only downer was that the Giants lost all four world series that Ross Youngs (7.35) -   25  
  they were in in the decade.  Dave Robertson (8.34) -   24  
  The 1910 team had nine players on its roster that would be Josh Devore (3.98) -   23  
   major contributors to the Giants success during the decade:    
    Righthander Christy Mathewson, 29 - Hall of Famer Notable Events:  
     Lefthander Rube Marquard, 23 - Hall of Famer    
    Righthander Doc Crandall, 22 1916 - Benny Kauff, 26, is picked up after the Federal League disbands.    
    Catcher Chief Meyers, 29 - one of the top backstops of the decade Kauff was a big time star in the FL and didn't quite live up to the hype  
    First Baseman Fred Merkle, 21  with the Giants, but he was a good ballplayer in New York. He cost $35K,  
    Second Baseman Larry Doyle, 23  a princely amount, as the price from the Brooklyn Tip Tops.  
    Shortstop Artie Fletcher, 25    
    Outfielder Fred Snodgrass, 22 1916 - The Giants go on winning streaks of 17 and 26 games (a record)    
    Outfielder Red Murray, 26  and still only finish in fourth place.  
  1911 - Outfielder George Burns, 21, is purchased from Utica 1917 - Outfielder Ross Youngs, 20, is purchased from Sherman  
  1911 - Polo Grounds III burns down in April. The Giants share Hilltop 1917 - In sort of a one-off season over the second half of the decade,   
    Park with the Highlanders (Yankees) until a replacement park,  the Giants win the pennant. They were merely good in the surrounding  
   Polo Grounds IV, is built. It opens in June.  seasons. It's sensational pitching that does it for them as Schupp,  
   They got things done fast - and good - in those days.  Sallee, Benton and Perritt combine for a 71-30 2.13 mark.  
  1911 - The Giants set a league record with 347 stolen bases. 1917 - The Giants lose their fourth World Series of the decade.   
    Five players out of their eight starters steal between 38 and 61 bases:  Again, it was a faux pas that did them in. This time catcher  
    Merkle, Gilbert, Murray, Devore and Snodgrass  Bill Rariden missed a tag on White Sox Eddie Collins in a rundown  
   and then brain cramped to allow White Sox runners on first and  
  1912 - Righthander Jeff Tesreau, 24, is a rookie. second to move into scoring position - and eventually score they did.  
   He had been purchased from Shreveport two years earlier.  
  1918 - Jesse Barnes, twenty five year old righthander, is obtained from   
   1912 - Rube Marquard wins 19 games in a row. the Braves in return for Buck Herzog. A nice deal for the Giants  
  1912 - Fred Snodgrass costs  the Giants the Series by dropping a 1918 - Righthander Fred Toney, 29, is purchased from the Reds  
   routine fly ball against the Red Sox    
  1919 - Lefthander Artie Nehf, 26, is puchased from the Braves -   
  1913 - Christy Mathewson sets a record pitching 68 consecutive  the Giants throw in four bodies in addition to the $55K  
   innings without issuing a walk  
  1919  - Jesse Barnes's little brother, righthander Virgil, 23, is a rookie  
  1914 - After three straight pennants, New York nosedives 18 games    
   in the standings to a distant second place.  By their runs totals, 1919 - Catcher Frank Snyder, 25, is picked up in a deal with the Cards  
   the Giants should have only dropped seven games in the standings   for pitcher Ferdie Schupp  
  as  they over achieved a bit in '13 and under achieved a bit in '14.   
    Nonetheless, it was the pitching that sabotaged the New Yorkers. 1919 - Twenty one year old, future Hall of Fame second baseman,  
   Rube Marquard and Al Demaree fell from a combined 36-14 to a   Frankie Frisch, the Fordham Flash, is signed  
  combined 22-39 as their ERA's moved up over 3 (very bad in those   
   days). It would all collapse in 1915 as Mathewson gets old. 1919 - Charles Stoneham wins the club in a poker game with owner   
   Harry Hempstead. Giants management has always been on the   
  1915 - Pol Perrit, twenty three year old righthander, is obtained combatative / thug side of the tracks since the turn of the  century.   
   from the Cards for Bob Bescher and cash Manager John McGraw's pugnacious manner fit in perfectly with  
   Giants ownership throughout. Under Stoneham, the Giants franchise  
  1915 - Righthander Rube Benton, 25, is purchased from the Reds for would still be from the wrong side of the tracks, but in a different way.   
   $3000. Not much even in those days  The new owner was a big time gambler and had ties, ironically, with  
   Arnold Rothstein who  was behind the Black Sox scandal.   
  1915 - George Highpockets Kelly, 19, is signed from Victoria. In a baseball sense, however, Stoneham proved to be a good owner.  
   The first baseman is a future Hall of Famer  There's nothing to make you think that he mixed his gambling interests   
   with his baseball interests, at all. And, he provided McGraw with all the   
  1916 - Lefthander Slim Sallee, 31, is purchased from the Cards for  resources that John needed to win. Also, McGraw was a straight shooter   
   $10K. He was one of the better pitchers in the league while in St. Louis  and would not have tolerated any shenanigans from Stoneham had    
   and continued his success in New York they been broached.