New York Giants - The Roaring Twenties (1920-1929)  
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1920  
        1920 2 86 68   1923 1 95 58   1927 3 92 62               Decade  
        1921 1 94 59   1924 1 93 60   1928 2 93 61               Click  
        1922 1 93 61   1925 2 86 66   1929 3 84 67               on Logo  
                  1926 5 74 77                            
  Titles:  Top Giants Players of the Twenties  
  World Champs   (1921 beat the Yankees;  1922 beat the Yankees)  
  NL Champs (1923 lost to Yankees; 1924 lost to Washington) Pitchers:  
    Art Nehf (9.25) -   66  
  BallPark: Fred Fitzsimmons (11.07) -   47  
   Polo Grounds  Virgil Barnes (10.42) -   35  
    Larry Benton (10.46) -   32  
  Team Name: Jack Scott (10.27) -   32  
   Giants Jesse Barnes (6.32) -   31  
  Rosey Ryan (5.2) -   27  
  Owner:  Fred Toney (5.43) -   26  
   Charles A Stoneham Hugh McQuillan (8.15) -   26  
    Jack Bentley (2.54) -   25  
  General Manager: Phil Douglas (5.3) -   22  
    None Carl Hubbell (6.38) -   18  
    Burleigh Grimes (2.95) -   13  
  Managers:  Bill Walker (4.12) -   10  
   John McGraw  Claude Jonnard (3.81) -   4  
  No Hitters: Catchers:  
    Jesse Barnes (1922) Frank Snyder (8.78) -   38  
  Carl Hubbell (1929) Shanty Hogan (4.76) -   15  
    Earl Smith (5.85) -  9  
  Hall of Famers: Hank Gowdy (4.43) -  5  
  John McGraw   
  Burleigh Grimes First Basemen:  
  Carl Hubbell  George Kelly (23.96) -   60  
  Ray Schalk Bill Terry (17.86) -   43  
  Bill Terry    
  George Kelly Second Basemen:  
  Rogers Hornsby Frankie Frisch (37.6) -   86  
  Frankie Frisch Rogers Hornsby (10.07) -   15  
  Dave Bancroft    
  Travis Jackson ShortStop:  
  Fred Lindstrom Travis Jackson (27.64) -   63  
  Mel Ott Dave Bancroft (22.78) -   47  
  Edd Roush    
  Hack Wilson Third Base:  
  Ross Youngs Fred Lindstrom (14.99) -   37  
    Heinie Groh (7.41) -   16  
  None Outfield:  
    Ross Youngs (24.8) -   66  
  Notable Events: Irish Meusel (12.65) -   31  
  Mel Ott (11.46) -   26  
  1920 - Another exceptional decade under John McGraw. McGraw took George Burns (7.45) -   20  
   advantage of tough financial times to cherry pick stars from the bottom Edd Roush (2.99) -   14  
   clubs in the league such as the Braves and the Phillies and a willing  George Harper (5.62) -  11  
  Cincinnati Reds organization who had many ties to the Giants  Casey Stengel (4.45) -  8  
  (such as manager Christy Mathewson and the fact that, back in the day,    
   John Brush sold the Reds to current owner Gary Herrmann before buying  Notable Events:  
  the Giants). Four pennants and three second place finishes makes it one  
   of the best decades in any team's history. And the Giants actually followed  1924 - The Giants win their fourth straight pennant. They lose the   
  thru and won a couple of World Series, beating Babe Ruth's Yankees twice   World Series to Washington.  This also gave the Giants eight  
  after having lost four world classics in a row.   pennants in fourteen years, although they only managed to win  
  The 1920 team had nine players who would play a significant role   two World Series in the run.  Yet another Giants blunder marked   
    in the coming decade: the 1924 Series loss. Giants catcher Hank Gowdy tripped over  
    Righthander Fred Toney, 31 his mask chasing a Muddy Ruel popup, which he dropped.   
    Lefthander Art Nehf, 27  This gave the Senators the impetus to rally and win the Series.  
    Righthander Jesse Barnes, 27  A couple of bad hop singles over third baseman Fred Lindstrom's  
    Righthander Virgil Barnes, 23  head also contributed to the loss.   
    Catcher Frank Snyder, 26    
    First Baseman George Highpockets Kelly, 24, Hall of Famer 1925 - Righthander Fat Freddie FitzSimmons, 23, is obtained from   
    Second Baseman Frankie Frisch, 22, Hall of Famer  Indianapolis  
    Outfielder Ross Youngs, 23    
    Outfielder George Burns, 30  1925 - New York takes it down a notch thru the end of the decade,  
     not winning any more titles altho' they're still pretty good with two  
  1921 - 1923 mark the first three subway series - all between the Giants and   seconds and two thirds. The game has now gotten away from   
  the Yankees. The Giants win the first two, the Yankees the third.  McGraw, a bit, as he was a much better manager in the dead ball era  
  and didn't adjust fully to the live ball.   
  1921 - Outfielder Irish Meusel, 28, is purchased from the Phillies for $30K.  
   The Giants threw in two bodies to complete the deal 1926 - Future Hall of Fame outfielder Mel Ott is signed and brought  
     up to the Giants at the age of seventeen.  
  1921 - John McGraw evicts the Yankees from the Polo Grounds after    He'll end up playing twenty two years for the New York.  
  the Series. McGraw lived by the feud. Owner Charles Stoneham, who was    
   also something of a thug, approved. 1927 - Lefthander Bill Walker, 23, is brought up from Denver.   
  1922 - Shortstop Travis Jackson, 18, future Hall of Famer, is signed and  1927 - Righthander Larry Benton, 29, is obtained from the Braves in  
   brought up by the Giants.  a six player trade.   
  1922 - Thirty year old righthander Jack Scott is obtained from the Reds for   1927 - In a monumental deal, Hall of Fame second baseman  
   Larry Kopf and Rube Marquard  Frankie Frisch is traded to the Cards for Hall of Fame second  
     baseman Rogers Hornsby. Frisch is the better all around,  
  1923 - Twenty four year old outfielder Hack Wilson, future Hall of Famer,  but Hornsby is one of the great hitters of all time. Not one   
   is purchased by the Giants from Portsmouth. He is one that got away  of the more affable guys you would run into, Hornsby  
   as McGraw gets rid of him three years later for Earl Webb, of all people.  wears out his welcome after only a year in New York.   
   Slugger Wilson was the  prototypical player of his times but McGraw's old     
  school bias couldn't accept that. McGraw wasn't so enamored with  1928 - Catcher Shanty Hogan, 22, is obtained from the Braves for   
  power but liked fiesty guys who could run, handle a bat, and play "D".  Rogers Hornsby. This was Giants management punishing Hornsby  
   as there had developed a lot of animosity between them and Rogers.   
  1923 - First Baseman Bill Terry, 24, is obtained from Toledo.   The trade was made despite the fact that Hornsby had a big year    
   He is a future Hall of Famer. Terry was a late bloomer as he knocked   and had actually stepped in to manage the club due to McGraw's  
  around playing semi pro ball after crashing out of pro ball at the young    health problems during the year. Unclear how things went so south  
  age of eighteen. It's hard to say he wasted a lot of years because he so quickly between them.  
   didn't come into his own until he was twenty eight.     
  1928 - Lefthander Carl Hubbell, 25, future Hall of Famer, is purchased  
  1924 - Eighteen year old future Hall of Fame third baseman Freddie   from the Detroit Tigers. Hubbell did not have a particularly impressive  
   Lindstrom is signed.   minor league record but this was a monumental blunder by the Tigers.  
   Hubbell would pitch until he was forty and win 253 games.