New York Giants - The War Years - WWII (1940-1949)
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               Decade  
        1940 6 72 80   1943 8 55 98   1947 4 81 73               Click  
        1941 5 74 79   1944 5 67 87   1948 5 78 76               on Logo  
        1942 3 85 67   1945 5 78 74   1949 5 73 81                  
                  1946 8 61 93                            
  Titles:  Top Giants Players of the Forties  
  BallPark: Larry Jansen (10.73) -   36  
    Polo Grounds Dave Koslo (11.26) -   31  
    Bill Voiselle (6.57) -   28  
  Team Name:  Hal Schumacher (10.71) -   28  
   Giants Carl Hubbell (5.87) -   26  
    Cliff Melton (7.81) -   25  
  Owner:  Bill Lohrman (2.49) -   24  
  Horace Stoneham Ace Adams (7.05) -   23  
    Sheldon Jones (7.12) -   19  
  President: Harry Feldman (2.73) -   16  
   None Monte Kennedy (5.75) -   15  
    Van Lingle Mungo (3.11) -   11  
  General Manager:  Clint Hartung (0.11) -   10  
  Chub Feeney (1948-1949)    
  Managers: Harry Danning (6.66) -   27  
   Bill Terry (1940-1941) Ernie Lombardi (9.93) -   22  
  Mel Ott (1942-1948) Walker Cooper (8.14) -   21  
  Leo Durocher (1948-1949)    
    First Basemen:  
  No Hitters:  Johnny Mize (28.18) -   54  
   None Babe Young (9.22) -   20  
  Hall of Famers: Second Basemen:  
  Carl Hubbell Billy Jurges (9.37) -   21  
  Ernie Lombardi Mickey Witek (7.58) -   17  
  Joe Medwick  
  Johnny Mize ShortStop:  
  Mel Ott    Buddy Kerr (11.38) -   44  
    Bill Rigney (7.38) -   20  
  Rookie of the Year:    
  None Third Base:  
    Sid Gordon (16.74) -   34  
  MVP Dick Bartell (7.54) -   19  
  Notable Events: Mel Ott (27.68) -   66  
    Willard Marshall (15.55) -   37  
  1940 - If anyone had any questions as to when the Giants  Bobby Thomson (10.72) -   32  
  dynasty was officially over, they shouldn't. It was over when owner Whitey Lockman (9.54) -   22  
  Charles Stoneham died in 1936. A poster boy for why low John Rucker (0.43) -   21  
  inheritance taxes are a disaster for all involved, son Horace, a dunce,  Ducky Medwick (5.01) -   15  
  took over the franchise and immediately began to run it into the Phil Weintraub (6.26) -   13  
  ground, beginning just two years later in 1938, and  culminating in Frank Demaree (1.79) -   7  
   the Giants move out of New York twenty one years later.     
  The Forties were a horrific decade for a great franchise like the Giants Notable Events:  
    who had won back to back pennants as recently as 1936-1937.    
    1946 - Chub Feeney, 25,  Horace Stoneham's nephew, takes over  
  1941 - Lefthander Dave Koslo, 21, is a rookie. His career  as team president. This finally gives the Giants front office   
  doesn't take off until he gets back from the war in 1946 someone who knows what he's doing. Feeney had baseball savvy.  
  1941 - Outfielder Sid Gordon, 23, is brought up from Jersey City 1947 - Righthander Larry Jansen, 27, is brought up from San  
    Francisco and wins twenty one games as a rookie. Like many  
  1941 - Outfielder Willard Marshall, 21, is brought up from Atlanta others, the war delayed the start of his big league career by  
    several years.  
  1942 - Bill Terry is replaced by Mel Ott as manager.    
  The Giants have a temporary resurgence to third place 1947 - Catcher Wes Westrum, 26, is brought up from  
    Minneapolis. The war delayed the start of his big league career.  
  1942 - Slugging first baseman Johnny Mize, 29, is picked up    
  from the Cardinals in a trade for $50K and three warm bodies. 1947 - The Giants set a record for most home runs by a team in a  
  Altho' this looked like a terrible deal by the Cards on the  season with 221. Johnny Mize, Walker Cooper, Sid Gordon and  
  surface, it actually was an astute one. Mize was twenty nine Willard Marshall were the big sluggers. Despite this display of   
  and eligible for military service. Knowing that Mize would power, the Giants finish fourth  
  probably miss several prime seasons to the war, Rickey got a    
  bundle of cash for him. You'll note that the Cards were a  1948 - Twenty one year old outfielder Don Mueller is brought up  
  powerhouse during the war because Rickey was jettisoning  from Jersey City  
  war eligible players and stockpiling 4F's.    
    1948 - Leo Durocher takes over as manager during the season.  
  1943 - Shortstop Buddy Kerr, 20, is brought up from Jersey City Durocher is a breath of fresh air for a moribund franchise.   
    He wants to win - badly. He also wanted to win his way - fiesty  
  1943 - Carl Hubbell retires after the season aggressive baseball, not sit back and wait for a home run baseball.  
    Durocher was a manager that actually made a difference, those  
  1945 - Outfielder Whitey Lockman, 18, is brought up from Jersey City types were rare. Durocher wore out his welcome as manager in  
    Brooklyn, criticizing management, and was "dealt" to the Giants  
  1945 - Mel Ott hits career home run number 500 by Dodgers GM Branch Rickey. This was a mistake by Brooklyn  
    as Durocher was much better than the guys who replaced him  
  1945 - Righthander Sal Maglie is a twenty eight year old rookie.  there. It went backwards initially as Durocher went about   
  He had knocked around in the minors since 1938 and had done dismantling a  slow, plodding, power heavy team for one in his  
  his stint in the army. Frustrated, Maglie would jump to the image. The team finishes in the second division both in '48 and '49.  
  Mexican League the following season and be blacklisted from    
  baseball after that for another five years 1949 - Third baseman Hank Thompson, 23, is signed as a free  
    agent by the Giants. He had been with the Browns who inexplicably  
   1946 - Seven Giants players defect to the Mexican League. New York released him. They were an inept franchise, but that inept?   
   was hit harder than any other team. The players don't get back Thompson had the unique distinction of being the first black player  
  into the majors, if at all, until 1950 as they are blacklisted. The  on two franchises, the Browns and the Giants  
  Giants players were Sal Maglie, Danny Gardella, Harry Feldman,    
  George Hausman, Nap Reyes, Adrian Zabala and Roy Zimmerman 1949 - Thirty year old outfielder Monte Irvin is brought up by the  
  Giants. His debut had been delayed by military service and   
  1946 - Outfielder Bobby Thomson, 21, is brought up from Jersey City playing several years for Newark in the Negro National League.  
    In order to compete with Brooklyn and the Braves, Feeney and  
    Durocher pursue black players aggressively.