San Francisco Giants - The Clinton Years (1990-1999)
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1990  
        1990 3 85 77   1993 2 103 59   1997 1 90 72               Decade  
        1991 4 75 87   1994 2 55 60   1998 2 89 74               Click  
        1992 5 72 90   1995 4 67 77   1999 2 86 76               on Logo  
                  1996 4 68 94                            
  Titles: 1997 Division Champs (Lost to Florida) Top Giants Players of the Nineties  
  BallPark: Candlestick Park Pitchers:  
    Rod Beck (7.08) -   57  
  Team Name: Giants John Burkett (6.14) -   48  
    Kirk Reuter (5.03) -   28  
  Owner: Robert Lurie (1990-1993) Bill Swift (9.93) -   27  
   Peter A Magowan (1993-1999) Mark Gardner (1.89) -   24  
    Shawn Estes (5.16) -   21  
  General Manager: Al Rosen (1990-1992) Robb Nen (3.9) -   21  
  Bob Quinn (1993-1996) Trevor Wilson (3.05) -   19  
  Brian Sabean (1996-1999) Bud Black (1.24) -   18  
    Jeff Brantley (6.75) -   14  
  Managers: Roger Craig (1990-1992) Mark Portugal (0.43) -   11  
  Dusty Baker (1993-1999)    
  No Hitters: None Kirt Manwaring () -   24  
    Terry Kennedy (2.27) -   11  
  Hall of Famers:    
  Barry Bonds (Pending) First Basemen:  
    Will Clark (14.08) -   37  
  Rookie of the Year (None) JT Snow (5.38) -   20  
  MVP  None Second Baseman:  
    Robby Thompson (19.26) -   35  
  Notable Events: Jeff Kent (12.1) -   23  
  1990 - San Francisco comes into the decade on a high (baseball-wise) ShortStop:  
   just having played in the World Series (and losing to cross-bay Oakland).  Royce Clayton (8.-6) -   23  
   Of course, all was not rosy as the city was still suffering the effects of the  Rich Aurilia (5.47) -   19  
  World Series earthquake. The Giants also won the Division two years earlier     
  in 1987 so things would appear to be looking up. Unfortunately for San Third Base:  
  Francisco,  that's not the case as the pitching staff is spotty and ace Rick  Matt Williams (30.31) -   54  
  Reuschel is forty one years old. Also, two key pieces of the Giants' offense Bill Mueller (8.97) -   19  
   are about to go missing as free agent centerfielder Bret Butler leaves for    
   the rival Dodgers after the 1990 season and outfielder Kevin Mitchell, a  Outfield:  
  head case, is dealt away to Seattle after the 1991 season. Barry Bonds (53.41) -   118  
    Neither is replaced immediately leaving a couple of big holes in the lineup. Darren Lewis (4.57) -   30  
  Kevin Mitchell (6.74) -   21  
  1993 - Bob Lurie sells the Giants to Peter A Magowan prior to the season.  Stan Javier (6.1) -   19  
  Lurie, who saved the franchise from moving to Toronto in 1976, Marvin Benard (5.47) -   15  
   ironically was now preparing to move the team to Tampa. Willie McGee (7.3) -   15  
   Peter Magowan steps in and purchases the franchise,  keeping it  Brett Butler (4.99) -   14  
  in San Francisco. Glen Allen Hill (3.63) -   13  
  Ellis Burks (3.84) -   10  
    1993 - The ownership change ushers in management changes.    
   Bob Quinn and Dusty Baker, both high quality, are hired to replace   Notable Events:  
  Al Rosen and Roger Craig, who had both done an excellent job in    
  their San Francisco tenures. 1997 - First baseman JT Snow, 29, is obtained from Anaheim in a three   
   After a shaky start, Baker is a big success in San Francisco.   player trade.  
  Quinn doesn't fare quite so well in his four seasons with the Giants    
  after a successful stint with the Reds earlier. Quinn's grandfather and  1997 - Second Baseman Jeff Kent, 29, is obtained from Cleveland in   
  father had both been successful major league GM's. exchange for third baseman Matt Williams in a four player trade.  
  1993 - Barry Bonds, should be Hall of Fame outfielder, 28, is signed as a   1997 - After a lost decade thus far, San Francisco rights the ship and   
  free agent from the Pirates gains twenty two games in the standings. They will contend for the   
    next eight seasons until superstar Barry Bonds misses most of the  
  1993 - Barry Bonds wins his third career MVP, first with the Giants,   season in 2005. The gain in '97 is really a mirage because the Giants   
    give up more runs than they score despite their lofty 90-72 record.   
  1993 - Led by Bonds, San Francisco gains a whopping thirty one games Usually this type of disparity is due to a very strong bullpen that wins  
  in the standings, winning 103 - only the second time they've gone over you the close games, but that was not the case here as the pen was  
   a hundred in the last eighty years. Yet, they have nothing to show   pretty mediocre, led by Rod Beck with 37 saves, but a high ERA.  
  for it as the Braves win the Division with 104,  On offense, the additions of JT Snow and Jeff Kent were huge.  
   This success is a one year aberration due mostly to the infusion of  On the mound, youngsters Shawn Estes and Kirk Reuter emerged  
   offense by Bonds and righthanders Bill Swift and John Burkett both   as studs combining for a 32-11 mark between them.   
   having off the charts career years, combining for a 43-15 mark. This was a very unusual season as the Giants not only were winning  
  all the close ones, but doing it with a so-so bullpen.  
  1994 - Matt Williams has 43 home runs in 115 games when the baseball     
   strike hits.Matt missed a legitimate shot at breaking Maris' record as he 1998 - Starting in '98, the Giants run totals do reflect better their won    
   was on pace late to do it two thirds of the way into the season.  loss records.  
  No matter, his record would have been broken in a few years, anyway. They're an above average team at this point, but not great.   
  The '97 season, it turns out, was merely ahead of the curve.    
  1995 - Shortstop Rich Aurillia, 23, is obtained from Texas for John Burkett    
    1998 - Righty reliever Robb Nen, 28, is obtained from Florida   
   1996 - Barry Bonds becomes the second player to accomplish a 40-40  in a four player trade. He will be SF's closer for the next five years.  
   season after Jose Canseco of the A's did it.    
   Barry's father, Bobby, just missed 40-40 in 1973 when he hit 39 1998 - The Giants and Cubs tie for the Wild Card. The Cubs   
   homers with the Giants. It's fair to say that the late Eighties, early  win a one game playoff to get into the playoffs  
  Nineties were pretty much the first era in baseball history that combined    
  a lot of slugging with a lot of base stealing. You've got to think that guys 1999 - Righty reliever Joe Nathan, 24, is a rookie.   
  Aaron, Mantle and Mays were capable of 40-40's in their day if given  He was drafted in the sixth round of the 1995 draft  
  that kind of a green light to run. Nathan will end up being one of the top closers in the game,  
    just not with the Giants. San Francisco never knew what they  
  1996 - Righthander Kirk Reuter, 25, is obtained in a three player deal  had in Nathan and never tried using him to close even tho'   
  with Montreal at the trade deadline he spent five years with the club.  
  1997 - GM Bob Quinn is replaced by Brian Sabean. Quinn was a solid  1999 - The Giants play their last game at Candlestick to close out   
  baseball man but Sabean has proven himself to be one of the top   the season and the century.  
  executives in baseball. Sabean deservedly gets a great deal of credit    
    for the Giants success moving forward    
   (eight post season appearances over the next twenty years)