Pts / Points  Points are Win Shares that a player or team has earned. Because of the way the model performs calculations, actual wins earned are roughly 80% of Points
RF Runs For. The number of runs scored by a team In a given season
Off Diff Offensive Difference. The difference between the number of runs scored by a team in a given season and the league average runs scored by teams
RA Runs Against. The number of runs scored against a team in a given season 
Def Diff Defensive Difference. The difference between the number of runs scored against a team and the leage average runs scored by teams
Off / Offense Offense. The number of Win Shares (Points) allocated to the team for offense for the season. This is the total of Hitting, Hitting Adjustment and Speed
Offensive Win Shares are the sum of hitting Win Shares (Hitting and HA) and base running Win Shares (Speed).
The model allocates the total Win Shares earned by a team (based on the number of games the team has actually won) to the Offense and to the 
Defense based on the number of runs the team has scored and yielded during the season. 
Hitting  The number of Win Shares allocated to the batters on the team based on the model's calculations for the season
HA / Hadj Hitting Adjustment. Fudge factor difference between the calculated Win Shares (points) generated by the team's hitters and the offensive win shares
allocated to the team based on the team's number of wins and the number of runs scored by the team. For example, if the team's batters had good
stats and a high OPS, but that didn't translate into a whole lot of runs scored by the team, then the Hitting Adjustment would be negative for the team.
Conversely, if the team's batters' stats (OPS) wasn't great, but they scored a lot of runs, then the Hitting Adjustment would be positive for the team.
Allocating HA points to batters is based on lineup synergy. The thought being that good hitters make the hitters around them better (pitchers are forced to pitch
to batters before them in the order for fear of facing a good hitter with men on due to walks). Similarly bad hitters make the batters around them worse because
you don't need to give a hitter anything good to hit with a weak hitter coming up behind him.  Therefore, we award HA points to good hitters when a lineup over
achieves and we take away HA points from weak hitters when a lineup under achieves. 
S / Speed  Win Shares allocated to the team for baserunning. This number is calculated by the model based on stolen bases by the players on the team. 
Def / Defense Defense. The number of Win Shares (Points) allocated to the team for defense for the season. This is the total of Pitching plus fielding.
The model allocates the total Win Shares earned by a team (based on the number of games the team has actually won) to the Offense and to the 
Defense based on the number of runs the team has scored and yielded during the season. 
F / Fielding Win shares allocated to the team for fielding. This is 20% of the Defensive Win Shares
Pitching Win shares allocated to the team for pitching. This is 80% of the Defensive Win Shares.
AB At Bats for a player in a season
OBP On Base Percentage for a player in a season
SLG Slugging Percentage for a player in a season
OPS On Base Percentage + Slugging Percentage
Var Under fielding, the Win Shares added or taken away from a player based on the runs they've saved or given up due to their fielding
Note that catchers (4), shortstops (3) and centerfielders (3) are allocated ten Win Shares to start with due to the enhanced skill level required to play their 
positions and the degree of difficulty in their positions as opposed the other defensive positions. 
IP Under fielding, the number of innings played by a player in that season at the particular position. 
Runs Under fielding, the calculated number of runs that a player has saved (positive number) or yielded (negative number) during the course of the season.
Roughly eight runs one way or the other generates a Win Share (positive or negative)
v-Tm Under fielding. Ignore this number for our calculations.
SB Under Base Running / Speed - the number of bases the player stole during the course of the season. Note that we're only interested in players with game
changing speed - the top 10% of base stealers only are considered in the Baserunning / Speed calculations.
IP Under pitching, the number of innings the pitcher worked during the season, rounded up or down. Note that Innings Pitched factor heavily into Win Shares.
Starting pitchers eat up a lot of innings because they have a repertoire of pitches that allows them to go thru the lineup several times in a game. They get
credit for that. Relievers who have a limited repertoire or are placed into cherry-picked situations or who don't have a lot of stamina or whose managers
don't trust them to pitch a lot of innings are not rewarded with many Win shares.
W Wins. The number of wins the pitcher was awarded. Note that this number is not Win Shares, altho' it is a major factor in the awarding of Win Shares to 
starting pitchers. Wins are marginally considered in calculating Win Shares for relief pitchers.
L Losses. The number of losses charged to a pitcher. Note that this number is not used by the model in calculating Win Shares. Starting pitchers are paid to 
win, if they don't win, it's irrelevant whether they get a no decision or a loss at that point.
ERA Earned Run Average. Marginally considered in Win Shares calculations for pitchers. Top pitchers will take their foot off the gas if they've got a big lead in a 
game. Relievers get an unfair advantage because they may come in in the middle of innings, thus lessening the chances of the base runners they put on scoring.
SV Saves. Relief pitchers who get saves are a different breed than middle relievers - high pressure and a much higher skill level closing out games. Win Shares are
awarded based on saves for relief pitchers.