Kansas City Royals - The Clinton Years (1990-1999)  

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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L                  
        1990 6 75 86   1993 3 84 78   1997 5 67 94               1990  
        1991 6 82 80   1994 3 64 51   1998 3 73 89               Decade  
        1992 5 72 90   1995 2 70 74   1999 4 64 97               Click  
                  1996 5 75 86                         on Logo  
  Titles: Top Royals Players of the Nineties  
  Ballpark: Kevin Appier (47.86) -   84  
  Royals Stadium  (1990-1993) Jeff Montgomery (15.27) -   75  
  Kauffman Stadium (Royals Stadium renamed 1993-1999) Tom Gordon (12.7) -   45  
    Tim Belcher (9.19) -   33  
  Team Name: Mark Gubicza (11.89) -   26  
  Royals   David Cone (14.11) -   24  
    Hipolito Pichardo (5.54) -   19  
  Owner:  Jose Rosado (10.22) -   19  
  Ewing Kauffman (1990-1993) Bret Saberhagen (8.68) -   9  
  Ewing Kauffman Estate (1994-1999) Steve Farr (4.79) -    7  
    Luis Aquino (5.33) -  4  
  General Managers:    
  John Schuerholz (1990) Catchers:  
  Herk Robinson (1991-1999) Mike MacFarlane (12.86) -   48  
    Brent Mayne (-0.71) -   13  
  John Wathan (1990-1991) First Basemen:  
  Bob Schaefer (1991) Wally Joyner (7.66) -   31  
  Hal McRae (1991-1994) Jeff King (5.97) -   17  
  Bob Boone (1995-1997) Mike Sweeney (4.53) -   11  
  Tony Muser (1997-1999)    
    Second Basemen:  
  Hall of Famers: Jose Offerman (9.67) -   21  
  George Brett Bill Pecota (5.52) -   6  
  Rookie of the Year:  ShortStop:  
  Bob Hamelin (1994) Greg Gagne (6.49) -   23  
  Carlos Beltran (1999) Jay Bell (5.44) -   11  
  No Hitters: Third Base:  
  Bret Saberhagen (1991) George Brett (4.81) -   18  
  Gary Gaetti (8.44) -   17  
  MVP Joe Randa (3.51) -   11  
  None Kevin Seitzer (4.16) -   7  
  Cy Young Outfield:  
  David Cone (1994) Johnny Damon (11.13) -   39  
  Brian McRae (4.86) -   31  
  Notable Events: Jermaine Dye (3.58) -   16   
    Tom Goodwin (3.49) -   16  
  1990 - Kansas City is still relevent as the decade opens. Danny Tartabull (5.33) -   14  
   They had finished second to a very good A's team in '89. Felix Jose (-0.16) -   12  
   However, things were about to change. The farm system was no  Bo Jackson (3.5) -    10  
  longer cranking  out replacements the way it had been a decade  Carlos Beltran (4.98) -   9  
  or so earlier. Hard to say specifically what was the cause of the  
   decline of the farm system. Schuerholz was top notch, but, apparently, Notable Events:  
   there was no longer a strong farm management and scouting team     
  behind  him organizationally. Owner Kauffman was now seventy four  1993 - Royals Stadium is renamed Kauffman Stadium and is renovated.  
  and not what he once was twenty years earlier.   Part of the renovation is replacing the hideous Astroturf with grass  
  That fervent push for greatness was no longer there.  
  The 1990 team was in decline due to age, injuries, and parsimony, 1993 - George Brett, superstar, retires  
  The top players coming into the Nineties:    
  1994 - Baseball Strike. The Royals' last winning season for a decade.  
    Catcher - Mike MacFarlane, 26, he'll be a stallwart for most    
   of the decade 1995 - Outfielder Mike Sweeney, 22, is a rookie. He was a 10th round  
    1B - George Brett, 37, still has  a bit of gas left in the tank  pick in the 1991 draft  
    2B - Frank White, 39, running on fumes at this point    
    SS - Kurt Stillwell, 25, not a championship level talent 1995 - Outfielder Johnny Damon, 21, is a rookie.   
    3B - Kevin Seitzer, 27, ditto Kurt Stillwell  He was a first round pick in the 1992 draft  
    OF - Jim Eisenreich, 31, talented but with health issues    
     OF - Bo Jackson, 26, superstar who tragically has career 1997 - Outfielder Jermaine Dye, 23, is obtained from the Braves   
   ending injury in '91 in a four player deal  
    OF - Danny Tartabull, 27, slugger dealt to NY in salary dump in '92    
    OF - Willie Wilson, 34, ditto Frank White 1996 - The Royals finish last for the first time in their history.   
     OF - Brian McRae, 22, rookie who is an average talent -  Get used to it.  
  17th overall pick in '85 draft  
    OF - Jeff Conine, 24, rookie was 58th round pick in '87 draft -  1998 - Outfielder Carlos Beltran, 21, is a rookie. He was a 2nd round pick  
  lost to Florida in the 1993 expansion draft in the  '95 draft  
    Righty Tom Gordon, 22, quality starter  
    Righty Kevin Appier, 22, quality starter 1999 - Royals fans, believing the small market propaganda being sold  
    Righty Bret Saberhagen, 26, quality starter dealt to Mets for   to them by their cheapskate owners (Ewing Kauffman's heirs),   
  David Cone in '92 stage a protest over the economic state of baseball and how they are  
    Righty Mark Gubicza, 27, ace who suffered effectiveness   averse to Yankees spending as the ruination of baseball.  
  ending injury in '90  The ruination of baseball in Kansas City had nothing to do with   
    Righty reliever Jeff Montgomery, 28, will have four more big years Yankees spending or the Royals would have sucked for their first twenty   
    five years of existence. Instead,  while Ewing Kauffman was alive,   
  1990 - George Brett wins his third batting title and is the first to win  the small market Royals somehow managed to capture seven Division  
  a batting title in three different decades  titles, appear in two World Series winning one of them and finish over  
     .500  seventeen times. As we see time and time again, inheritors are   
  1991 - Bo Jackson is injured playing for the Oakland Raiders.  virtually always clueless about how their parents made their money and   
  The injury will cause him to get a hip replacement and, although he will achieved their success. Most of them just try to cling on to what they've   
   return to baseball, not as the same superstar prior to the injury. gotten in any way possible. And, the inheritors will look for any lame  
   And he would not return to Kansas City, anyway, as the Royals were   excuse to try to cover their incompetence.  
  unwilling to pay him his salary while trying to recuperate from his   You wonder how anyone could possibly claim that you can't succeed   
  football injury - economically things had changed in Kansas City.  in a small market when you've lived much of your life seeing   
  evidence of the exact opposite.  
  1993 - Owner Ewing Kauffman dies. If you are a baseball fan and you  
   have a good owner who has put together a good organization and    
   is willing to go the extra mile to put a winning team on the ballfield,     
  then this is the day you dread.    
  When Ewing Kauffman died so did the Royals days as a contender.