New York Mets - The Clinton Years (1990-1999)  
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1990  
        1990 2 91 71   1993 7 59 103   1997 3 88 74               Decade  
        1991 5 77 84   1994 3 55 58   1998 2 88 74               Click  
        1992 5 72 90   1995 2 69 75   1999 2 97 66               on Logo  
                  1996 4 71 91                            
  Titles:  Top Mets Players of the Nineties  
  1999 - Wild Card (Beat Arizona, Lost to Atlanta)  
  BallPark: John Franco (9.38) -   73  
  Shea Stadium Bobby Jones (9.18) -   49  
    Doc Gooden (10.94) -   36  
  Team Name: Rick Reed (10.77) -   28  
  Mets David Cone (11.66) -   25  
    Al Leiter (9.22) -   23  
  Owner:  Frank Viola (9.05) -   21  
  Nelson Doubleday and Fred Wilpon Bret Saberhagen (11.63) -   20  
  Sid Fernandez (12.68) -   16  
  General Managers: Dave Mlicki (3.17) -   13  
  Frank Cashen (1991) Masato Yoshii (4.55) -   10  
  Al Harazin (1992-1993) Jason Isringhausen (1.02) -   9  
  Joe McIlvaine (1994-1997) Anthony Young (0.13) -   4  
  Steve Phillips (1997-1999) Bill Pulsipher (1.41) -   3  
    Paul Wilson (1.85) -   2  
  Bud Harrelson (1990-1991) Catchers:  
  Mike Cubbage (1991) Todd Hundley (9.2) -   49  
  Jeff Torborg (1992-1993) Mike Piazza (9.72) -   26  
  Dallas Green (1993-1996)    
  Bobby Valentine (1996-1999) First Basemen:  
    John Olerud (17.29) -   38  
  Hall of Famers: Eddie Murray (2.75) -   14  
  Eddie Murray Rico Brogna (3.42) -   13  
  Mike Piazza    
  Rickey Henderson Second Basemen:  
    Edgardo Alfonso (16.63) -   23  
  Rookie of the Year:  Jeff Kent (8.43) -   22  
  None Carlos Baerga (0.31) -   6  
    MVP:  ShortStop:  
  None Jose Vizcaino (2.34) -   14  
    Ray Ordonez (2.3) -   11  
  Cy Young    
  None Third Base:  
    Howard Johnson (5.25) -   28  
    No Hitters:  Dave Magadan (7.34) -   21  
  None Robin Ventura (6.72) -   10  
  Notable Events: Outfield:  
    Bobby Bonilla (8.3) -   43  
  1990 - catcher Todd Hundley, 21, is a rookie.  Ryan Thompson (3.38) -   19  
   He was a second round pick in the '87 draft Lance Johnson (8.64) -   19  
    Bernard Gilkey (10.25) -   18  
   1990 - Lefty reliever John Franco, 29, is acquired from the Reds in exchange Kevin McReynolds (5) -   15  
   for lefty reliever Randy Myers. Quality for quality Roger Cedeno (1.5) -   15  
    Darryl Boston (2.84) -   12  
   1990 - This is the last year of the Mets seven year run as one of the top Butch Huskey (0.5) -   12  
   teams in baseball as the Amazin's finish second at 91-71. Vince Coleman (2.08) -   10  
   The usual suspects for the decline following the '90 season -  Darryl Strawberry (6.31) -   10  
   old age, injuries, free agent defections. Rickey Henderson (1.85) -   9  
    Gregg Jefferies (4) -   9  
  1991 - Darryl Strawberry leaves for LA as a free agent. Carl Everett (2.73) -   8  
   This loss, more than a hundred Knights, Backmans, Teufels and Dykstras  
   caused the Mets collapse. As it turns out, Darryl's demons made it a smart Notable Events:  
   move for Cashen not to re-sign him. He did nothing after leaving New York.    
  1992 - New York drops 5 more games in the standings.   
  1991 - New York signs one high priced free agent a year for the next three They are now officially a bad team.  
  years in a failed attempt to keep their mini dynasty afloat.    
    For whatever reason, the Mets become cryptonite for players who are 1993 - New high priced free agent SS Tony Fernandez is a bust.   
   quality elsewhere. The decade is littered with players who should have  The Mets will give up on signing free agents after this as they  
   been good with the Mets, but bombed, big time, in New York.  descend further into the depths of the National League East.  
   This phenomenon continued into early next century: One thing you can fault Cashen for was that there was nothing   
  □ 1991 - Outfielder Vince Coleman, 29, is a FA from the Cards  coming up from the farm system and New York was forced to try  
  □ 1992 - Outfielder Bobby Bonilla, 29, is a FA from the Pirates to replenish with free agents in an effort to stay afloat.  
  □ 1993 - Shortstop Tony Fernandez, 31, in a trade from SD    
  □ 1996 - 2B Carlos Baerga, 27, trade with Cleveland for Jeff Kent 1993 - Righthander Bobby Jones, 23, is a rookie.   
  □ 2002 - 2B Robby Alomar, 34, trade with Cleveland  He was a 1st round pick in the '91 draft  
  □ 2002 - 1B Mo Vaughn, 34, trade with Anaheim    
  These free agent failures have given Met ownership an excuse not to spend  1993 - The Mets bottom out at 59-103 and have a huge payroll to boot.  
  as time wore on. In a market like New York, no matter what the sad history of    
  free agency was for your team, not spending is a calamity. Move forward or die.  1995 - 3B Edgardo Alfonzo, 21, is a rookie. He was an IFA in '91  
   Too bad for Mets fans because the New York sports market is a gold mine     
   for those who are competitive with big stars as draws.  1996 - Monumental disappointment for the Mets as Generation K strikes out.   
   It's not brain surgery, but then no one has ever mistaken Mets   The Mets had three phenom pitching prospects in Paul Wilson, 23,   
  management and owenership for brain surgeons. Bill Pulsipher, 22, and Jason Isringhausen, 23  >  Generation K  
    These three were going to bring the Mets back to the glory days.   
  1991 - New York drops 14 games in the standings and are under .500 And they probably would have, but all three got hurt. Wilson battled his  
    way back to a fair career with the Reds. Isringhausen, after reinventing   
  1992 - Al Harazin takes over as GM for Frank Cashen. No bueno for Mets fans. himself, became a top reliever with the Cards. Pulsipher couldn't recover.  
    I've read that Cashen was accused by Mets fans of dismantling the title teams    
   that he had built in the late Eighties. That all must have happened pretty fast.  1996 - Righty Rick Reed, 31, is signed as a FA.   
   They won a hundred games in '88 and 89 games in '89. He must have done it  He spends a year in AAA before being brought back up in '97.  
  when everyone was looking away in October thru December of '89.  Reed was something of a pariah to his peers as he was a scab in  
    Anyway, how long did Mets fans think that their little mini-dynasty would last  the '94 strike. In his defense, his crossing the picket line may have   
   before it had to be retooled? provided him an opportunity he may not otherwise have had.  
   Mainstays Carter and Hernandez were 36 years old in '90. They were cooked. Very tough decision for a guy on the bubble like he was.   
   Mookie Wilson was 34 and had relied on his speed. Cooked.    
   Wally Backman, Tim Teufel and Ray Knight were mediocrities who Mets 1996 - SS Rey Ordonez, 25, is a rookie. He was an IFA in '93  
   fans somehow deified in their minds into Hall of Fame status.    
   They were let go. Sorry, Mets fans, no loss there.  1996 - Bobby Valentine is hired as manager. He's one manager who   
  No question that Cashen made a couple of bad deals late in the Eighties,   made a difference. Bobby was a force of nature in the dugout.   
   but the affect was so miniscule compared to what he had built with the Mets   The team's demeanor took a 180 degree turn with him in charge.  
   that you really had to be off your head, if you were a Met fan, to do  There's also a new GM in town in '97, Steve Phillips, but the   
   anything but genuflect at the sight of Cashen.  credit for the subsequent turnaround goes to Valentine.   
  The Bad and The Ugly:    
    Cashen dealt centerfielder Lenny Dykstra and relief pitcher Roger McDowell 1997 - 1B John Olerud, 28,  is obtained from Toronto for Robert Person  
   to the Phillies for Juan Samuel in '89. Bad trade. No question.    
  Altho' it didn't help that Samuel was struck down by the same malady that  1997 - The Mets begin to respond to Valentine's methods as he leads  
  strikes so many stars coming to New York - sudden loss of production.   them to a 17 game turnaround in the standings.    
    He also dealt Kevin Tapani, who he had gotten from the Dodgers for     
   Jesse Orosco, and  Rick Aguilera for Twins ace Frank Viola. 1998 - New York acquires ace lefthander Al Leiter from the Marlins at the    
   Another bad deal. Altho' I will defend Cashen on this one because Frank start of the season for three youngsters including righthander AJ Burnett, 21.  
  saw that the team was about to disintegrate (on it's own) and he made a   The Mets then land superstar catcher Mike Piazza, 29, also from the Marlins,   
  short term deal for Viola to keep things going for another year or two at mid season in exchange for big time outfield prospect Preston Wilson, 23.  
   - and Viola delivered in '90 winning twenty and keeping the Mets in  The two acquisitioins take the Amazins to the next level at the expense of  
    contention for one more year.  two future productive players in the next decade.  
   □ Cashen was also blamed for letting Strawberry go as a free agent,     
  but Darryl was set on going back to LA to go party with his homies,  1999 - Righty Reliever Armando Benitez, 26, is acquired from the Orioles   
  which he did. The Mets avoided a disaster had he stayed. for catcher Charles Johnson.   
  1992 - Righthander Bret Saberhagen, 28, is picked up from KC in exchange 1999 - The Mets make it to the post season as a wild card.   
   for Kevin McReynolds and Gregg Jefferies.   They beat Arizona in the NLDS, but lose in the NLCS to the Braves.  
   The only explanation you can come up for this deal is that new GM Harazin  A couple of veteran free agent signings help get them over the hump:  
   was under pressure to make something happen because ownership still   Outfielder Ricky Henderson, still going strong at age forty one  
    thought New York might be able to contend after cratering in '91.    Third baseman Robin Ventura, 31.  
   After all, they had signed  Bonilla as a high priced free agent in '92 and,   
  presumably, figured that  '91 FA Coleman would bounce back to the 1999 - New York is now an elite team at the close of the century.  
   exceptional form that he had shown with St. Louis. It turns out that  The pitching staff is very old, but still effective. Eight members of the  
  all three (Saberhagen, Bonilla and Coleman) were awful. staff are over thrity two with their average age at thirty five.  
    Starters: Hershiser, 40; Rogers, 34; Reed, 34; Yoshii, 34; Leiter, 33.  
  1992 - Second baseman Jeff Kent, 24, and outfielder Ryan Thompson, 24,  Relievers: Franco, 38; Cook, 36; Wendell, 32.  
   are obtained from Toronto for ace righthander David Cone. A bad trade.  Octavio Dotel, Armando Benitez and Pat Mahomes   
   It turns out that Cone wasn't going to make much of a difference on this are the only pitchers under thirty.  
   bad team, anyway. Time to get some youth for him, which the Mets did. The starting lineup is mostly in it's prime:  
   The problem is that Harazin was working at cross purposes. He made  C-Piazza, 1B-Olerud, SS-Ordonez, 3B-Ventura and OF-Agbayani.  
    this deal while simultaneously making the Saberhagen and Bonilla deals. 2B-Alfonzo and OF-Cedeno are young, OF-Henderson is ancient.  
  Why get Saberhagen when you are getting rid of Cone?