Philadelphia Phillies - The Turn of the Century (1900-1909)
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1900  
        1900 3 75 63   1903 7 49 86   1907 3 83 64               Decade  
        1901 2 83 57   1904 8 52 100   1908 4 83 71               Click  
        1902 7 56 81   1905 4 83 69   1909 5 74 79               on Logo  
                  1906 4 71 82                            
  Titles: Top Phillies Players of the Oughts  
  Ballpark: Tully Sparks (24.09) -   56  
  Philadelphia Stadium (aka Baker Field starting in 1913) Bill Duggleby (14.37) -   53  
    Frank Corridon (8.87) -   34  
  Team Name: Chick Fraser (6.17)  -   32  
  Phillies George McQuillan (14.77) -   27  
  Lew Moren (2.73) -   24  
  Owners:  Red Donahue (8.59) -   23  
  Alfred J Reach and John Rogers (1900-1903) Doc White (7.84) -   23  
  National League consortium headed by James Potter (1903-1904) Al Orth (10.19) -   22  
  National League consortium Bus. Mgr. William J. Shettsline (1905-1908) Togie Pittinger (2.13) -   20  
  Israel W. Durham, James McNichol & Clarence Wolf (1909) Earl Moore (6.99) -   12  
    Lew Richie (6.43) -   11  
  General Managers:  
  William Shettsline (1905-1909 - Business Manager) Catchers:  
    Red Dooin (3.98) -   39  
  Managers: Ed McFarland (3.74) -   18  
  William J. Shettsline (1900-1902)  
  Chief Zimmer (1903) First Basemen:  
  Hugh Duffy (1904-1906) Kitty Bransfield (6.94) -   27  
  Billy Murray (1907-1909)    
    Second Basemen:  
  Hall of Famers: Otto Knabe (5.91) -   14  
  Hughie Jennings Nap Lajoie (4.25) -   14  
  Kid Nichols Kid Gleason (0.98) -   12  
  Nap Lajoie    
  Ed Delahanty  ShortStop:  
  Elmer Flick Mickey Doolin (8.04) -   30  
  Hugh Duffy   Rudy Hulswitt (0.69) -   10  
  No Hitters: Third Base:  
  Chick Fraser (1903) Harry Wolverton (8.81) -   22  
  Bob Lush (1906) Ernie Courtney (4.32) -   13  
    Eddie Grant (3.94) -   10  
  Notable Events:    
  1901 - The Phillies, who had finished a strong third in '99 with 94 wins Roy Thomas (32.08) -   98  
   and third again in '00, lose Hall of Famer Nap Lajoie and three top Sherry Magee (27.23) -   74  
   starters to the crosstown Athletics in the first year of the A's operation John Titus (22.85) -   63  
  in the newly formed American League. Despite the losses, the Elmer Flick (12.58) -   32  
  Phillies gain in the standings to second place as the rest of the Ed Delahanty (9.54) -   18  
  teams in the National League lose even more in the AL raids.. Shad Barry (2.22)-   13  
  Fred Osborn (1.93) -   11  
  1902 - Philadelphia plummets to seventh place after losing Hall of    
  Famers Ed Delahanty and Elmer Flick plus pitchers Red Donahue Notable Events:  
  and Al Orth and shortstop Monte Cross to the American League.    
  Cross and Flick join Lajoie and the three pitchers with the A's, but 1905 -The Phils make a bunch of moves that pay off as  
   a lawsuit forces the A's to give up Flick, Lajoie and Bernhard all to  they improve thirty one games in the standings to 83 wins.  
  Cleveland. The others went to Washington, Chicago and the Browns. They are a competitive team thru the end of the decade  
  having finally recovered somewhat from the AL raids that  
  1902 - When the dust settles, The Phillies still have pitchers Doc  decimated them early in the decade.  
  White, Chick Frazier and Bill Duggleby, rookie twenty three year old     
   catcher Red Dooiin, and outfielder Roy Thomas. Dooin and 1905 - The biggest move is the acquisition of pitcher Togie Pittinger  
   Duggleby will stick around for a while. Frazier will be  around   from the Boston Beaneaters in exchange for Chick Frazier. He wins 23   
   for two more seasons before leaving in a trade after the  games. Twenty four year old Frank Corridon moves into the  
  1904 season. The five are good players, but aren't enough   rotation and thirty five year old Kid Nichols has a good final   
  to keep the Phillies from battling to stay out of the cellar. season.after being picked up from the Cards.  
  And owners Alfred Reach and John Rogers are disinclined to "reach"    
  into their pockets to compete for talent. 1905 -The infield is rebuilt with the procurement of 25 year old rookie  
   shortstop Mickey Doolin from Jersey City, veteran first baseman  
  1903 - Philadelphia Park, the first ballpark built with brick and  Kitty Bransfield,30, in a deal with the Pirates and journeyman   
  steel and a cantilever design in 1895 and considered an  third baseman Ernie Courtney, 30, from Buffalo  
  engineering marvel at the time, lost a lot of its cache as part of    
  it's grandstand collapses killing twelve and injuring another  1905 - After the flurry of activity subsided, here's the starting squad   
  two hundred.   owner Shettsline put on the field, keeping the club in the middle   
    of the league standings moving forward thru the end of the decade:  
  1903 - Philadelphia hits rock bottom in the standings, winning   C - Red Dooin, 26  
  only 49 games. The National League decides to step in and relieve the   1B - Kitty Bransfield, 30  
   ownersof the club who are running it into the ground. A group of    2B - Otto Knabe, 21  
  Philadelphia businessmen, led by James Potter, buy the club.   SS - Mickey Doolin, 25  
  The deal was brokered by NL President Harvey Pulliam, Pirates team   3B - Ernie Courtney, 30, (thru 1908)  
  owner Barney Dreyfuss, and Reds team owner Gary Herrmann. Ownership   OF - Roy Thomas, 31 (thru 1907)  
   of the club becomes a revolving door thru the first fourteen years of the century.   OF - Sherry Magee, 20   
  As it turns out, a revolving door was a lot better than what the Phillies   OF - John Titus, 29  
   ended up with on a permanent basis after that in the Twenties.   RHP - Tully Sparks, 30  
      RHP - Frank Corridon, 24  
  1903 - A couple of bright spots for the Phillies as pitcher Tully    RHP - Togie Pittinger, 33 (thru 1907)  
  Sparks and outfielder John Titus join the club as twenty seven   RHP - Bill Duggleby, 31 (thru 1906)  
   year olds. They were not high demand prospects at that advanced    
   age, but end up having long successful tenures with the Phils. 1907 - LHP Harry Coveleski, 21, is signed by the Phillies. He doesn't  
    blossom as a pitcher until 1914 with the Tigers  
  1904 - A new era in Philly begins as nineteen year old    
  outfielder Sherry Magee is a rookie. 1907 - RHP Lew Moren, 23, is purchased from Jersey City  
  1905 - William J Shettsline takes over running the franchise, by default. 1907 - RHP George McQuillan, 22, is purchased from Jersey City  
  William had been the Phillies manager from 1899 to 1902. He was    
  kept on as the team's business manager thru various ownership  1907 - 3B Eddie Grant, 24, is purchased from Jersey City  
  changes after he stepped down as manager in '03.     
  His knowhow keeps the team competitive thru most of the next decade. 1908 - RHP Earl Moore, 30, is purchased from Jersey City  
  He was business manager thru 1926, but was unable to overcome bad  
  ownership in the Twenties.