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Philadelphia Phillies - The World War I Era (1910-1919)
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1910  
        1910 4 78 75   1913 2 88 63   1917 2 87 65               Decade  
        1911 4 79 73   1914 6 74 80   1918 6 55 68               Click  
        1912 5 73 79   1915 1 90 62   1919 8 47 90               on Logo  
                  1916 2 91 62                            
  Titles: Top Phillies Players of the Teens  
  1915 - NL Champs (Lost to Red Sox)  
  Ballpark: Grover Cleveland Alexander (61.03) -   133  
  Baker Bowl (renamed from Philadelphia Park in 1913) Eppa Rixey (14.4) -   39  
    Erskine Mayer (13.2) -   38  
  Team Name: Earl Moore (11.55) -   31  
  Phillies Tom Seaton (9.93) -   25  
  Al Demaree (4.35) -   18  
  Owners:  Ad Brennan (6.9) -  13  
  Horace S Fogel (1910-1912) Brad Hogg (4.04) -  13  
  William H Locke (1913) George Chalmers (0.7) -  13  
  William F. Baker (1913-1919) Lee Meadows (4.29) -   6  
  General Managers: Catchers:  
  William Shettsline (Business Manager) Bill Killefer (2.33) -   27  
    Red Dooin (0.22) -   12   
  Red Dooin (1910-1914) First Basemen:  
  Pat Moran (1915-1918) Fred Luderus (20.17) -   70  
  Jack Coombs (1919)    
    Second Basemen:  
  Hall of Famers: Otto Knabe (5.02) -   19  
  Eppa Rixey Bert Niehoff (3.33) -   18  
  Pete Alexander    
  Chief Bender ShortStop:  
  Johnny Evers Dave Bancroft  (13.87) -   44  
  Dave Bancroft Mickey Doolin (6.07) -   28  
  MVP Third Base:  
  None Milt Stock (7.97) -   18  
    Hans Lobert (8.95) -  16  
  No Hitters:    
  None Outfield:  
    Dode Paskert (15.39) -   75  
  Notable Events: Gavvy Cravath (30.7) -   74  
  Sherry Magee (20.86) -   57  
  1910 - The Phils enter the decade in the midst of a nine year run that began Possum Whitted (5.41) -   28  
  in 1905 where they finish somewhere in the middle of the pack in the NL Beals Becker (6.96) -   26  
  The keepers on the 1910 club moving forward: Irish Meusel (3.64) -   19  
    C - Red Dooin, 31 Cy Williams (2.62) -   16  
    1B - Fred Luderus, 24, obtained from Cubs for journeyman pitcher Bill Foxen Johnny Bates (4) -   15  
    2B - Otto Knabe, 26 John Titus (3.22) -   11  
    SS - Mickey Doolin, 30    
    OF - Sherry Magee, 25 Notable Events:  
    RHP - Earl Moore, 32    
  1915 - The final pieces of the championship puzzle are  
  1911 - The Phillies pick up pitcher Grover Cleveland Alexander, 24,  in the   obtained. Dave Bancroft, 24, is a minor league free agent.   
  Rule V draft. He goes 28-13 as a rookie and proceeds on to a HOF career Pitcher Al Demaree, 30,  and third baseman Milt Stock, 21, are  
   picked up from the Giants in exchange for aging Hans Lobert.  
  1911 - Philadelphia and Cincinnati make a huge eight player trade with  
  mainstays OF Johnny Bates, 3B Eddie Grant and RHP's George McQuillan 1915 - The Phillies are NL champs, losing to the Red Sox in the   
  and Lew Moren going to the Reds and 3B Hans Lobert and OF Dode Paskert World Series. They finish second in '16 with a better record.  
  coming to the Phillies. Most of these guys were at the tail ends of their careers    
  but the twenty nine year old Paskert will be productive for another decade 1918 - After a run of three excellent seasons, a first and two  
  seconds, behind Pete Alexander's three 30 win seasons,   
  1912 - Philadelphia signs three young free agent pitchers from the minors: Baker trades Alexander to the Cubs along with his personal catcher  
   Future Hall of Famer Eppa Rixey,21, Tom Seaton, 24, and Erskine Mayer, 22 Bill Killefer for cash. Baker makes the excuse that he doesn't  
  think Alexander would return from military service. The   
  1912 - Gavvy Cravath, 31, is picked up off the scrap heap. He'll go on to win real reason is that he wants the money and no longer cares   
  six home run titles in the next seven years, the last one at age thirty eight.  whether the team wins or not. Unclear what caused this sudden  
  change of heart in Baker, but he morphs into baseball's worst   
  1913- Phillies owner and sportswriter Horace Fogel is banned owner and an absolute nightmare for Phillies fans. What's even worse  
  from baseball for disparaging remarks about favoritism directed  for Philadelphia baseball fans, in general, is that Connie Mack is  
  towards John J McGraw by umpires, the league and other league  also suddenly behaving in a similar fashion for the crosstown A's.  
  management. He can't prove any of it, but he's probably right on  One can presume it's financial hardship in both cases, but the  
  the money. Anyway, he's forced to sell the club and its purchased extreme behaviour by both owners most likely points to something  
  by William H Locke a bit deeper going on in their psyches. They both completely stopped  
    trying to put a competitive team on the field.  
  1913 - William H. Locke dies in August. His cousin, William F Baker Meanwhile, Bill Shettsline, who had built the excellent Phillies club  
    inherts the club. Baker, a former New York City police commissioner is for Baker was now dutifully in charge of tearing it all down.   
   the single worst thing to happen to Phillie baseball in the twentieth century.    
   Baker refuses to spend and refuses to sell the club,  instead preferring      
  to sell off his assets (players) piecemeal until he dies in 1930.     
  It should be noted that Baker doesn't take this stance until 1918.    
   Until then, he behaves like a normal owner would.