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  Philadelphia Phillies - The Roaring Twenties (1920-1929)  
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1920  
        1920 8 62 91   1923 8 50 104   1927 8 51 103               Decade  
        1921 8 51 103   1924 7 55 96   1928 8 43 109               Click  
        1922 7 57 96   1925 6 68 95   1929 5 71 82               on Logo  
                  1926 8 58 93                            
  Titles: Top Phillies Players of the Twenties  
  Ballpark: Jimmy Ring (16.44) -   41  
  Baker Bowl Lee Meadows (8.38) -   26  
    Hal Carlson (13.95) -   23  
  Team Name: Bill Hubbell (0.51) -   19  
  Phillies Claude Willoughby (2) -   13  
  Clarence Mitchell (8.53) -   13  
  Owners:  George Smith (3.28) -   13  
  William F. Baker   Dutch Ulrich (8.37) -   8  
    Huck Betts (4.67) -   3  
  General Managers:    
  None Catchers:  
    Butch Henline (9.28) -   34  
  Managers: Jimmie Wilson (3.59) -   19  
  Gavvy Cravath (1920)    
  Wild Bill Donovan (1921) First Basemen:  
  Kaiser Wilhelm (1921-1922 Don Hurst (4.57) -   18  
  Artie Fletcher (1923-1926)    
  Stuffy McInnis (1927) Second Basemen:  
  Burt Shotton (1928-1929) Fresco Thompson  (1.53) -   16  
    Bernie Friberg (0.88) -   11  
  Hall of Famers:    
  Dave Bancroft ShortStop:  
  Eppa Rixey Heinie Sand (0.24) -   20  
    Artie Fletcher (4.81) -   13  
  None Third Base:  
    Russ Wrightstone (5.94) -   35  
  No Hitters: Pinky Whitney (4.86) -   14  
  Notable Events: Cy Williams (27.36) -   84  
    Fred Leach (4.93) -   27  
  1920 - A horrific decade for whatever few Phillies fans are left around. The Johnny Mokan (1.06) -   20  
  Phils went 47-90 in '19 and proceed to lose 90 or more for the first nine years George Harper (6.4) -   19  
  of the Twenties including four hundred loss seasons. Owner William Baker is a Cliff Lee (2.13) -   18  
  pox on Philadelphia baseball.  Irish Meusel (5.38) -   16  
    Chuck Klein (7.21) -   16  
  1920 - Baker sells Hall of Famer Dave Bancroft to the Giants for $100K Lefty O'Doul (7.42) -   15  
     Curt Walker (2.63) -   11  
  1920 - Baker trades Hall of Famer Eppa Rixey to the Reds for     
  Jimmy Ring - One suspects that there must have been a significant amount  Notable Events:  
  of cash involved in this lopsided deal, as well  
    1923 - An absolute low point in this horrific decade. The Phillies  
  1921 - Baker sells slugger Irish Meusel to the Giants for $30K have an eleven year old fan arrested and put in jail (overnight)  
    for refusing to return a foul ball hit into the stands. The case   
  1921 - First baseman Gene Paulette is banned from baseball for set the precedent for foul balls belonging to the fans.  
  associating with gamblers. Back in the teens and twenties gambling  
  was widespread and it wasn't until after the Black Sox scandal that 1927 - A section of the grandstand at Baker Bowl collapses  
  baseball dealt with it. Look at the steroids situation in recent times.  and a person dies. The penurious Baker hasn't maintained  
  Baseball officials turned a blind eye to what was obivous to everyone the stadium bearing his name and it's falling apart and dangerous.  
   and didn't want to deal with it until they were absolutely forced to. It's one thing for your cheapness to cause your team to lose games,   
  Then they become pious and conduct a righteous witch hunt for scapegoats it's quite another when your cheapness causes lives to be lost.  
  Pretty much the same situation regarding gambling in the late Teens and early 20's.     
    1927 - Business manager, former manager, owner and team   
  1922 - Cy Williams wins his third straight home run title. The  president Bill Shettsline, a man of considerable girth, is chased   
  big reason that Williams isn't sold away is that nobody with $ wants him. across Baker Field by a ram, one of three sheep that penurious  
   The old schoolers like John McGraw of the Giants don't like one dimensional   owner William Baker used to keep the grass trimmed rather than   
  sluggers, they still like defensive / speed / slap hitter types - the guys that they've pay a grounds crew to do it. There's a wealth of jokes that were   
  won with all along.  Too soon for them to have adjusted to the live ball era probably made at the time relating sheep pies and the state of   
  that Williams was made for.  the Phillies organization  
  By the way, the Williams shift, where the shortstop ends up on the right side  
  of the diamond started with Cy Williams. A common misconception was that 1928 - Future Hall of Fame outfielder Chuck Klein, 23, is obtained  
  it was named for Ted Williams. Anyway, a hundred years later everyone was in a trade from Ft. Wayne  
  thinking what an awsome new analytic innovation shifting was.  
    1928 -  Promising young catcher Walter Peck Lerian is killed as   
  1923 - Lee Meadows is sold to the Pirates for 50K a pedestrian on a Baltimore street corner  
    1928 - The Phillies have their worst year of the decade going 43-109