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Philadelphia Phillies - The Depression Era (1930-1939)

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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1930  
        1930 8 52 102   1933 7 60 92   1937 7 61 92               Decade  
        1931 6 66 88   1934 7 55 93   1938 8 45 105               Click  
        1932 4 78 76   1935 7 64 89   1939 8 45 106               on Logo  
                  1936 8 54 100                            
  Titles: Top Phillies Players of the Thirties  
  Ballpark: Phil Collins (14.22) -   34  
  Baker Bowl (1930-1938) Curt Davis (16.24) -   28  
  Shibe Park (1938-1939) Claude Passeau (10.19) -   26  
    Bucky Walters (8.48) -   22  
  Team Name: Jumbo Jim Elliott (3.16) -   21  
  Phillies Losing Pitcher Mulcahy (1.58) -   20  
    Ray Benge (10.48) -   18  
  Owners:  Syl Johnson (14.47) -   17  
  William F. Baker  (1930) Ed Holley (6.14) -   16  
  Gerry Nugent (1930-1939)    
  General Managers: Spud Davis (14.43) -   43  
  None Al Todd (0.46) -   13  
  Managers: First Basemen:  
  Burt Shotton (1930-1933) Dolph Camilli (13.01) -   31  
  Jimmie Wilson (1934-1938) Don Hurst (8.84) -   30  
  Hans Lobert (1938)    
  Doc Prothro (1939) Second Basemen:  
    Lou Chiozza (1.19) -   16  
  Hall of Famers:    
  Pete Alexander ShortStop:  
  Chuck Klein Dick Bartell (8.6) -   25  
  Rookie of the Year:  Third Base:  
  None Pinky Whitney (9.68) -  24  
  MVP Outfield:  
  Chuck Klein (1932) Chuck Klein (28.93) -   65  
    Johnny Moore (8.01) -   30  
  No Hitters: Ethan Allen (4.27) -   18  
  None Hersh Martin (4.49) -   17  
    Moe Arnovich (7.12) -  16  
  Cy Young: Kiddo Davis (2.97) -   15  
  None Lefty O'Doul (4.59) -   10  
  Notable Events: Notable Events:  
  1930 - The Phillies embark on one of the worst decades of any team in  1932 - Phillies fans rejoice. They finish over .500!  
  major league history. They average a 59-95 mark which was skewed upward Albeit just barely at 78-76 for fourth place. It was such a   
  a bit by an actual above .500 season in 1932. Philadelphia finished either last remarkable event that the Phils' outfielder Chuck Klein was voted   
  or next to last in all but two seasons in the decade, which is saying a lot MVP. This would be Philadelphia's only plus .500 season in a   
  considering that the Braves and the pre Larry MacPhail Reds and Dodgers 31 year stretch from 1918 thru 1948.  
  were also in the league at the time. Considering that the Twenties were   
  even a worse decade for the Phillies, it's a miracle anybody came to 1933 - Chuck Klein wins the triple crown. Note that playing  
  watch the team play in the Thirties. in the Baker Bowl didn't hurt his stats. Also note that Klein   
    wasn't playing in a bunch of nail biters where opposing   
  1930 - The good news - The Philies bat .315 as a team. The bad hurlers were bearing down on every pitch.  
  news - The Phillies have an astronomical 6.71 team ERA (plus  
  they gave up a boatload of unearned runs as a bad fielding team - 1936 - Chuck Klein hits four homers in a game  
  they ended up surrenduring just under 8 runs per game)  
  The result: 52-102 1938 - The Phillies move out of the dangerous, decrepit  
  Baker Bowl and into crosstown Shibe Park - sharing it with  
  1930 - Owner William F. Baker dies. Phillies fans were rejoicing. the equally woeful A's. Shibe would be host to a hundred   
  Gerry Nugent takes over as team president. Unfortunately for Phillies fans, losses a year between the two clubs. By the way, Phillies fans  
   things do not get better. Nugent's wife Mae Mallen was Baker's secretary who thought things couldn't get any worse were wrong. Their  
   and Baker left half the club to her and half to his own wife. Given the state of team was "built" for Baker Bowl and now that they moved to  
  the club, you could speculate that maybe Baker was really a misogynist. Shibe Park, they lost even that home field advantage. The result -  
   Baker's wife died two years later and left the other half of the club to Nugent  they went from an uncompetitive 62-91 at Baker Bowl in '37 to a   
  at that time. Things didn't get better because it was the Depression and, altho' horrific run of records in their first five years at Shibe  
   Nugent had other businesses, he couldn't jeopordize them to prop up the  Park of 45-105, 45-106, 50-103, 43-111, 42-109.   
   Phillies. The Phillies remained a cash strapped cellar dweller during At least they were consistent.  
   Nugent's reign - as bad as the club had ever been under Baker.