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  Philadelphia Phillies - The World War II Era (1940-1949)  
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1940  
        1940 8 50 103   1943 2 64 90   1947 7 62 92               Decade  
        1941 8 43 111   1944 8 61 92   1948 6 66 88               Click  
        1942 8 42 109   1945 8 46 108   1949 3 81 73               on Logo  
                  1946 5 69 95                            
  Titles: Top Phillies Players of the Forties  
  Ballpark: Schoolboy Rowe (11.34) -   37  
  Shibe Park Dutch Leonard (12.96) -   25  
    Tommy Hughes (6.03) -   21  
  Team Name: Ken Heintzelman (9.15) -   19  
  Phillies (1940-1942,1945-1949) Dick Barrett (5.08) -   19  
  Blue Jays (1943-1944) Ken Raffensberger (6.73) -   17  
  Si Johnson (2.74) -   16  
  Owners:  Robin Roberts (6.51) -   15  
  Gerald  P Nugent (1940-1942) Kirby Higbe (4.43) -   13  
  William D Cox (1943) Russ Meyer (4.35) -   12  
  Bob Carpenter Jr (1944-1949) Andy Karl (4.53) -   9  
    Blix Donnelly (6.42) -   6  
  General Managers:     
  Herb Pennock (1944-1947) Catchers:  
  Bob Carpenter Jr (1948-1949) Andy Seminick (10.18) -   37  
  Managers: First Basemen:  
  Doc Prothro (1940-1941) Nick Etten (5.13) -   10  
  Hans Lobert (1942)    
  Bucky Harris (1943) Second Basemen:  
  Fred FitzSimmons (1943-1945) Danny Murtaugh (2.2) -   13  
  Ben Chapman (1945-1948)    
  Dusty Cooke (1948) ShortStop:  
  Eddie Sawyer (1948-1949) Granny Hamner (1.96) -   12  
  Hall of Famers: Third Base:  
  Richie Ashburn Pinky May (10.55) -   16  
  Robin Roberts    
  Rookie of the Year:  Del Ennis (16.21) -   40  
  None Richie Ashburn (6.83) -   27  
    Ron Northey (8.55) -   24  
  MVP Buster Adams (6.06) -   19  
  None Harry Walker (7.11) -   18  
    Jimmy Wasdell (2.96) -   17  
  No Hitters: Danny Litwhiler (7.88) -   15  
  None Johnny Wyrostek (5.19) -   14  
    Vince DiMaggio (1.91) -   13  
  Notable Events: Coaker Triplett (1.52) -   12  
  1942 - NL owners oust Gerald P Nugent. The club has averaged Notable Events:  
  a 45-107 record over the previous five years. Enough was enough.    
  In comes 33 year old entrepreneur William D Cox   1944 - Bob Carpenter Jr enlists into the army and Herb Pennock   
    takes over the operation of the club. Pennock, who had a terrific eye for   
  1943 - NL owners oust William D Cox who was betting on his own talent, invests a million dollars (a lot in those days) signing youngsters  
  team. It was the manager he fired, Bucky Harris, who ratted him out.  who would eventually become the NL champion Whiz kids in 1950.  
    Pennock's strategy was similar to that of the Dodgers' Branch Rickey,  
  1943 - Bob Carpenter Sr. buys the club and makes his son, Bob Jr. signing youngsters who were military eligible. Most GMs were staying   
  team president. The Carpenter's were friends of the Connie Mack away from those as potentially risky investments.  
  family and Mack recommended that the Carpenters hire Herb Pennock    
  as their GM. Pennock had been director of Minor League operations The signings:  
  for the Red Sox and was a brilliant baseball mind.   Andy Seminick, c, 23, 1943 - purchased from Dodgers  
    Del Ennis, of, 18, 1943  
  1944 - Pennock tries to name the team "Blue Jays", but no one   Granny Hamner, ss, 19 1944  
  is interested. The name lingers thru the end of the decade    Steve Ridzik, p, 16, 1945  
  before it is put to rest for good. The idea was for the team to distance    Richie Ashburn, of,  18, 1945  
  itself from it's woeful Phillies roots of the previous three decades.    Stan Lopata, c, 21 1946  
      Curt Simmons, p, 18, 1947  
      Willie Jones, 3b, 22, 1947  
      Jim Konstanty, p, 31, 1948 - picked up as free agent  
      Robin Roberts, p, 22 1948  
    1948 - Herb Pennock dies. This franchise is definitely jinxed.  
    They finally find a top level baseball man who leads them out of the   
    wilderness and he dies suddenly, the picture of health at the  
    time, at the age of fifty three, with a cerebral hemmorhage.  
    Bob Carpenter Jr retakes the reigns of the club, but he's not  
    a savvy baseball guy and makes no significat additions to the   
    club until he finally gives up the reigns in 1954.