Philadelphia Phillies - The Psychedelic Era (1960-1969)  
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1960  
        1960 8 59 95   1963 4 87 75   1967 5 82 80               Decade  
        1961 8 47 107   1964 2 92 70   1968 7 76 86               Click  
        1962 7 81 80   1965 6 85 76   1969 5 63 99               on Logo  
                  1966 4 87 75                            
  Titles: Top Phillies Players of the Sixties  
  Ballpark: Chris Short (28.78) -   70  
  Shibe Park Jim Bunning (30.28) -   49  
    Art Mahaffey (8.69) -   37  
  Team Name: Jack Baldschun (6.01) -   25  
  Phillies Larry Jackson (11.49) -   24  
  Ray Culp (4.39) -   21  
  Owners:  Rick Wise (5.12) -   19  
  Robert Carpenter Turk Farrell (6.02) -   17  
    Dennis Bennett (5.75) -   14  
  General Managers: Cal McLish (2.26) -   13  
  John Quinn Woody Fryman (3.56) -   12  
    Robin Roberts (2.85) -   10  
  Managers: John Buzhardt (4.43) -   8  
  Eddie Sawyer (1960) Ferguson Jenkins (0.48) -   0  
  Andy Cohen (1960) Bo Belinsky (0.69) -   0  
  Gene Mauch (1960-1968)  
  George Myatt (1968-1969) Catchers:  
  Bob Skinner (1968-1969) Clay Dalrymple (15.14) -   49  
  Hall of Famers: First Basemen:  
  Jim Bunning Dick Allen (35.18) -   80  
  Ferguson Jenkins Bill White (7.17) -   22  
  Robin Roberts Pancho Herrera (2.52) -   14  
    Roy Sievers (3.34) -   11  
  Rookie of the Year:  Dick Stuart (0.03) -   5  
  Dick Allen (1964)    
    Second Basemen:  
  MVP Cookie Rojas (3.64) -   17  
  No Hitters: Bobby Wine (0.3) -   17  
  Jim Bunning (1964) - Perfect Game Dick Groat (2.53) -    8  
    Ruben Amaro (3.58) -   8  
  Cy Young:    
  None Third Base:  
    Tony Taylor (14.08) -   36  
  Notable Events:    
  1960 - The Phillies are in the third year of a four year run where they've,  John Callison (39.48) -   85  
  once again, hit rock bottom. A very Phillies-esque place to be. However,  Tony Gonzalez (24.33) -   77  
  despite their current position, things are definitely looking up because they've Johnny Briggs (6.54) -   19  
  got a competent guy running the show now in GM John Quinn. Former GM Roy  Don Demeter (7.48) -   19  
  Hamey had taken a page out of Herb Pennock's book and his own book when Wes Covington (4.14) -   18  
   he was with the Pirates and had been stocking the club with some prime  Larry Hisle (2.32) -   12  
  young talent thru signing youngsters out of high school in the Fifties. Don Lock (1.66) -    11  
  Keepers on the 1960 spring roster:    
    C - Clay Dalrymple, 23, picked up from the Braves in the Rule 5 draft in '60 Notable Events:  
  □ SS - Bobby Wine, 21, signed by the Phillies in '57 out of high school    
  □ SS - Ruben Amaro, 24, picked up from the Cards for Chuck Essegian in '58 1962 - Young righthander John Buzhardt, 24, is dealt to the White Sox for  
  □ RHP - Art Mahaffey, 22, signed by the Phillies in '56 out of high school  1B Roy Sievers, 35. Hard to explain this one for a team in rebuilding mode.  
  □ LHP - Chris Short, 22,  signed by the Phillies in '57 out of high school  
  □ Reliever - Turk Farrell, 26,  signed by the Phillies in '53 out of high school 1962 - The Phils turn it around with the help of it being an expansion year  
  □ RHP - Don Cardwell, 24, signed out of high school in '54  and finish above .500 at 81-80. This was a remarkable 30.5 game gain in   
  □ RHP - Jim Owens, 26, signed out of high school in '51 the standings from 1961 as the young talents in the organization  
     begin to mature  
  1960 - Gene Mauch is hired as manager  
    1964 - RHP Jim Bunning, 32, is picked up from the Tigers for OF Don    
  1960 - John Quinn goes to work. He has some veterans with value like Wally Post,  Demeter and RHP Jack Hamilton, 23, in an absolute steal of a deal  
  Gene Freese and Richie Ashburn and he's got what he feels is a surplus of young  
  pitching. He makes the following deals over the next couple of seasons. You don't 1964 - With a six game lead over the Cards with twelve games to go,   
  normally build a contender with trades, but Quinn was one of those who did: the Phillies go on a ten game losing streak and blow the pennant.   
     1960 - RHP  John Buzhardt, 23, picked up from the Cubs for an aging  A monumental collapse. After Dennis Bennett gets hurt,  
   Richie Ashburn  the Phils are down to two decent starting pitchers. Manager Gene  
    1960 - CF Tony Gonzalez, 23, picked up from the Reds for Wally Post in a steal. Mauch panics and forms a two man rotation of his two aces  
    1960 - OF John Callison, 21, picked up from the White Sox for Gene Freese Jim Bunning and Chris Short down the stretch. The strategy   
   in a steal obviously backfires - big time. It ruined a, to that point, magical   
    1960 - 2B Tony Taylor, 24, is picked up from the Cubs for Ed Bouchee season for the Phillies where Bunning had pitched a perfect   
   and  young righty Don Cardwell game and a superstar rookie was hatched, Dick Allen.   
     1961 - Young righty Turk Farrell is dealt to the Dodgers for OF    
   Don Demeter, 26, and 3B Charlie Smith, 23 1965 - Philadelphia falls backward 6.5 games in the standings, but that    
     1961 - Reliever Jack Baldschun, 24, is picked up from the Reds in the puts them all of the way back to sixth place. 1964 had been their big chance.  
   Rule 5 draft  Altho' there's a lot of above average talent on the club, it's not a lot of game  
    1962 - LHP Dennis Bennett, 22, is a rookie. He was signed in '58 out  changing talent. There are really only four difference makers on the club:  
   of high school □ 1B Dick Allen   
     1963 - LHP Marcelino Lopez, 19, is a rookie. He was an IFA in '59   OF Johnny Callison  
    1963 - RHP Ray Culp, 21, is a rookie. He was signed in '59 out of high school   RHP Jim Bunning  
    1963 - 1B Dick Allen, 21, is a rookie. He was signed in '60 out of high school   LHP Chris Short.  
    1963 - 2B Cookie Rojas, 24, is picked up from the Reds for Jim Owens  Everybody else is good, but just not good enough to get the club  
    1964 - RHP Rick Wise, 18, is signed out of high school and debuts with Philly.  over the hump.  
    1964 - OF Alex Johnson, 21, is a rookie. He was signed out of high school in '61    
    1964 - OF Adolfo Phillips, 22, is a rookie. He was an IFA in '61 1968 - The Phillies streak of six consecutive winning seasons ends.   
    1964 - OF Danny Cater, 24, is a rookie. He was signed out of high school in '59 This streak broke the franchise record of three, 1915-1917,  
    in the modern era  
  1961 - The Phillies go on a record 23 game losing streak on their    
  way to a 47-107 record. A reminder of the bad old days.   1969 - With the expansion draft the catalyst, the Phillies unload  
  The only way to go from here is up. several veterans who had carried them thru the Sixties such as  
  Gonzalez, Dalrymple, and Wine.