Philadelphia Phillies - The Reagan Years (1980-1989)  
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1980  
        1980 1 91 71   1983 1 90 72   1987 5 80 82               Decade  
        1981 1 59 48   1984 4 81 81   1988 6 65 96               Click  
        1982 2 89 73   1985 5 75 87   1989 6 67 95               on Logo  
                  1986 2 86 75                            
  Titles: Top Phillies Players of the Eighties  
  1980 - World Champs (Beat Houston and Kansas City)  
  1981 - Division Champs (Lost to Montreal in Division Series) Pitchers:  
  1983 - NL Champs (Beat LA, lost to Baltimore) Steve Carlton (28.26) -   60  
    Kevin Gross (13.55) -   32  
  Ballpark: Shane Rawley (10.59) -   29  
  Veterans Stadium Dick Ruthven (3.16) -   28  
    Steve Bedrosian (4.26) -   24  
  Team Name: Don Carman (8.28) -   23  
  Phillies John Denny (13.75) -    22  
  Mike Krukow (3.16) -   18  
  Owners:  Ron Reed (4.03) -   17  
  Robert Carpenter III (1980-1981) Bruce Ruffin (4.78) -   15  
  Bill Giles (1982-1987) Al Holland (4.69) -   14  
  David Montgomery (1988-1989) Charlie Hudson (3.99) -   14  
    Jerry Koosman (3.47) -   10  
  General Managers: Larry Christensen (3.24) -   9  
  Paul Owens (1980-1983) Tug McGraw (6.76) -   6  
  Bill Giles (1984-1987)    
  Woody Woodward (1988) Catchers:  
  Lee Thomas (1988-1989) Ozzie Virgil (4.05) -   20  
    Bo Diaz (5.91) -   16  
  Managers: Lance Parrish (1.48) -   11  
  Dallas Green (1980-1981)    
  Pat Corrales (1982-1983) First Basemen:  
  Paul Owens (1983-1984) Pete Rose (1.84) -   16  
  John Felske (1985-1987)    
  Lee Elia (1987-1988) Second Basemen:  
  John Vuckovich (1988) Manny Trillo (5.3) -   18  
  Nick Leyva (1989)    
  Hall of Famers: Larry Bowa (2.51) -   12  
  Steve Carlton Dickie Thon (2.22) -   12  
  Mike Schmidt Ivan DeJesus (2.92) -   11  
  Pete Rose (Pending)    
    Third Base:  
  Rookie of the Year:  Mike Schmidt (56.55) -   120  
  MVP Von Hayes (22.85) -   74  
  Mike Schmidt (1980) Juan Samuel (12.01) -   43  
  Mike Schmidt (1981) Gary Maddox (5.15) -   32  
  Mike Schmidt (1986) Gary Matthews (4.82) -   22  
    Milt Thompson (6.64) -   22  
  No Hitters: Glenn Wilson (6.11) -   19  
  None Rob Dernier (2.44) -   17  
    Bake McBride (2.9) -   13  
  Cy Young: Lonnie Smith (4.32) -   9  
  Steve Carlton (1980)    
  Steve Carlton (1982) Notable Events:  
  John Denny (1983)    
  Steve Bedrosian (1987) 1983 - Philadelphia obtains their only star quality young  
    player for the decade, trading with Cleveland for twenty four  
  Notable Events: year old outfielder Von Hayes.  
  1980 - Philadelphia comes into the decade with their core six:  1983 - The Phillies win the NL pennant. They're an old group and are  
  Carlton, Schmidt, Maddox, Boone, Bowa and Luzinski still intact.  dubbed the "Wheeze Kids" (a variation of the '50 Whiz Kids). It’s the   
  They've been around for a while, but they still have a few good franchise's fourth pennant of the century. By now, they've aready   
  years of tread left on their tires. The Phils have also added lost Boone, Bowa and Luzinski from their core and replaced them with  
  a number of good pieces around the core: Pete Rose, Manny a new set of geriatrics: Joe Morgan, Gary Matthews and Tony   
  Trillo, Bake McBride, Lonnie Smith, Keith Moreland, and Del Unser Perez. This season ends the Phillies' great run.   
  giving them some deep depth. The pitching, outside of Carlton,    
  who is absolutely awesome, is spotty. They also have 1984 - A changing of the guard. Bill Giles, who bought the club  
   bullpen aces Ron Reed and Tug McGraw who provide two years earlier, takes over running the club as President.  
  good clutch pitching and great clubhouse presence.  Paul Owens steps down after a successful run as GM, giving  
    way to Giles. Owens takes over as field manager. This group  
  1980 - The Phillies win the World Series. The first in modern club  had to have a good relationship to be able to make these kinds of   
  history - only their third NL pennant. Third baseman Mike up - down types of moves within the organization. The run of   
  Schmidt had a monster, MVP,  year to lead the club on offense. contending seasons is over  
  Steve Carlton had a monster, Cy Young, year to lead the     
  pitching staff. It still took until the final day of the season 1984 - The new group decides its time for a youth movement  
  to win the Division over the Expos and allows a number of the old timers to sign elsewhere.  
  1981 - The Phils are in first place when the strike hits. The 1986 - Steve Carlton is released  
  Expos win the second half title when play resumes and then    
  beat the Phillies in a playoff for the Eastern Division title. 1986 - In an anomalous season, Philadelphia wins 86 games and   
    finishes second. However, this season is just a mirage  
    1989 - Mike Schmidt retires. He's tired of losing.