Pittsburg Pirates - The Turn of the Century (1901-1909)  

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    Yr   P W L     Yr   P W  L   Yr   P W L              
    1900 2 79 60     1903   1 91 49   1907   2 91 63           1900  
    1901   1 90 49     1904   4 87 66   1908   2 98 56           Decade  
    1902   1 103 36     1905   2 96 57   1909   1 110 42           Click  
                  1906   3 93 60                       on Logo  
  Titles: Top Pirates Players of the Naughts  
  1901 NL champs  
  1902 NL Champs Pitchers:  
  1903 NL Champs (Lost to Red Sox) Deacon Phillippe (28.46) -   98  
  1909 World Champs (Beat Tigers) Sam Leever (32.61) -   92  
    Vic Willis (21.65) -   58  
  Ballpark: Jack Chesbro (12.77) -   46  
  Exposition Park (1901-1909) Lefty Leifield (9.85) -   41  
  Forbes Field (1909) Jesse Tannehill (11.61) -   40  
     Howie Camnitz (8.65) -   30  
  Team Name: Nick Maddox (6.5) -   21  
  Pirates Mike Lynch (2.74) -   20  
    Patsy Flaherty (5.1) -  17  
  Owners:  Ed Doheny (2.97) -   15  
  Barney Dreyfuss Charlie Case (4.2) -   10  
    Rube Waddell (3.31) -  4  
  General Managers:    
  Harry Pulliam (1901-1902) Catchers:  
    George Gibson (6.23) -   25  
  Managers: Chief Zimmer (3.54) -   11  
  Fred Clarke    
    First Basemen:  
  Hall of Famers: Kitty Bransfield (4.41)-   19  
  Jack Chesbro Jim Nealon (2.74) -   11  
  Rube Waddell    
  Vic Willis Second Basemen:  
  Honus Wagner Claude Ritchey (25.24) -   17  
  Fred Clarke Ed Abbaticchio (6.21)-   17  
    Dots Miller (4.61) -   10  
  No Hitters:    
  Nick Maddox (1907) ShortStop:  
    Honus Wagner (85.82) -   192  
  Notable Events:    
    Third Base:  
  1900 - The National League contracts down to eight teams. One of the teams they Tommy Leach (34.08) -   97  
  jettison is the Louisville club. Louisville's owner, Barney Dreyfuss, buys a    
   controlling share of the Pittsburg franchise and brings a number of his star players Outfield:  
   with him including Fred Clarke, Honus Wagner, Tommy Leach, Jack Chesbro,  Fred Clarke (41.34) -   112  
  Deacon Philliippe, Chief Zimmer, Claude Ritchey and Rube Waddell. Along with  Ginger Beaumont (18.82) -   86  
  Pittsburgh holdovers Sam Leever, Jesse Tannehill and Ginger Beaumont, the Jimmy Sebring (3.78) -   14  
   Pirates have the makings of  an absolute powerhouse down the road, although  Chief Wilson (2.71) -   13  
  they only finish second to Brooklyn in 1900. Roy Thomas (2.71) -   12  
    Lefty Davis (4.4) -   11  
  1901 - The Pirates begin a run of three straight pennants. While the rest of the    
   National League gets decimated by raids from the newly formed American League,    
  Dreyfuss wisely invests in tieing up his players with competitive contracts. Another  Notable Events:  
  factor in Dreyfuss being able to keep all of his players was that there was no.     
  American League franchise in Pittsburg. While American League teams were  1906 - Player-Manager Fred Clarke, an extremely impressive individual,   
  concentrating on raiding their crosstown National League rivals as an easy way to  develops and patents the tarp system for covering the field to protect it  
  obtain local credibility by fielding a team with local stars, the Pirates had no such   from rainstorms. Exposition Stadium, on the Allegheny, was susceptible   
  new rival. With basically the same club they had in 1900, the 1901 Pirates improve  to flooding and protecton  from rain was an absolute must.  
  eleven games in the standings and finish first. The Pirates lose only flakey Rube   Clarke was the Pirates player-manager his entire career in Pittsburg  
  Waddell, who, knowing Dreyfuss, Barney was not unhappy to part with anyway.   covering sixteen years. He had been Louisville's player-manager  
  The 1901 Pirates are young and talented, adding only twenty six year old first prior to that for their last three years of their existence, beginning the  
  baseman Kitty Bransfield to their 1900 core.   dual role at the age of twenty four. His natural leadership qualities and   
    strong character fit well with those of owner Barney Dreyfuss and it was of  
  1902 - Pittsburg gains another thirteen games in the standings as the rest of the  little surprise that the two were so successful together. Add to that,   
  league continues to hemorrage players to the American League. Nobody new is on their superstar shortstop Honus Wagner was also a man of extremely  
  the club, altho' to be fair to the Pirate players, they are also young and improving.  high moral character (for example, he wouldn't allow himself to be on   
  cigarette sponsored baseball cards because he wanted to be a good   
  1903 - The Bucs are raided! Ace righthander Jack Chesbro, 27, and ace lefthander  role model for kids). Outside of Clarke's playing abiity and leadership,   
  Jesse Tannehill, 28, are both signed by the New York Highlanders. These signings Fred was also a pretty smart fella. Aside from patenting the tarp system,  
  severely hurt Pittsburg's starting rotation and the Pirates lose the thirteen games  he also patented flip down sun glasses, sliding pads, an improved pitching  
  in the standings that they had gained the previous seaon. Despite the losses, the rubber and improved equipment bags. Clarke also was rich. Early on in   
  Pirates still finish first.   his career, when quite young, he bought real estate, the Little Pirate  
     Ranch, and kept adding to it.  
  1903 - Pittsburg plays in the first World Series between the National and the  When oil was discovered on his property, it rained money.   
  American Leagues. The match is a huge success and a tribute to Barney    
   Dreyfuss and Gary Herrmann (owner of the Reds) who put petty animosities  1907 - Righthander Howie Camnitz, 25, comes up for good from Toledo  
  and adversity with their teams aside to make the Series a go. Herrmann and     
  Dreyfuss were a couple of class acts who always put what was best for the  1908 -Twenty four year old outfielder Chief Wilson is brought up from   
  sport (and, therefore, for long term profits) ahead of petty feuds. It’s a business.  Des Moines  
  By the way, the Pirates lose to the Red Sox in the Series    
    1908 - Pittsburg goes 98-56 and still finishes second to the Cubs by a game.  
  1904 - The Pirates begin a five year run where they have excellent teams, but are The Pirates averaged a 94-54 record throughout the decade, but only  
   topped by either the Giants or the Cubs who have even better teams.   won four pennants, finishing second four other seasons.   
  1905 - Dreyfuss deals first baseman Kitty Bransfield to the Phillies. Bransfield 1909 - Forbes Field opens. It's success ushers in  a new era of ballpark   
   had been slumping, but he was an excellent defender. It took until 1919 and  construction. Forbes is the first concrete and steel stadium.  
   Charlie Grimm for the Bucs to get a decent first baseman to replace him.    
  Ironically, Dreyfuss would end up getting rid of Grimm prematurely, as well. 1909 - Twenty four year old third baseman Bobby Byrne is acquired   
    from the Cards in a lopsided trade in favor of Pittsburg.  
  1905 - Twenty one year old lefthander, Lefty Leifeld is obtained from Des Moines.    
    1909 - Pittsburg makes two more significant additions to their 98 win team.  
  1905 - Catcher George Gibson, 24, is obtained from Montreal  They add rookie second baseman Dots Millier, 22, and late bloomer rookie    
     righthander Babe Adams, 27. The Pirates finally win a title by winning   
  1906 - The Pirates deal Ginger Beaumont and Claude Ritchey to the Braves.  110 games with a boost from the two rookies and then beat the Tigers  
   The deal is a bad one but not as bad as the Willis deal was for Boston.   in the World Series.  
  1906 - Pittsburg steals thirty year old righthander Vic Willis from the  
   Braves in a one sided deal.