Pittsburgh Pirates - The Roaring Twenties (1920-1929)

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    Yr   P W L     Yr   P W  L   Yr   P W L           1920  
    1920   4 79 75     1923   3 87 67   1927   1 94 60           Decade  
    1921   2 90 63     1924   3 90 63   1928   4 85 67           Click  
    1922   3 85 69     1925   1 95 58   1929   2 88 65           on Logo  
                  1926   3 84 69                          
  Titles: Top Pirates Players of the Twenties  
  1925 World Champs (Beat Washington)  
  1927 NL Champs (Lost to Yankees) Pitchers:  
    Wilbur Cooper (23.24) -   79  
  Ballpark: Ray Kremer (23.96) -   67  
  Forbes Field   Specs Meadows (15.53) -   55  
    Johnny Morrison (20.85) -   49  
  Team Name: Babe Adams (13.95) -   32  
  Pirates Burleigh Grimes (10.97) -   29  
    Carmen Hill (9.86) -   24  
  Owners:  Emil Yde (3.62) -   23  
  Barney Dreyfuss Vic Aldridge (7.11) -   22  
    Earl Hamilton (8.82) -   21  
  General Managers: Whitey Glazner (6.14) -   16  
  Managers: Johnny Gooch (4.27) -   18  
  George Gibson (1920-1922) Walter Schmidt (1.86) -   15  
  Bill McKechnie (1922-1926) Earl Smith (6.82) -   13  
  Donie Bush (1927-1929)    
  Jewel Ens (1929) First Basemen:  
    Charlie Grimm (3.04) -   21  
  Hall of Famers:    
  Max Carey Second Basemen:  
  Burleigh Grimes George Grantham (15.11) -   43  
  Lloyd Waner George Cutshaw (2.44) -   11  
  Paul Waner Cotton Tierney (4.1) -   10   
  Pie Traynor Eddie Moore (4.83) -   9  
  Kiki Cuyler    
  Joe Cronin ShortStop:  
  Rabbit Maranville Glen Wright (16.46) -   44  
  Bill McKechnie Rabbit Maranville (11.5) -   34  
    Dick Bartell (1.82) - 9  
  No Hitters: Joe Cronin (0.2) -   0  
    Third Base:  
  MVP Pie Traynor (23.05) -   72  
  Paul Waner (1927)    
  Notable Events: Max Carey (23.97) -   92  
    Paul Waner (23.8) -   56  
  1920 - The Bucs enter the Roaring Twenties a mediocre ballclub having finished  Kiki Cuyler (17.49) -   50  
  fourth in both 1918 and 1919. However, things are beginning to look up as Barney Carson Bigbee (8.41) -   33  
  Dreyfuss and Fred Clarke are beginning to recover from their lost decade, the teens. Lloyd Waner (8.41) -   32  
  There were a number of young players on the Pittsburgh roster that would be Clyde Barnhart (8.82) -   31  
  useful players moving forward: Billy Southworth (2.56) -   10  
    1B - Charlie Grimm, 21, had been in the A's organization previously Adam Comorosky (1.92) -   10  
    2B - Cotton Tierney, 26, originally signed by the Pirates Possum Whitted (2.26) -   7  
    3B - Clyde Barnhart, 24,originally signed by the Pirates Reb Russell (4.09) -   7  
    OF - Homer Summa, 21, one that got away - to Cleveland    
    OF - Billy Southworth, 27, had been with Cleveland previously Notable Events:  
    OF - Carson Bigbee, 25, originally signed by the Pirates    
    OF - Max Carey, 30, HOFer in his prime 1926 - Future Hall of Famers  Paul Waner and Joe Cronin come up as    
    LHP - Wilbur Cooper, 28, originally signed by the Pirates rookies. Waner, an outfielder, is twenty three. Cronin, a shortstop,   
    RHP - Babe Adams, 38, plenty of gas still left in the tank  is nineteen. Waner was acquired from San Francisco of the PCL.  
    RHP - Hal Carlson, 28, originally signed by the Pirates  Cronin from New Haven  
    LHP- Earl Hamilton, 28, picked up from the Browns  
    1926 - Hall of Famer Max Carey is dealt away to the Dodgers  
  1920 - Future Hall of Fame Third baseman Pie Traynor, 21, is obtained from after an altercation with manager Donie Bush. Owner Barney  
  Portsmouth Dreyfuss would not tolerate player insubordination  
  1921 - The first major league game is broadcast on radio. The Pirates on   1926 - Pittsburgh suffers a hangover from their title season as they  
  KDKA with Harold Arlin as the announcer. You'll note that owner Barney  drop eleven games in the standings into third place.   
  Dreyfuss was ahead of the curve on a lot of things.  In 1909 he was one of  A big reason for their dropoff is their starting rotation went  
  the first to build a concrete and steel stadium.  from a big five to a big two.  
   They all flocked to follow.    
    1927 - Hall of Famer Kiki Cuyler, only 28, is dealt to the Cubs  
  1921 - Twenty five year old righthander Johnny Morrison is a rookie. after an altercation with manager Donie Bush. Once again owner  
  He came up from Birmingham. A late bloomer, he had done nothing in the Barney Dreyfuss trades away a Hall of Famer due to Bush.  
  minors for five years before catching fire and winning 26 games in 1920    
  1927 - Future Hall of Fame outfielder Lloyd Waner, 21, is a rookie.  
  1921 - Future Hall of Fame outfielder Kiki Cuyler, 22, is a rookie. He was Waner was acquired from San Francisco of the PCL  
  brought up from Bay City    
    1927 - Twenty year old future Hall of Famer Joe Cronin is inexplicably  
  1921 - Future Hall of Fame shortstop Rabbit Maranville, 29, is acquired  let go to the Senators (via Kansas City). Cronin was the Dudley Do-right  
  from the Braves in a salary dump.  of the era and seemed like the re-incarnation of Fred Clarke who   
  Dreyfuss had had so much success collaborating with thirty years earlier.  
  1921 - The Pirates move up to another level and stay there for the rest of It must be noted that incumbent shortstop Glenn Wright was looking    
  the decade, averaging an 89-65 mark. They are in the conversation for  like a future Hall of Famer at the time, but what was the rush in   
  the next nine seasons. The Bucs gained eleven games in the standings unloading Cronin?  
  and the only real difference between the '20  and '21 clubs was the    
   presence of Maranville.  1927 - Shortstop Dick Bartell, 19, is brought up by the Bucs. His presence  
  was a big reason why the Pirates were able to deal Glenn Wright to the   
  1922 - Bill McKechnie is hired as manager Dodgers in 1929. Pittsburgh was a shortstop factory producing Wright,   
    then Cronin, then Bartell and. finally, Arky Vaughn in a seven year span  
   1923 - Righthander Specs Meadows is obtained from the Phillies in a    
  salary dump.  1927 - The Pirates win the pennant but are routed in the World  
  Series by the Yankees. The Bucs ride the wave of great hitting from   
  1924 - Righthander Ray Kremer, 31, is enticed to leave the Pacific Coast the Waners, Traynor and Wright. They are a bit vulnerable, however,   
  League, where he was a career minor leaguer, for the Bucs. Who would have as they have an all thirty-something starting rotation.   
  guessed that Kremer would go on to be a mainstay of the Pirates rotation    
  for the next eight seasons at this stage of his career? 1928 - The Bucs obtain pitcher Burleigh Grimes from the Giants for   
    Vic Aldridge. Grimes wins 25 games. It must have been sticking in  
  1925 - Owner Barney Dreyfuss unloads three of his best players: Wilbur   Dreyfuss's craw that he had let Grimes go as a youngster ten years earlier.  
  Cooper; Charlie Grimm; and Rabbit Maranvile to the Cubs for second     
  baseman George Grantham and righthander Vic Aldridge due to frivilous 1929 - The Duke of Luxemburg is signed by the Pirates from Kansas City.  
   behavior (Grimm and Maranville had started a musical quartet). Dreyfuss Thirty three year old right hander Heinie Meine, that is. Meine is a   
  had garnered a great deal of respect for his classiness over the years,  rookie altho' he appeared in one game with the Browns seven years   
  however, this one showed that he crossed the line from being a class act earlier. Heinie was one of those colorful characters who populated   
  to being an old fart.  baseball rosters in those days. He owned a couple of successful  
     businesses and didn't need the money. He bounced in and then  
  1925 - Shortstop Glenn Wright, 23, is brought up rrom Kansas City  out of baseball when he didn't get what he wanted.   
    And, he turned into an effective big league starter into his late thirties.  
  1925 - The Bucs win the World Series despite the losses of Cooper,     
  Grimm and Maranville. Altho' on the surface Dreyfuss's deal seemed to  1929 - Twenty one year old lefthander Larry French is a rookie.  
  be impulsive, the team obviously responded. Aldridge and Grantham were  He is acquired from Portland of the PCL.  
  big contributors and rookie Wright had a huge season.to mitigate their losses.  French would win 197 games in his career.