Pittsburgh Pirates - The Clinton Years (1990-1999)  

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    Yr   P W L     Yr   P W  L   Yr   P W L           1990  
    1990   1 95 67     1993   5 75 87   1997   2 79 83           Decade  
    1991   1 98 64     1994   3 53 61   1998   6 69 93           Click  
    1992   1 96 66     1995   5 58 86   1999   3 78 83           on Logo  
                  1996   5 73 89                          
  Titles: Top Pirates Players of the Nineties  
  1990 - NL East Champs (Lost to Reds)  
  1991 - NL East Champs (Lost to Braves) Pitchers:  
  1992 - NL East Champs (Lost to Braves) Doug Drabek (13.07) -   38  
    Denny Neagle (9.74) -   31  
  Ballpark: Zane Smith (10.56) -   26  
  Three Rivers Stadium  Francisco Cordova (13.51) -   25  
    Jon Lieber (6.64) -   23  
  Team Name: Jason Schmidt (9.62) -   23  
  Pirates Bob Walk (1.72) -   21  
    John Smiley (2.98) -   20  
  Owners:  Randy Tomlin (5.88) -   15  
  Pittsburgh Association (1990-1995) Steve Cooke (4.46) -   14  
  Kevin McClatchey (1996-1999) Esteban Loaiza (4.59) -   14  
    Todd Ritchie (3.26) -   11  
  General Managers: Neal Heaton (0.42) -   8  
  Larry Doughty (1990-1992) Tim Wakefield (1.87) -   6  
  Ted Simmons (1992-1993)  
  Cam Bonifay (1993 -1999) Catchers:  
    Jason Kendall (15.43) -   46  
  Managers: Don Slaught (10.25) -   29  
  Jim Leyland (1990-1996) Mike Lavalliere (4.67) -   11  
  Gene Lamont (1997-1999)    
    First Basemen:  
  Hall of Famers: Kevin Young (9.48) -   31  
  Barry Bonds (Pending) Mark Johnson (1.19) -   13  
  Rookie of the Year:  Second Basemen:  
  None Carlos Garcia (3.44) -   15  
    Tony Womack (0.27) -   11  
  Barry Bonds (1990) ShortStop:  
  Barry Bonds (1992) Jay Bell (23.14) -   58  
  Cy Young: Third Base:  
  Doug Drabek (1990) Jeff King (10.19) -   27  
  No Hitters: Outfield:  
  Francisco Cordova / Ricardo Rincon (1997) Barry Bonds (26.75) -   68  
    Andy Van Slyke (15.58) -   49  
  Notable Events: Al Martin (6.42) -   42  
    Orlando Merced (12.57) -   40  
  1990 - the late Eighties were spent by the Bucs acquiring talent for their pennant runs Bobby Bonilla (7.93) -   19  
  in the early nineties. Pittsburgh had been floundering around in the standings in the Dave Clark (2.64) -   11  
  late Eighties as their superstar quality youngsters weren't quite there yet. Coming into Brian Giles (6.66) -   11  
  the Nineties, the Pirates have four young superstar quality talents plus a number of Gary Redus (1.82) -   5  
  other solid young players to provide high level support for the big four.  
  The Big Four (all under thirty) Notable Events:  
    LF - Barry Bonds, 25, the most talented player in the game    
    3B - Bobby Bonilla, 27, big time slugger 1994 - Righthander Jon Lieber, 24 is obtained in a trade with KC  
    CF - Andy Van Slyke, 29, top notch all around player    
    RHP - Doug Drabek, 26, ace stolen from the Yankees 1994 -The leagues are split into three Divisions with a wild card   
  High Quality Under Thirty Support: behind the big four: with Pittsburgh being placed into the Central Division.  
    C - Mike Lavalliere, 29  
    1B - Sid Bream, 29 1994 - The Players Strike ends the season in mid August, The  
    2B - Jose Lind, 26 Pirates are one of the marginal financial teams that is fiscally  
    SS - Jay Bell, 24 devasted by the loss of revenue that ensues from missing a month  
    3B - Jeff King, 25 and a half  
    RHP - John Smiley, 25    
    1995 - Righthanded knuckleballer Tim Wakefield, 28, is released after   
  1990 - Catcher Don Slaught, 31, is signed as a free agent from the Yankees two seasons with the Pirates. He will go on to win 186 games over the   
    next seventeen years with the Red Sox  
  1990 - First Baseman Orlando Merced, 23, is a rookie. He was signed as  
  an International Free Agent in 1985 from Puerto Rico 1995 - Righthander Esteban Loaiza, 23, is a rookie. He was signed as  
    an International Free Agent in 1991 from Mexico  
  1990 - The Pirates gain a whopping twenty five games in the standings to go from an     
  also ran to the winner of  the first of three consecutive Division titles - only to lose 1996 - Kevin McClatchy buys the club. The Pittsburgh   
   the first of three consecutive NLCS. In 1990, they lost to the Reds in the NLCS Association had been cutting financial corners, but the new  
  marking the fourth consecutive NLCS loss to Cincinnati by the Bucs, the  ownership brings a new dimension to the word frugality  
  other three coming in the 70's. Barry Bonds is MVP, Doug Drabek Cy Young    
    1996 - Catcher Jason Kendall, 22, is a rookie. He was a first round pick  
  1991 - The Braves beat the Bucs in 7 games in the NLCS in the 1992 amateur draft. Kendall was one of the top hitting catchers  
    in the big leagues over his career.  
  1992 - Outfielder Al Martin, 24, is signed as a free agent from the Braves    
  organization 1996 - Righthander Jason Schmidt is obtained from Atlanta in a deal   
    with the Braves for righty Denny Neagle who was a prospective free   
  1992 - First Baseman Kevin Young, 23 is a rookie. He was a seventh round agent. Ironically, Neagle had been obtained four years earlier as the   
  pick in the 1990 amateur draft young prospect in the very similar John Smiley deal.  
  1992 - The wheels start coming off. Two of the Pirates core players leave. 1997 - Francisco Cordova and Ricardo Rincon combine for a  
  Bobby Bonilla to free agency. John Smiley to the Twins for youngster  ten inning no hitter with Cordova hurling the first nine.  
  Denny Neagle in anticipation of Smiley's pending free agency    
    1997 - Outfielder Jose Guillen, 21, is a rookie. He was an International  
  1992 - The Braves beat the Bucs again in 7 games in the NLCS. Bonds is MVP Free Agent from the Dominican Republic in 1992. Guillen is one that   
  again. This is the Pirates last winning season.for twenty years. got away as he was dealt away before the turn of the century  
  1993 - Bonds and Drabek leave for free agency. The team is decimated and 1998 - Third Baseman Aramis Ramirez, 20, is a rookie. He was signed   
  drops twenty one games in the standings. The Pirates embark on an era in Pittsburgh  in 1994 as an International Free Agent from the Dominican Republic.  
  of owners with extremely shallow pockets and executives who don't have the talent to     
  overcome the lack of resources. The Pittsburgh Association is no longer interested in 1999 - Outfielder Brian Giles, 28, is obtained from Cleveland for   
  pouring resources into the Pirates to keep them a winner as they make no attempt to pitcher Ricardo Rincon  
   hold onto any of their stars. Pittsburgh will not finish above .500 for another two decades.