Cincinnati Reds - The Roaring Twenties (1920-1929)

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    Yr   P W L     Yr   P W L   Yr   P W L              
    1920   3 82 71     1923   2 91 63   1927   5 76 78           1920  
    1921   6 70 83     1924   4 83 70   1928   5 78 74           Decade  
    1922   2 86 68     1925   3 80 73   1929   7 66 88           Click  
                  1926   2 87 67                       on Logo  
  Titles: Top Reds Players of the Twenties  
  Ballpark: Eppa Rixey (37.27) -   108  
  Redland Park   Dolph Luque (37.22) -   98  
    Pete Donohue (17.11) -   83  
  Team Name: Red Lucas (13.93) -   42  
  Redlegs Jakie May (10.02) -   29  
    Carl Mays (8.73) -   26  
  Owners:  Rube Benton (4.69) -  18  
  Consortium led by  Garry Herrmann (1920-1927) Rube Marquard (2.6) -   14  
  CJ McDiamid (1927-1928) Ray Kolp (5.69) -   14  
  Sidney Weil (1929) Jimmy Ring (-0.61) -   13  
    Dutch Ruether (4.64) -   12  
  General Managers:    
  None Catchers:  
    Bubbles Hargrave -   52  
  Managers: Ivy Wingo (2.58) -   14  
  Pat Moran (1920-23) Val Piccinich (2.67) -   10  
  Jack Hendricks (1924-1929)    
    First Basemen:  
  Hall of Famers: Jake Daubert (9.95) -   25  
  Rube Marquard George Highpockets Kelly (3.08) -   15  
  Eppa Rixey Wally Pipp (2.46) -   13  
  George Kelly    
  Edd Roush Second Basemen:  
    Hughie Critz (12.18) -   27  
  None ShortStop:  
    Sam Bohne (7.91) -   20  
  No Hitters: Ike Caveny (4.42) -   11  
  None Hod Ford (5.34) -   10  
  Notable Events: Third Base:  
    Babe Pinelli (6.31) -   25  
  1920 - In the aftermanth of the Black Sox scandal, a number of players are Chuck Dressen (9.03) -   23  
  brought to trial - all on the White Sox. None are convicted but nine end up  Heinie Groh (6.79) -   14  
  being suspended from baseball for life. As the Twenties unfold, info and  Lew Fonseca (3.61) -  6  
  rumors emerge about widespread gambling throughout baseball as well  
  as players gifting others to encourage them to beat rivals. It was all pretty Outfield:  
  messy. Several others ended up being suspended - there was a feeling that Edd Roush (24.21) -   81  
  a lot more could have been. The Reds World Series victory was tainted - Curt Walker (16.85) -   54  
  unfairly to them - who's to say they wouldn't have won anyway? Rube Bressler (10.59) -   26  
  Pat Duncan (8.8) -   26  
  1920 - Coming fresh off of a World Series title, Cincinnati has a formidable young Ethan Allen (2.24) -   18  
  club. The talent will carry them well into the Twenties. The Reds finished second George Burns (3.21) -   16  
  three times and third twice during the first seven years of the decade, but they Evar Swanson (1.42) -   11  
  only had a couple of years where they seriously challenged for the title. The 1920    
  roster had a number of good young players moving forward: Notable Events:  
    Edd Roush, 27, outfield ==> dealt to the Giants at the end of the decade    
    Heinie Groh, 30, third base ==> dealt to the Giants 1922 - Roush holds out until late July  
    Greasy Neale, 28, outfield ==> dealt to the Phillies    
    Rube Bressler, 25, outfielder / pitcher 1924 - Manager Pat Moran dies at the age of forty eight.  
    Dutch Ruether, 26, lefthander ==> dealt to Brooklyn  This was a big loss for the Reds as Moran was a big part  
    Jimmy Ring, 25, righthander ==> dealt to the Phillies  of keeping  Cincinnati near the top of the standings.  
    Hod Eller, 25 righthander ==> Hurt his arm    
    Dolph Luque, 29, righthander stayed with the Reds 1924 - Twenty seven year old outfielder Curt Walker is  
     obtained from the Phillies in a trade. He goes on to have  
  1921 - Garry Herrmann, unfamiliar with paying a winning team its due, has    seven productive seasons in Cincinnati  
  dual holdouts in Roush and Groh. Roush returns in May. Groh returns in June    
   only on the stipulation that he gets traded at season's end. He does, back to  1924 - First Baseman Jake Daubert dies at the age of forty  
  McGraw and the Giants. Herrmann's attitude towards  paying his players    
   was the big reason Cincinnati never got over the hump  to win any titles in 1927 - Edd Roush is dealt to the Giants for George Kelly.   
   the Twenties despite a nice core of young players. The salary thing was a big Roush's departure signals the Reds descent from the   
  factor in trades in the early part of the decade. upper half of the league's teams to the bottom half.  
  1921 - Ace righthander Jimmy Ring and outfielder Greasy Neale are dealt to the 1927 - Righthander Pete Donohue loses his effectiveness. He won  
  Phillies for lefthander Eppa Rixey. This deal has the earmarks of Herrmann not   twenty in three of the previous four seasons, but now goes 6-16. He   
  wanting to meet the salary demands of these two star players. Anyway, it  never recovers his effectiveness and the Reds don't recover either.  
  turned out to be a great deal for the Reds because despite his relatively advanced    
  age of thirty, Rixey goes on to pitch effectively for the next ten years for the Reds. 1927 - President Garry Herrmann steps down citing ill health.  
    He was losing his hearing, not such a bad thing for a married guy.  
  1921 - Ace twenty six year old lefthander Dutch Ruether is dealt to the Dodgers in  The initial sale is to club attorney CJ Johnson. When the dust settles,  
  exchange for thirty four year old lefthander Rube Marquard. Altho' a great pitcher in  CJ McDiamid is the principal owner.  
  his day, no way do you give up a young stud like Ruether for the eight years older    
  Marquard. This deal is inexplicable except for the idea that it had to do with another 1929 - Auto dealer Sid Weil buys the Reds. He reportedly overpays  
  star's salary demands. Marquard wins 17, but is dealt to the Braves after the season for Reds stock and pays his existing players top dollar. He also   
    brings in a couple of veterans in Bob Meusel and Harry Heilman.  
  1921 - Twenty year old righthander Pete Donohue is signed as an amateur free  However, the stock market crashes in September and Weil goes  
  agent out of TCU. He immediately becomes a part of the rotation where he is a belly up, leading to a prolonged and pronounced austerity  
  mainstay thru the end of the decade for the Reds.