Cincinnati Reds - The Psychedelic Years (1960-1969)  

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    Yr   P W L     Yr   P W L   Yr   P W L           1960  
    1960   6 67 87     1963   5 86 76   1967   4 87 75           Decade  
    1961   1 93 61     1964   3 92 70   1968   4 83 79           Click  
    1962   3 98 64     1965   4 89 73   1969   3 89 73           on Logo  
                  1966   7 76 84                          
  Titles: Top Reds Players of the Sixties  
  1961 - National League Champs (Lost to Yankees in World Series)  
  Ballpark: Jim Maloney (35.33) -   60  
   Crosley Field Jim O'Toole (20.88) -   52  
    Bob Purkey (17.68) -   44  
  Team Name: Joey Jay (12.93) -   40  
  Reds Sammy Ellis (8.13) -   26  
    Joe Nuxhall (12.08) -   18  
  Owners:  Milt Pappas (5.77) -   16  
  Powel Crosley  (1960-1961) Jim Brosnan (4.91) -   13  
  Bill DeWitt (1961-1966) Gary Nolan (11.14) -   13  
  Syndicate led by Francis Dale incl. Louis Nippert & William J Williams (1966-69) John Tsitouris (2.7) -   12  
    Ted Abernathy (8.97) -   11  
  General Managers: Bill McCool (6) -   10  
  Gabe Paul (1960) Mel Queen (4.82) -   8  
  Bill DeWitt (1961-1966) Bill Henry (5.12) -   6  
  Bob Howsam (1967-1969) Don Notebart (4.86) -   3  
  Managers: Catchers:  
  Fred Hutchinson (1960-64) Johnny Edwards (8.67) -   40  
  Dick Sisler (1954-65) John Bench (10.67) -   28  
  Don Heffner (1966) Don Pavletich (4.77) -   7  
  Dave Bristol (196-69)    
    First Basemen:  
  Hall of Famers: Gordon Coleman (7.27) -   34  
  Pete Rose  (Pending) Lee May (8.73) -   28  
  Frank Robinson Deron Johnson (6.64) -   25  
  Johnny Bench    
  Tony Perez Second Basemen:  
    Tommy Helms (3.28) -   15  
  Rookie of the Year:     
  Pete Rose (1963) ShortStop:  
  Tommy Helms (1966) Chico Cardenas (14.84) -   46  
  Johnny Bench (1968) Eddie Kasko (6.68) -   15  
  MVP Third Base:  
  Frank Robinson (1961) Tony Perez (15.08) -   29  
  No Hitters: Outfield:  
  Jim Maloney (1965) Vada Pinson (41.07) -   116  
  George Culver (1968) Frank Robinson (40.33) -   94  
  Jim Maloney (1969) Pete Rose (30.23) -   55  
    Tommy Harper (9.34) -   42  
  Cy Young: Alex Johnson (6.49) -   21  
  None Bobby Tolan (5.36) -   17  
    Wally Post (5.78) -   9  
  Notable Events:    
  Notable Events:  
  1960 - Cincinnati has had only two winning seasons in the previous sixteen as the    
  Sixties open. After another woeful season in 1960, the Reds turn things around 1966 - In one of the worst trades in baseball history, the Reds  
  big time and only have one aberrent sub .500 season for the rest of the decade. trade Frank Robinson to the Orioles for Milt Pappas. Cincinnati's  
  The seeds were sown for a successful Sixties run in the Fifties.  Cincinnati only   management teams were never comfortable with Robinson, an  
  contended in '61 and '62, while in the rest of the Sixties they were above .500 but  outspoken black man, as the face of their team. Particularly in   
  weren't a contender. The team was talented, but young, and the pitching was spotty.  the racially charged times of the Sixties.  
  The '60 Cincinnati roster,had a number of impact players moving forward: You'll remember that the Reds were slow to integrate back in the Fifties.  
    Frank Robinson, 24, Future Hall of Fame outfielder, traded away in 1966    
    Vada Pinson, 21, one of the game's top centerfielders, starred for Reds thru '68 1966 - DeWitt sells to a local consortium led by Francis Dale  
    Gordon Coleman, 25, slugging 1B stolen from Cleveland in a '59 trade along with Louis Nippert and William J Williams. They will own the  
    Leo Cardenas, 21, one of the top shortstops of the Sixties with the Reds Reds and take turns running the club until 1984 when they sell out to  
    Tony Gonzalez, 23, centerfielder - lost in a bad trade to the Phillies Marge Schott. Bob Howsam becomes GM  
    Jose Azcue, 20, catcher sold to Braves - one that got away  
    Claude Osteen, 20, huge mistake - lefthander traded for Dave Sisler 1967 - Johnny Bench 19,  is a rookie. He was a 2nd round pick in the '65 draft  
    Orlando Pena, 26, righthander traded to Houston for Ken Johnson  
    Jim Maloney, 20, righthander becomes the Reds ace for the rest of the decade 1967 - Gary Nolan 18,  is a rookie. He was a 1st  round pick In the '66 draft  
    Jim O'Toole, 23, lefthander has five big seasons before hurting his arm Nolan turns 19 during the season and wins 14 games.  
    Bob Purkey, 30, righty obtained in a trade with the Pirates two years earlier  
    1968 - Hal McRae 22,  is a rookie. He was a 6th round pick in the '65 draft  
  1960 - Bill DeWitt, a savvy veteran baseball exec is hired as GM, taking over from  
   Gabe Paul. With a nice nucleus in place, DeWitt makes a couple of deals for  1969 - Jim Maloney, the Reds ace of the decade, tosses his  
  veterans that pay off in 1961, picking up infielders Don Blasingame and Gene Freese. second career no hitter  
  1961 - Joey Jay, 25 year old righthander, is obtained from the Braves along with 1969 - Bernie Carbo 21,  is a rookie. He was a 1st round pick in the '65 draft  
  Juan Pizarro for shortstop Roy McMillan. Jay comes out of nowhere to win twenty  
  games back to back. Meanwhile, the Reds let Pizarro slip thru their fingers to Chicago. 1969- Speedy young centerfielder Bobby Tolan, 23, is obtained from the  
  This was a terrible trade for the Braves as they dealt two future aces for an aging SS  Cards for aging centerfielder Vada Pinson  
  1961 - Powel Crosley dies in March. GM Bill DeWitt buys the club from the Crosley The seeds for the Big Red Machine of the Seventies are sown in the Sixties  
  estate at the end of the season. Winning the pennant didn't hurt the sales price for Here's a list of the remarkable string of signings that the three high quality  
   Crosley's heirs. Crosley came in a winner and left a winner, not so much in between  Reds GM's of the Sixties put togeither:  
      1960 - Tony Perez -  Gabe Paul  
  1961 - The Reds win the National League title making a twenty seven game jump in   1960 - Pete Rose -  Gabe Paul  
   the standings. The young nucleus was improving, particularly first baseman Gordon   1960 - Tommy Harper - Gabe Paul  
   Coleman and lefty Jim O'Toole, who won nineteen. Plus the new acquisitions of   1961 - Lee May -  Bill DeWitt  
   Jay, Freese and Blasingame all contributed to the huge leap in performance   1965 - Bernie Carbo -  Bill DeWitt  
      1965 - Johnny Bench -  Bill DeWitt  
  1961 -  Cincinnati gets beat by the Yankee juggernaut of that year in the World   1965 - Hal McRae -  Bill DeWitt  
    Series. No shame in that, it was a special Yankee team.   1966 - Gary Nolan -  Bill DeWitt  
      1967 - Dave Concepcion - International Free Agent - Bob Howsam  
  1962 - Outfielder Tommy Harper, 21, is a rookie. He was signed in 1960   1967 - Wayne Simpson - FA draft 1st round - Bob Howsam  
      1969 - Ross Grimsley - FA draft (2nd phase) 1st round - Bob Howsam  
  1963 - Pete Rose, 22, is a rookie. He was signed in 1960   1969 - Don Gullett - FA draft 1st round - Bob Howsam  
      1969 - Ken Griffey FA draft - 29th round - Bob Howsam  
  1964 - Tony Perez, 22, is a rookie. He was signed in 1960   1969 - Dan Driessen - amateur free agent - Bob Howsam  
  1965 - Lee May, 22, is a rookie. He was signed in 1961