Washington Senators - The First World War Years (1910-1919)  
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    Yr P W L       Yr P W L   Yr P W L               Decade  
    1910 7 68 85       1913 2 # 64   1917 5 74 79               Click  
    1911 7 64 90       1914 3 # 73   1918 3 72 56               on Logo  
    1912 2 91 61       1915 4 # 68   1919 7 56 84                  
                  1916 7 # 77                            
  Titles:  Top Senators Players of the Teens  
  BallPark:  Walter Johnson (108.5) -    206  
  Original (wooden) National Park (1910) Bob Groom (7.32)   -    41  
  Rebuilt (concrete) National Park (1911-1919) Jim Shaw (17.72) -    40  
    Doc Ayers (11.91) -    28  
  Team Name: Bert Gallia (8.19) -    27  
   Nationals or Senators Joe Boehling (9.07) -    26  
    Harry Harper (11.07) -    25  
  Owner:  Long Tom Hughes (-0.03) -    13  
  Local Group of Businessmen led by Tom Noyes     
  Clark Griffith bought in a 10% share in 1912 Catchers:  
    John Henry (4.18) -    19  
  President: Eddie Ainsmith (1.17) -    16  
  Benjamin Minor Rip Williams (5.24) -   8  
  Managers: First Basemen:  
  Jimmy McAleer (1910-1911) Chick Gandil (13.55) -    46  
  Clark Griffith (1912-1919)    
    Second Basemen:  
  No Hitters: Ray Morgan (13.36) -    30  
  None Kid Elberfeld (5.47) -   7  
  Hall of Famers: ShortStop:  
  Clark Griffith   George McBride (16.74) -    47  
  Walter Johnson    
  Sam Rice Third Base:  
    Eddie Foster (20.66) -    52  
  MVP: Germany Schaefer (5.18) -   9  
  Walter Johnson (1913)    
  Notable Events: Clyde Milan (33.73) -    125  
    Howard Shanks (2.85) -    35  
  1910 - President Taft attends the season opener. When he stands to leave in Joe Judge (10.6) -    31  
   the seventh inning, everyone else stands, and the seventh inning stretch is born Danny Moeller (7.93) -    29  
    Sam Rice (8.79) -    28  
  1911 - National Park, built out of wood, burns to the ground during spring training.  Mike Menosky (4.62) -    20  
  A concrete and steal stadium is immediately built in its place - its almost as  Doc Gessler (5.28) -    12  
  if the fire were planned. This was the era when most major league teams were     
  building new parks out of concrete and steel that could hold many more fans.  Notable Events:  
   Enough of the new stadium was built by opening day that it could be used.    
   What a different time that was when a new stadium could be constructed to be 1912 - Third baseman Eddie Foster, 25, is another one purchased, He had  
   ready for use in just a couple of months! It was completed with a 27,000  been with the Yankees. He would spend the rest of the decade as a starter  
   capacity by July! with Washington  
  The new stadium was built on the site of the one that burned.    
  Just think of it, back in those times, the time it took to build a stadium that would  1912 - Outfielder Howie Shanks, 21, is the third youngster purchased.  
  last for more than fifty years would only take a matter of a few months.   He will be a Washington regular for a dozen years.  
  1913 - Walter Johnson goes 36-7 with a 1.09 ERA, not bad  
  1911 - Walter Johnson wins 16 in a row    
  1915 - Twenty one year old first baseman Joe Judge is obtained  
  1911 - The club wins 17 in a row, but the team still finishes 64-90. ??? from Buffalo. He will go on to play first for the next eighteen   
    seasons in Washington.   
  1912 - Clark Griffith is brought in to manage the club and, in the process,     
   he buys 10% of the club. 1915 - Edgar C Rice, 25, is brought up from the Virginia League. The  
   Not coincidentally, Washington has its first winning season ever. press gets his name wrong and calls him Sam. He's Sam Rice for   
  Griffith is the committed guy that the franchise has needed. his twenty year big league career.   
  He's smart, he's motivated and he wants to win - and he's an owner.    
  The upsurge, 28 games in the standings, was due mainly to the  1915 - The Senators finish over .500 for the fourth straight season.  
  pitching duo of Johnson and Groom who went 57-25 between them.    
  A far cry from just three seasons earlier when they combined for a  1918 - The season is cut short as a result of lack of attendance  
  20-51 mark. Griffith also infused the team with quality youth. due to the war.  
  He purchased three twenty five year olds or under who would be everyday     
  starters and he promoted two other youngsters,  Eddie Aisnmith and 1919 - Tom Zachary, twenty three year old lefthander, is picked up  
   Ray Morgan to every day starters, both under twenty three.  as a free agent after inexplicably being released by the A's  
  1912 - First baseman Chick Gandil, 24, is one of those purchased. He had been 1919 - Second Baseman Bucky Harris, 22, is picked up from Buffalo  
  with the White Sox. He would eventually wind up with Chicago in time    
  for the Black Sox scandal. As baseball players go, Gandil was as crooked  1919 - The Senators take a nose dive to 7th place. Outside of Walter Johnson  
  as they come. He was also a pretty good ballplayer when the price was right. and Jim Shaw, the pitching is awful and the main reason for a twenty two  
     game dip in the standings. Also, Griffith changes out a bunch of aging, but   
    effective, players for youngsters, which doesn't help matters in the short term