New York Yankees - The Roaring Twenties (1920-1929)
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               1920  
        1920 3 95 59   1923 1 98 54   1927 1 110 44               Decade  
        1921 1 98 55   1924 2 89 63   1928 1 101 53               Click  
        1922 1 94 60   1925 7 69 85   1929 2 88 66               on Logo  
                  1926 1 91 63                            
  Titles:  Top New York Players of the Twenties  
  1921 - American League Champs (Lost to Giants in World Series)  
  1922 - American League Champs (Lost to Giants in World Series) Pitchers:  
  1923 - World Champs (Beat Giants in World Series) Waite Hoyt (35.62) -    89  
  1926 - American League Champs (Lost to Cardinals in World Series) Herb Pennock (31.39) -    76  
  1927 - World Champs (Beat Pirates in World Series) Bob Shawkey (26.61) -    56  
  1928 - World Champs (Beat Cardinals in World Series) Joe Bush (13.04) -    40  
    Carl Mays (13.81) -    40  
  BallPark: Sad Sam Jones (8.38) -    38  
  Polo Grounds (1920-1922) George Pipgras (5.65) -    31  
  Yankee Stadium (1923-1929) Urban Shocker (13.31) -    28  
    Wilcy Moore (5.6) -    14  
  Team Name: Jack Quinn (5.85) -    10  
  Yankees  Dutch Ruether (2.35) -    6  
  Owner:  Catchers:  
  Jake Ruppert  Wally Schang (10.74) -    40  
    Pat Collins (6.24) -    11  
  General Managers: Bill Dickey (3.25) -    11  
  Ed Barrow (1921-1929)    
    First Basemen:  
  Managers: Lou Gehrig (39.33) -    65  
  Miller Huggins (1920-1929) Wally Pipp (13.72) -    39   
  Artie Fletcher (1929)    
    Second Basemen:  
  Hall of Famers: Tony Lazzeri (21.33) -    43  
  Ed Barrow   Aaron Ward (12.38) -    33  
  Miller Huggins Del Pratt (4.6) -    11  
  Waite Hoyt    
  Herb Pennock ShortStop:  
  Stan Coveleski Mark Koenig (5.98) -    28  
  Bill Dickey Everett Scott (0.95) -    16  
  Lou Gehrig Roger Peckinpaugh (6.59) -    14  
  Tony Lazzeri Leo Durocher (1.59) -   8   
  Home Run Baker    
  Babe Ruth Third Base:  
  Earle Combs Joe Dugan (7.24) -    12  
    Home Run Baker (3.42) -    8  
  Babe Ruth (1923) Outfield:  
  Lou Gehrig (1927) Babe Ruth (102.3) -    185  
    Bob Meusel (27.63) -    96  
  No Hitters: Earle Combs (22.88) -    56  
  Sam Jones (1923) Whitey Witt (6.09) -    19  
  Notable Events: Notable Events:  
  1920 - Outfielder Bob Meusel, 23, is a rookie. He was bought from Vernon (PCL).  1921 - The New York dynasty begins as they win the first of their six  
     pennants over the next eight seasons include three World Championsips.   
  1920 - The Yankees enter the Twenties never having won a pennant.   The offense is led by Ruth and Meusel.   
  They finished third in '19 and are on the upswing due to the influx of several  The addition of Waite Hoyt from Boston gives the Yankees a top flight  
  Red Sox players over the previous few years, most notably Babe Ruth. In 1920,  big three on the mound in addition to Carl Mays and Bob Shawkey  
   the Yanks contend until the end finishing three games out with 95 wins.     
  The keepers on the '20 roster moving forward: 1922 - The Yankees are evicted from the Polo Grounds after the  
    1B Wally Pipp, 27, purchased from Detroit in '15 World Series loss in a fit of pique by Giants manager John McGraw.  
    Rookie OF Bob Muesel, 23  McGraw never did grow up, apparently  
     OF Babe Ruth, 25  purchased from Boston in '20    
    RHP Carl Mays, 28  purchased from Boston in '19  1923 - HOF 1B Lou Gehrig, 20,  is a rookie. He was signed out of Columbia   
      RHP - Bob Shawkey, 29, purchased from A's in '15  University and played briefly with Hartford of the Eastern League  
   1920 - Red Sox owner Harry Frazee had lost interest in fielding a great   1923 - Things got done fast back in those days.   
  baseball team and turned his attention to Broadway. Yankee Stadium is built between October and April  
   In order to finance the play "No No Nanette", Frazee held a firesale   after the Giants evict the Yankees from the Polo Grounds.  
   of his outstanding ballclub, most of the players ending up in New York.   In sweet revenge, the Yankees proceed to beat the Giants   
  It changed the balance of power in the American League that lasted thru   in the World Series in their brand new home park  
  the end of the century. The influx of talent from Boston was staggering.    
   A list of the important players that made their way from Boston to New York: 1924 - OF Earle Combs, 25, is purchased from Louisville for $50K  
     1919 - righty  Dutch Leonard, 26, seven player trade + $15K     
   the Yanks turned around and sold him to the Tigers 1926 - HOF 2B Tony Lazzeri, 22, is a rookie. He was obtained from   
    1919 - outfielder Duffy Lewis, 29, seven player trade + $15K  Salt Lake City (PCL) for $50K + three players  
    1919- righty Ernie Shore, 27, seven player trade + $15K    
    1919 - righty Carl Mays, 27, three player trade + $40K 1927 - The Greatest team ever wins 110 games and sweeps the  
    1920 - HOF outfielder Babe Ruth, 25, - purchased $100K Pirates in the World Series  
    1921 - Red Sox manager Ed Barrow is hired on as GM (see below)    
    1921 - catcher Wally Schang, 31, eight player trade 1927 - Babe Ruth hits 60 home runs  
    1921 - HOF righty Waite Hoyt, 21, eight player trade     
    1922 -third Baseman Joe Dugan, 26,  six player trade + $50K 1928 - Shortstop Leo Durocher, 22, purchased from Hartford, is a rookie  
    1922 - shortstop Everett Scott, 29, seven player trade + $100K    
    1922 - righty Sad Sam Jones, 29, seven player trade + $100K 1928 - HOF catcher Bill Dickey, 21, is purchased from Jackson  
    1922 - righty Bullet Joe Bush, 29, seven player trade + $100K    
    1923 - HOF lefty Herb Pennock, 29, three player trade + $50K 1929 - New York becomes the first team to wear uniform numbers,  
    an idea Branch Rickey tried earlier to overwhelming rejection  
   1920 - Babe Ruth hits 54 home runs which is more than any other entire team    
   in the AL. The whole league, outside of Babe, hits 361 homers for the season. 1929 - Manager Miller Huggins dies suddenly of blood poisoning.  
     Remarkable. Artie Fletcher takes over as manager  
   1921 - The fourth step in transforming the Yankees from doormat to dynasty  1929 - The Yankees drop 13 games in the standings to second place.  
  was the hiring of GM Ed Barrow away from Boston.  The starting pitching collapses as the New York staff gives up 90   
   Barrow had been the Sox's field manager. more runs than in '28.   
   In Barrow's tenure, the Yankees would never be anything less  Starters Herb Pennock, 35, and Waite Hoyt, 29 are both finished  
     than a solid contender and more often than not, a champion.  as aces of the staff.  Losing manager Huggins didn't help.  
    The previous three steps, by the way, were   
    1-  Deep pockets Jacob Ruppert buying the club    
    2-  The hiring of Miller Huggins as manager     
    3- The dismantling of the Red Sox to the Yankees by Harry Frazee.