New York Yankees - The Bush Years (2000-2009)
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        Yr P W L   Yr P W L   Yr P W L               2000  
        2000 1 87 74   2003 1 101 61   2007 2 94 68               Decade  
        2001 1 95 65   2004 1 101 61   2008 3 89 73               Click  
        2002 1 103 58   2005 1 95 67   2009 1 103 59               on Logo  
                  2006 1 97 65                            
  Championships Top New York Players of the Oughts  
  2000 - Won World Series (Beat Mets)  
  2001 - Lost World Series (Arizona) Pitchers:  
  2002 - Lost LDS (Anaheim) Mariano Rivera (33.04) -    107  
  2003 - Lost World Series (Florida) Mike Mussina (35.16) -    71  
  2004 - Lost ALCS (Boston) Andy Pettitte (22.68) -    68  
  2005 - Lost LDS (Anaheim) Roger Clemens (18.38) -    38  
  2006 - Lost LDS (Detroit) Chen Ming Wang (14.01) -    30  
  2007 - Lost LDS (Cleveland) Randy Johnson (7.48) -    20  
  2009 - Won World Series (Philadelphia) David Wells (8.05) -    19  
    CC Sabathia (6.19) -    13  
  BallPark: El Duque Hernandez (11.26) -    11  
  Yankee Stadium  Javier Vazquez (2.58) -    8  
    Ramiro Mendoza (4.97) -    7  
  Team Name: AJ Burnett (4.46) -    6  
  Yankees  Mike Stanton (5.97) -    6  
    Tom Gordon (6.58) -   4  
  Owner:  Joba Chamberlain (6.25) -    4  
  George Steinbrenner  Carl Pavano (0.41) -    1  
    Ted Lilly (2.18) -    1  
  General Managers: Jake Westbrook (0.32) -    0  
  Brian Cashman Ian Kennedy (0.13) -    0  
    Tyler Clippard (0.1) -    0  
  Managers: Mark Melancon (0.21) -    0  
  Joe Torre (2000-2007) George Kontos (0) -   0  
  Joe Girardi (2008-2009)  
  Hall of Famers Jorge Posada (37.54) -    108  
  Mariano Rivera Dioner Navarro (0.05) -    0  
  Mike Mussina  
  Derek Jeter First Basemen:  
  Randy Johnson Jason Giambi (22.05) -    45  
  Roger Clemens (Pending) Tino Martinez (4.08) -    15  
  Alex Rodriguez (Pending) Nick Johnson (3.19) -    11  
    Mark Teixeira (5.27) -    9  
  Rookie of the Year:      
  None Second Basemen:  
    Robinson Cano (15.4) -    35  
    MVP:  Alfonso Soriano (9.7) -    29  
  2005 - Alex Rodriguez    
  2007 - Alex Rodriguez ShortStop:  
    Derek Jeter (44.1) -    106  
  No Hitters:    
  None Third Base:  
    Alex Rodriguez (41.77) -    77  
  Cy Young Robin Ventura (5.43) -    9  
  2001 - Roger Clemens    
  Notable Events: Bernie Williams (14.91) -    58  
    Hideki Matsui (20.44) -    40  
  2000 - The Yankees experience a slow, steady decline throughout the decade   Johnny Damon (14.44) -    36  
  culminating in missing the playoffs in their last year in the original  Bobby Abreu (6.98) -    19  
  Yankee Stadium, 2008. Gary Sheffield (8.73) -    19  
   Of course, they started the decade at a pretty lofty perch. Melky Cabrera (5.67) -    18  
   The 2000 World Series victory over the Mets was a very high, high point and it was  Paul O'Neill (1.79) -    11  
   their fourth World Championship in five years. Impressive. You couldn't realistically Raul Mondesi (2.12) -    9  
  expect New York to keep this pace up. That being said, they fell to their unique level David Justice (3.7) -    8  
  of mediocrity pretty quickly and stayed there.    Juan Rivera (0.61) -    0  
  At first, it was losing in the world Series, then it was losing earlier in the playoffs.  Austin Jackson (0) -    0  
  2004's playoff loss to Boston was just plain ugly. After that, it started getting difficult  Jose Tabata (0) -    0  
  just making it to the post season. New York had to scramlbe mightily to make it      
  in 2005, with several unexpected sources coming thru for them. Notable Events:  
    After that they declined steadily until they missed the playoffs entirely in 2008.  
   The core of the dynasty of the late Nineties remained, but the talent around the core  2005 - Righty Carl Pavano, 29, is signed as a free agent from Florida  
  eroded as time went on and wasn't replenished.     
   New York had a poor farm system throughout the decade.  2005 - Righty Jaret Wright, 29, is a free agent from the Braves  
   George got increasingly desperate signing free agents and going after aging  
   stars until he faded from the scene midway thru the decade.   2005 - Lefty Randy Johnson, 43, is acquired from Arizona for   
   As George and his health faded, Brian Cashman's power within the organization rose.  righty Javier Vazquez and catcher Dioner Navarro  
  Not a good thing. The biggest issue with Cashman taking over the reins of the     
  franchase was that he learned George's trait of not caring about developing a   2005 - The Yankees recover from an awful start to make it to the playoffs.   
  productive farm system, and at the off moment that he did develop a youngster, However, they lose to Anaheim in the LDS.  
   he was quick on the trigger to trade that player away for some veteran in an attempt     
   to impatiently plug a hole, a la George. It would take Cashman two decades in the 2006 - Outfielder Johnny Damon, 32, is signed as a free agent from Boston  
  saddle before the Yankees would develop a solid farm system.     
   The other issue was that, unlike George, Brian was unwilling or, more likely,  2006 - Outfielder Bobby Abreu, 32, is acquired from the Phillies for   
    unable to spend big on free agents (with a couple of notable exceptions).  four suspects  
  Either way, with Cashman, you were getting the worst of George while, simultaneously,    
  not getting the best of George. Pretty lethal combination. 2006 - The Yanks win the Division but lose to Detroit in the LDS.  
  The result being a steady decline with no new stars coming into the organization      
  either via youngsters or via free agency to move to the next level to win titles.    2007 - RHP Phil Hughes, 21, Joba Chamberlain, 21, Tyler Clippard, 22,  
   The Yankees turned into perennial also rans.  and Ian Kennedy, 22,  are all rookies. These youngsters were hyped  
    Meanwhile, the Steinbrenner sons did not understand how to make the organization  as the next great starting rotation. It didn't happen and the hype  
    thrive.  George had stumbled onto the magic formula which is  " When you are in the  caused a great deal of disappointment amongst Yankee fans.  
  number one market in the world and you have the biggest sports brand in the world,    
   the New York Yankees, you can't spend too much money,  spending will always pay  2007 - New York makes it as a Wild Card but lose to Cleveland in the LDS.  
  big dividends". You can't use this formula in Cleveland, but it works in New York.  
    The sons, however, never saw this and, as with most inheritors, were more  2007 - A-Rod opts out of his contract and signs a new ten year $275  
  concerned with holding onto what they had rather than try to move things forward.   million deal. This was an excellent signing by the Yanks.   
  With predictable results. If you're a baseball organization, like a shark, you move   As it turns out, you could make a good case for the Yankees not making    
   forward or you die. The Steinbrenners needed a savvy baseball mind and/or an   the post season without A-Rod in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2015  
  entrepreneurial spirit as GM (preferably both) to guide them.   In other words, they probably would not have been in the playoffs at all  
  Unfortunately, with Cashman, they had neither.   in the first half of the teens decade if it weren't for A-Rod.    
  This is a team that didn't know how to use the natural advantages it has (money,  Two reasons for this statement:  
  market, venue)  to be successful. All they had was a weak GM and a pair of owners (1) A-Rod's WAR, if subtracted from the Yankees win total, would have put  
  who were nothing more than place holders.  them right on the bubble to miss the playoffs in all of those seasons.   
  On the other hand, the Yankees' foibles proved great for baseball, in general,   And, considering, that WAR  means an average replacement, you can   
  during the decade.  make a strong case that there wasn't even an average replacement   
   Here you had the Yankees making the post season every year but not winning the  available for the Yankees at 3B, only below average and, much worse   
  whole thing - this gave TV ratings the New York juice while giving fans genuine than that, if you had to dip into the Yankees' farm system and  
   interest in the contests because the Yankees weren't dominant.   (2) there's something that WAR is not really good at - lineup synergy.  
  New York had become a trial horse. Beating them legitamized your run at a title.     With A-Rod in the  lineup, the guys in front of him suddenly became  
  Other teams had a legitimate chance, thus creating genuine interest for baseball   much more effective hitters - WAR doesn't know how to give A-Rod   
  fans, in general,  in the post season.    credit for that. A-Rod had free swinging Robinson Cano and Nick  
  A win-win for TV and, therefore, for baseball, overall, financially. The huge TV   (I never met a fastball I didn't like but can't hit a curve) Swisher in front   
   contract that baseball negotiated during this era benefitted greatly from the of him. Both of these guys thrived when pitchers had to throw strikes  
   Yankee effect.   to them fearing A-Rod more behind them.   
   The decline started with George as his bad traits started to overcome the good over You subtract the synergy and the WAR, and the Yankees are not  
   the first half of the decade. When George's health declined, Cashman didn't have  in the playoffs in the early to mid teens.   
   the werewithal to stem the tide and the decline continued, only now the Yanks were   It's ironic that Yankee management chose to villify A-Rod and his contract   
  struggling to even make it to the post season. as an excuse for their poor performance when, in reality,  his presence   
    It should be noted that Gene Michael hovered in the background as VP of the  was keeping them from being in freefall.  
   Yankees from 1996 on.  Personnel decisions were run thru Gene during that period.   Yankee management would scapegoat the contract, blaming it for their   
  The feeling is that George put a lot of weight behind Michael's input and once George  hamstrung financially moving forward.  
  was out of the picture, so was Michael. George also relied heavily on Joe Torre's  The fact of the matter is that Yankee management chose not to spend   
  input and it was no surprise that Cashman dumped Torre as quickly as he could once and used A-Rod's contract as an easy excuse for not doing so.   
  George was no longer physically able to run the club. The Steinbrenner sons had no confidence in their ability to spend to win.  
     Also, the decline in Yankee performance, as we can see above, was not  
  2000 - New York continues it's hot run in the new century by winning it's fourth  because of A-Rod's presence, but in spite of it.  
  world title in five years. The team has some great players at its core    The fact of the matter is that from the time A-Rod signed this contract  
  (the core four - Pettitte, Rivera, Posada, Jeter),  to the time he finished up his career, the decline in the Yankees  
   but is getting long in the tooth in several areas.  fortunes was due to poor management and a choice not to spend  
   The 2000 Roster:  when they should have and that A-Rod's presence masked how bad  
     Catcher Jorge Posada, 28  things really had become with the squad around him -   
     1B Tino Martinez, 32, he'll be replaced soon the Yankees would have been much, much worse without him. .   
     2B Chuck Knoblauch, 31, he'll be replaced soon    
     SS Derek Jeter, 26 2007 - Just to beat a dead horse even further on the A-Rod contract.   
     3B Scott Brosius, 33, he'll retire soon  Back in the day, If a team bought a superstar, it was from another club   
     CF Bernie Williams, 31, his father dies in 2001 and Bernie loses interest in because players didn't own their own rights.  
    baseball soon after as a result  After the free agency era began, teams bought the superstar from the  
     RF Paul O'Neill. 37, the end of the line for a terrific player  player himself through the free agent process.  
     2B Alfonso Soriano, 24. will be traded for A-Rod in four years  How is this done? Let's say it's A-Rod and it's 2007 and A-Rod is thirty  
     Lefty Andy Pettitte, 28, will bolt for home town Houston in mid decade    one years old. And, let's say that A-Rod figures to be a primo player   
   only to come back to the Yankees a few years later throught the age of thirty seven. And let' let's also say that A-Rod is worth  
     Righty Roger Clemens, 37, the 'roids will extend his career -   25 mil a year to the Yankees for his services. That's six times 25 mil or  
   he follows Pettitte and bolts for Houston and then returns to New York, as well    150 mil. That's what most fans, and, apparently, Yankee management   
    Righty El Duque, 34, nothing left in the tank  feel is what should be paid to A-Rod. However, in modern times, A-Rod  
     Righty Mariano Rivera, 30, thirty was the new twenty for Mariano   owns his own rights. As mentioned above, in the old days, let's say   
     Lefty Ted Lilly, 24, the Yanks mistakenly trade him away  that A-Rod was under a six year 25 mil a year contract with the Rangers   
    Righty Jake Westbrook, 22, the Yanks mistakenly trade him away and the Yankees wanted him. For the sake of argument, let's say that  
  Note that Lilly and Westbrook had been pilfered from the Expos for Hidecki Irabu   the Yankees then bought A-Rod from Texas for one hundred mil.  
  in '99 only to be impatiently frittered away in trades moving forward   That's 250 mil that the Yankees paid for A-Rod total, 150 mil in salary  
      to A-Rod and 100 mil in cash to Texas to get A-Rod's rights.  
  2000 - RHP Jake Westbrook, 22, is traded to Cleveland for David Justice  No one would bat an eyelash at this. Yet, somehow, because A-Rod   
  Justice gives the lineup a lot of juice in their run for the title. now owns his rights and you pay the whole 250 mil to Alex  
  Westbrook will have several nice years with the Indians and Cards.  (in the form of a 10 year 25 mil a year deal), everybody goes nuts!   
     All you have done is pay A-Rod for his rights by tacking on years to the  
  2000 - The Yankees beat the Mets in the subway series -  end of his contract   In this case, it's four years at 25 mil a year that was   
   the Yanks won't win another title until the end of the decade, 2009 tacked on. Yankee management has never seemed to be able to come  
      to grips with this basic economic fact of life. They felt that after the six  
   2001 - Mariano's second post season faux pas as a Luis Gonzalez bloop single    years, they shouldn't have to pay A-Rod anything.   
  gives the Diamondbacks game 7 of the World Series. And, to their eternal discredit, went about a smear campaign to get   
    An incredibly exciting series where Arizona had the two most dominant starters out of the last years of A-Rod's contract. To relate this to real life,   
   in the game in Randy Johnson and Curt Schilling, but the Yankees hit late game  let's say someone buys a couch on credit to be paid for over ten years   
  home runs by Tino Martinez, Derek Jeter and Scott Brosius to snatch victory   and then they spill beer on it and ruin it after six years.  
   from the jaws of  defeat on three separate occasions against Arizona's previously   Now they don't want to pay the last four years of the loan because    
   unhittable closer Byung-Hyun Kim the couch is useless to them. They still have to.   
  Yet Yankee management, having bought A-Rod on lay away via the   
  2000, 2001 - The Yankees sign three significant IFA's who all debut in 2005: last four years of the contract, were behaving just like the couch people.   
    (all 2005 ages) A-Rod wasn't any good any more and they didn't want to pay. It wasn't  
     Righty Chien Ming Wang, 25   one of Yankee management's finer moments as we watched them   
     OF Melky Cabrera, 20 continuously try to wriggle out of their obligations.  
     2B Robinson Cano, 22   Their dragging A-Rod thru the mud via gangster-in-chief, Bud Selig,   
   The reason that the impatient Yankees didn't trade these three away, as was their suspending A-Rod for a year was contemptable. Altho' the irony of Selig's  
   wont, is that none of them excelled in the minors and thus did not build up any trade piousness regarding A-Rod's steroid use when Selig rode the wave of   
   value prior to being brought up to the Yankees before their time.  steroid use to get baseball back on track in the late nineties was  
  They came up in emergency mode when the Yankees were in severe trouble in 2005.   fun to watch. The Yankees saved paying A-Rod for a year, but put   
   The three proved their value in the big leagues by helping the Yankees turn it  themselves in the category of trailer trash not wanting to pay for their   
   around and win the division. They were now valuable big leaguers and couldn't  couch in the process.   
  be easlily thrown in a deal to get veteran major leaguers as was the usual course     
  of events for prospects with the Yankees when George, and later Cashman,    2008 - To consolidate his power within the organization,  
   were in charge.  Cashman fires Joe Torre as manager.   
   In Cashman's defense, he does bring in an extremely competent   
  2001 - righthander Mike Mussina, 32, is signed as a free agent from Baltimore replacement in Joe Girardi to mitigate the loss.  
  2002 - 1B Jason Giambi, 31, is signed as a free agent from the A's - steroid use will  2008 - CF Bret Gardner, 24, is a rookie. The ultimate over achiever.  
  cause him to physically break down way before his time    
  2008 - Tyler Clippard, 23, is traded to Washington for   
  2002 - LHP Ted Lilly, 26, is dealt to the A's for Jeff Weaver  Jonathan Albaladejo (who?)  
  2003 - Japanese superstar outfielder Hideki Matsui, 29, is signed as a free agent 2008 - CF Austin Jackson, 21, is selected in 8th round of amateur draft  
  He becomes a solid pro in New York.    
  2008 - New York trades four minor leaguers (Tabata, Karstens, McCutchen,   
  2003 - New York loses the World Series to a relatively weak Florida team who Ohlendorf) to the Pirates for Damaso Marte and Xavier Nady  
   jelled at the right moment in the post season.   
   2008 - The team misses the playoffs.  
  2004 - A-Rod, 28, is obtained in a deal from Texas for Alfonso Soriano  The Yankees are in serious decline. With an awful farm system,   
     an ineffective GM and ownership unwilling to spend, things looked bleak.  
  2004 - Oufielder Gary Sheffield, 35, is signed as a free agent from the Braves -   The last year in the old Yankee Stadium was a disaster as they don't   
  the Yankes are starting to reach a bit as the cupboard is thinning out.  even make the playoffs.  
   2004 - Righty Kevin Brown, 39, is acquired from LA for Jeff Weaver who had been 2009 - RHP David Robertson, 24, is a rookie  
   acquired for young lefty Ted Lilly in a bad trade in 2003.    
   Brown's best days are way behind him.  2009 - RHP Mark Melancon, 24, is a rookie  
   Lilly turns out to be, by far, the best of the three moving forward.    
    2009 - the new Yankee Stadium opens  
  2004 - OF Juan Rivera, 25, 1B Nick Johnson, 25, and LHP Randy Choate, 27 are    
   dealt to Montreal for Javier Vazquez  2009 - the Yankees spend over $400 million on three free agents - lefty  
     CC Sabathia, righty AJ Burnett and slugging first baseman Mark Teixiera.  
  2004 - Mariano's third faux pas. The Yanks are up against Boston in the ALDS 3-0  It was the right move, but for the wrong reasons.   
  with the lead in game 4 and Mariano on the mound to close it out. Nobody would even They did it, not to right the ship and start spending like the Yankees should.   
  bother to give you odds at that point on Boston winning the series, but they did.   They did it to give George a nice final send off in his new stadium.   
  It worked as the Yankees roll to a pennant and A-Rod has a huge   
   World Series. Unfortunately, the big spending would be an anomaly   
  for this management team, altho' no one seems to notice moving forward.